"Immediately convene the board of directors and let those guys rush over as quickly as possible!"

Nan Quanhai said immediately.

Overnight, the lights of Starry Sky Enterprises' headquarters in the country of sticks were bright.

Countless executives of Starry Sky enterprises all rushed back overnight.

This is an order personally issued by the chairman of the board, and it is also the highest level of assembly order.

Even if they have a big thing, they must rush over as soon as possible.

Around four o'clock in the morning.

At this time, in the country of sticks, the headquarters of the Starry Sky Enterprise, many men and women dressed in formal clothes and not simple at first glance gathered in the conference room.

"What happened? The chairman has not summoned us so urgently for a long time! "

The last emergency assembly order was because the celestial chaebol implemented the new system, and this time because of what?"

"Don't you all pay attention to foreign news? There was an accident over there in Shenzhou, and it was a big thing, and this matter was not handled well! The hundreds of billions of funds we invested in Shenzhou before will be wiped out! "

More importantly, the stock price of the headquarters of Starry Sky Group must have been greatly affected, and this time it is an absolute disaster for us Starry Sky Enterprises!"

Everyone was talking about it, and just when they didn't understand it very well, a middle-aged man who had been paying attention to the situation on the Shenzhou side said directly.

There was a bit of irritation in his tone, and it could be seen that he was extremely uncomfortable with what Nan Chen had done in the Demon Capital this time.

Not long after they discussed, a middle-aged couple who looked relatively young walked in with Nan Quanhai.

There was some anxiety on the couple's faces.

They are Nan Chen's parents and executives of Starry Sky Enterprises.

Now that such a big thing had happened in the magic capital of Nan Chen, they naturally received the news at the first time.

"Dad, that's your grandson! No matter what happens, you must keep Nan Chen back! The

beautiful woman who looked a little graceful and slender said to Nan Quanhai.

"Shut up!"

Nan Quanhai's face obviously had a hint of anger, and he immediately reprimanded.

The two did not dare to say more, and then took their seats separately.

After Nan Quanhai took his seat, he directly played a video on his mobile phone, and the mobile phone was connected to the slideshow.

The video of Nan Chen being taken away by a group of people appeared in everyone's sight.

"Nan Chen has been arrested!"

"It looks like something is serious!"

"It's a killing, Nan Chen killed Mr. Park!"

"This guy is crazy! Mr. Park has always been a hard worker to our family, how could he kill him!

"It's over, Mr. Park's origin is not simple, he is a person from the Celestial Chaebol side, and if the matter is not so big, you can find other excuses to prevaricate!"

"And things have already reached this point, there is no way to prevaricate!"

The faces of everyone present changed.

They all knew the seriousness of this matter, and the person Nan Chen killed was not simple at all, in this case, Starry Sky Enterprise would definitely be very passive.

You know, the Starry Sky Enterprise is only one of the many enterprises of the celestial chaebol in the country of the stick.

Although it is expressly forbidden for companies to fight openly within the chaebols, they can fight openly for the benefit of their respective families.

The open and secret battles between each other are still very serious.

More importantly, Mr. Park is a person appointed by the celestial chaebol, and he has a certain identity and status.

Such a person, in any enterprise, will be treated well, but now he has been killed by the young owner in the enterprise.

Something like this, how big the impact will be.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became heavy.

At this time, Nam Kwon-hae turned off the video.

"The purpose of summoning you here today is also obvious, our Starry Sky Enterprise has a very serious incident in the Magic Capital Branch!"

"If we don't get it right, our Starry Sky Enterprise is likely to cease to exist!"

"You should already know the seriousness of the matter, I won't say much here!"

Nan Quanhai said slowly.

"Now that things have happened, it is no longer interesting to blindly blame and hold accountable, everyone here knows that the impact of this matter is very heavy, so I need a way to solve this matter and minimize its impact on the group!"

The conference room fell silent at this time.

After a while, a middle-aged man with dyed blonde hair and very good skin care asked Nan Quanhai after thinking for a while.

"Chairman, just a video, we don't know exactly what happened at that time, and what was the situation when Young Master Nan was arrested!"

"I don't know some details about the crime scene, can you provide us with a look!"

Nan Quanhai nodded, and then asked his subordinates to send some documents to their respective computers.

Carefully scanned the information on the computer.

The faces of many people present changed.

"Trap, this is obviously a trap, it seems that our Starry Sky Enterprise has been targeted for a long time!"

A middle-aged man said with a bit of surprise on his face.

"That's true, and the person who set this trap is not simple!"

"Being able to design Nan Chen like this, it seems that we are still underestimating the masters over there in the magic capital!"

"The people from the law enforcement team came too timely, there was too much evidence at the scene, and more importantly, there was only Nan Chen's fingerprint on the murder weapon, if nothing else, it was absolutely difficult for Nan Chen to come out of his body!"

These people present took a deep breath, and after a moment of silence, they also had some anxiety on their faces.

The middle-aged couple's faces were even more anxious at this time.

Nan Quanhai never spoke, just sat quietly, and it could be seen from his face that he was not calm at all at the moment.

Time passed minute by minute, almost ten minutes later.

Nan Quanhai said slowly.

"Well, do you have a solution? Now time is money for us, otherwise, tomorrow morning when the stock market opens, our company's stock will definitely be greatly affected.

"Chairman, this matter is indeed very difficult, but it is not impossible to say that there is no way at all, let's see if we can buy the local judiciary and change some information, so that maybe Nan Chen can be bao, so that the Starry Sky Enterprise will not be affected too much!"

At this time, after thinking for a while, one person said directly.

"Do you really think that the judicial system in Shenzhou is that bad? Also, this matter is not as simple as you think!

"In addition to this time, Nan Chen is obviously in some trouble, and there must be big people in the Demon Capital staring at him!"

"If it were so easy to buy justice, this matter would not have made such a big deal in the first place!"

A man next to him retorted.

"He is right, the judicial department over there in Shenzhou is different from our side, it is not so easy to buy, in addition to this matter is so big, we can all get first-hand information, the person who is operating secretly, must also have first-hand information!"

"In this case, it is impossible for anyone to be willing to seek their own death!"

A rather sharp-looking woman said.

"The only advantage now is that Nan Chen's psychological quality is good, and he didn't say anything in the face of the interrogation of the law enforcement team!"

"In this way, we can operate on his confession!" A man with gold wire glasses suddenly proposed.

"This is indeed an advantage for us, but I am a little strange, what kind of person is this who can force Nan Chen to this point, know himself and the other, and be able to fight a hundred battles!"

After thinking for a while, a person asked the chairman.

"This person's name is Qin Mu, he is a very mysterious person, according to my understanding, he is not simple!"

Nan Quanhai said in a somewhat gloomy tone.

"This person is the boss of Modu Financial Street, and he has a lot of equity in listed companies, the strangest thing is that this guy's other information, no matter how we investigate, there is no way to investigate!"

At this time, standing aside, Nan Quanhae's assistant helped explain.

If it were other information, it might have surprised those present.


Their Starry Sky Enterprise couldn't investigate Qin Mu's information!

This is not surprise, but horror!

"I can't imagine that there is such a figure in Shenzhou, even if he is the richest man in Shenzhou, we can investigate the information related to him!"

"Why can't this guy's information be investigated?"

Someone said suspiciously.

"It is precisely like this, this kind of talent is the most terrifying, and he can frame Nan Chen like this, he is definitely a fierce enemy!"

The people present were talking about it again.

But soon, they integrated resources based on the information they now had.

"Chairman, I think the only way now is to find a scapegoat!"

The man with gold wire glasses, after being silent for a long time, looked at Nanquan Haido with his eyes.

"Scapegoat? Who are you talking about? "

Nan Quanhai has some doubts.


The man with gold wire glasses connected the slide to the computer and clicked on a photo with the mouse.

In the photo, the middle-aged man holding a sack in his hand and carrying the corpse out with his back obviously had some horror on his face.

After this photo appeared, one of the people present immediately said.

"Nope! How can this kind of thing make him a scapegoat? I disagree! He

looked to be about fifty years old, and he hadn't spoken much since the beginning, and when he heard the gold-glassed man's proposal, he immediately refused.

"What's more, he can't have a motive for killing!"

"The motive for murder, we can all operate, what we have to do now is to revitalize the company, if Nan Chen implements the murder charge, then there is no need to say more, Nan Chen will definitely die!"

"The stock price of Starry Sky Enterprises will also plummet!"

"This is definitely not what we want to see, now at the scene, only Nan Chen and Mr. Kim Zhiming, if Mr. Park was killed by Mr. Kim Zhiming!"

"Young Master Nan Chen was only threatened by him, and just when someone from the law enforcement team appeared, can all this make sense?"

"As for the fingerprints on the murder weapon, there was no video at the scene, and no one saw Young Master Nan Chen personally committing suicide, if Jin Zhiming is willing to sacrifice, it can be said that he killed Mr. Park by mistake, in order not to let Young Master Nan Chen call the police, so he deliberately left his fingerprints on the murder weapon!"

"In this way, Mr. Nan Chen was persecuted and could only agree!"

The man with gold wire glasses said.

"In this way, Jin Zhiming will be trapped in all disasters, and not only him, but also his family will be involved!"

"The group is saved, but the Jin family is completely finished in the country of sticks!"

The fat on the face of the middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties was twitching, and his expression looked extremely excited.

"Director Jin, I know that Jin Zhiming is your younger brother, but in the face of the interests of the group, some people must sacrifice, if Nan Chen implements the charge of murder, what are the consequences?" All of us are going to die, and the stock price of Starry Sky Enterprises has been greatly affected!

"The loss at that time is huge, as for the Jin family's side, we only need to give enough compensation, and then arrange for them to leave the stick country, and the impact on them will not be great!"

"In addition, Jin Zhiming was in one place with Nan Chen at that time, if you think about it, the crime of covering up and hiding the corpse, these two crimes are not simple!"

"Jin Zhiming was sentenced to at least seven or eight years in prison, he is already in his forties, and when the time comes to leave prison, what can he do?"

"Moreover, we can hire the best lawyer here, plus Jin Zhiming is a person from the country of sticks, and can also be extradited back, dare not say that he is exonerated from the crime, but let him live in prison forever, there must be no problem!"

At this time, Nan Chen's mother said directly.

The middle-aged man who refuted before changed his face at this time.

Of course, he also knew the seriousness of the matter.

"In the face of the interests of the group, I can relax, but please be sure to guarantee Zhiming's life!"

"No problem, as long as he can return to the Stick Country, I can guarantee that he is alive, we will give the best compensation from the Jin family, as for the Celestial Chaebol, I will do well!"

Nan Quanhai please breathe, there is finally a way to deal with this matter.

The group present also had a bit of helplessness on their faces, and the method in front of them was already the best solution.

After determining the method, these people also quickly got up.

According to Nam Kwon-hae's thoughts, some of them quickly did as they were told.

That evening, the best lawyers of Starry Sky Enterprise went to the magic capital.

And Nan Chen and Jin Zhiming in the prison all received the news.

With the means of Starry Sky Enterprise, this strength is still there.

Time passes minute by minute.

It didn't take long for the next day.

Qin Mu, who was in the magic capital, did not know what happened, he stretched his waist and got up from the bed.

As usual, there was a systematic sound in his head.

"Ding! If the host has not been checked in, is it detected? "

Sign in!"

Qin Mudao.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained..."

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