"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the Hazard Perception ability. A

system sound came at this time.

Qin Mu was slightly stunned, and soon he felt something faintly appear in his body.

This change is not very obvious, but it is as if a radar scanner has been installed on Qin Mu's body.

As long as there is a danger, Qin Mu can sense it at the first time.

"It's kind of interesting, with this thing, the probability of me encountering danger in the future will be greatly reduced."

There was a little smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth.

Looking at the time, it was already around nine o'clock in the morning.

After a night of fermentation, Nan Chen's affairs became more and more intense, and the information on the Shenzhou Internet was overwhelming.

Basically, they are condemning Nan Chen and boycotting Starry Sky Enterprises.

As soon as the market opened this morning, the stock price of Star Sky Enterprises fell wildly.

"I rely on, what kind of garbage enterprise is this, the previous young owner is the same as a mountain cannon, it actually humiliates China, and the current young owner kills people again."

"And the attitude is extremely arrogant, I heard that after the killing, he still took a bath in the bathroom and let his subordinates dispose of the body."

"I'm leaning, it's terrifying to think about it! It's certainly not the first time he's done this.

"Such a garbage enterprise, I can't buy anything in the future, it's better to get out of Shenzhou quickly!"

"That's right, get out of Shenzhou!"

"To tell you a joke, yesterday Starry Sky Enterprise could still reach thirty-two yuan per share, and now it has fallen to thirteen yuan!"

"Hahaha, deserve it, they are such garbage and unscrupulous enterprises, it is not too much to fall to each share."

"One piece per share, then really bankruptcy."


netizens were discussing fiercely, Qin Mu did not expect the stock of Starry Sky Enterprise to fall so quickly.

"Hahaha, it seems that this time, it will be difficult for Starry Sky Enterprise to get out of it, but I don't know what they will do."

Qin Mu said softly, with a bit of a smile on his face.

This continued until the afternoon.

Starry Sky's share price has fallen by eleven dollars.

More than ten pieces lower than the all-time low.

Starry Sky Enterprises was also greatly affected overnight.

But at this moment, Qin Mu's mobile phone rang.

"Mr. Qin." The sound of the seal came from inside the phone.

"How's it going!" Qin Mu asked.

As soon as the matter appeared, he immediately asked the seal to personally handle the matter.

Therefore, in terms of legal provisions, Starry Sky Enterprise does not have any advantages.

"It has been going smoothly until now, and once it is proven, I am sure that the other party will not even be able to do the extradition clause."

"But... Just now, Nan Chen retracted his confession, and the case became complicated.

Seal explained.

"Retract the confession? In this case, can he still retract the confession? Qin Mu was a little surprised.

"That's right, Nan Chen was originally certain to die, but just now, he suddenly declared that he was not guilty, and it was not him who killed at all, but Jin Zhiming, who was transporting the corpse at that time. Therefore, this case will be re-processed.

Seal explained.

"It's really worthy of being a starry sky enterprise, you can find a scapegoat in such a short time, but it doesn't matter, even if Nan Chen retracts the confession, their starry sky enterprise will be greatly affected, what I need you to do now is to delay time, and at the same time need to create public opinion, you should be able to do this!"

Qin Mu asked.

"Yes, there are some problems with this case itself, and it only needs to be handled properly to make the online discussion more intense, but Starry Sky Enterprises will definitely launch it with all its might, in this case, the possibility of being overturned will be very large."

Seal hesitated.

"I know this, after all, it is a starry sky enterprise, such a big company, plus there is really no evidence that Nan Chen personally killed people, and there just happened to be another substitute for the dead ghost, and... If the young owner of the starry sky enterprise could be killed so easily.

Qin Mu said disapprovingly.

When he was designing Nan Chen, he thought of this possibility in his heart.

But there is no way to avoid this, a top chaebol wants to turn things around, even Qin Mu has no way.

It didn't take long for news from the law enforcement team.

Nan Chen retracted his confession, he Jin Zhiming was the murderer, and he himself was not the real murderer.

This kind of news also caused an uproar on the Internet.

The trend of public opinion has also been adapted.

"Nan Chen turned out not to be the murderer, it was Jin Zhiming who killed the murderer?"

"Is this true or fake?"

"Who knows. It's just that news has spread and it has not yet been implemented.

"Starry Sky's share price has risen a little."


One after another information continues to appear on the Internet, and some trolls are also entering at this time to try to confuse the public.

"You don't want to think about it, such a big company as Starry Sky Enterprise, and Nan Chen is a highly educated person, how can he kill people?"

"Moreover, how could it be so coincidental, after Nan Chen's accident, the people from the law enforcement team just arrived in time, so there must be an inside story here!"

"That's right, just someone of Nan Chen's level, if he really kills, he won't use such a stupid method!"

"I have internal information about this matter, the person was not killed by Nan Chen at all, but Jin Zhiming has always been unable to deal with Park Guang, and the two had a dispute when they were in the office, and finally Jin Zhiming lost his hand and killed Nan Chen!"

"Because he was threatened by Jin Zhiming, Mr. Nan Chen did not dare to call the police!"


Endless conspiracy theories continue to appear, and Yunteng Group is also trying to control public opinion.

"Upstairs is really funny, this kind of words can be said, I want to ask, if it is really like what you said, why did Nan Chen enter the bathroom to take a bath at that time!"

"Also, why is there only Nan Chen's fingerprint on the murder weapon, in addition, how instigating this Nan Chen is!" Seeing his subordinates fighting, he didn't even stop it!


that you are the monkey invited to tease, first of all, let me reply to your question just now, why did Mr. Nan Chen hide in the bathroom and take a bath!"

"Because people face a murder case, their hearts will be extremely nervous and panicked, and it has been scientifically proven that people can relax when bathing the body with hot water, which is likely to be a special relaxation method for Mr. Nan Chen, perhaps he plans to deal with it after he relaxes!"

"In addition, according to the autopsy report provided by the law enforcement team, Mr. Park Kwang was almost fatal with one blow, in this case, Mr. Nam Chan could not stop it even if he wanted to, and it was Kim Zhiming who abandoned the body, if the person was not killed by him, why would he abandon the body?"


the water army hired by Starry Sky Enterprises quickly responded.

Such posts can be found everywhere.

For a while, because of this incident, many people paid attention to it on the Internet.

Within a few hours, the matter made headlines on major self-media websites.

Moreover, the popularity of the first article is two or three times worse than that of the second and third articles.

Such a high degree of popularity has also made the affairs of Starry Sky Enterprise highly concerned.

"Qin Mu, Starry Sky Enterprise's ability to reverse public opinion is very strong, if nothing else, it will be whitewashed by them in a few days at most!"

Liu Ruoxue's mobile phone called.

"No matter how you whitewash, there is evidence at the scene to prove that Nan Chen is the murderer, so in these few months, he can't get out, and we are now making a plan to annex the branch of Starry Sky Enterprise in the magic capital!"

Qin Mu said again.

"Now the branch of Starry Sky Enterprise in the magic capital is already in a situation of capital deficit, and I just pit tens of billions from them some time ago! Their company doesn't have a lot of liquidity!

"It is precisely because of this that our side can contact the bank and carry out an expedited treatment on them, so that Starry Sky Enterprise can suffer the greatest loss as much as possible, and the Silverwood Group associated with them cannot be let go!"

"Although you can't completely kill their company, it's definitely no problem to hurt their vitality!"

"There is one more thing, in two or three days at most, the news of the university town project will come out, which is also something that Nan Chen has been worried about!"

"Our side can directly expand the news, anyway, the project in the university town must be ours, and the stock of our company will continue to grow when the time comes!"

"Understood!" Liu Ruoxue nodded, and some appreciation appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Qin Mu was really powerful, even if this matter did not completely make Nan Chen fall into a state of irreparable disaster, it was enough to make Starry Sky Enterprise pay a great price.

Stretching his waist, Qin Mu's face had a somewhat leisurely look, if nothing else, Starry Sky Enterprise must be in a mess now!

Just when he was thinking about it.

The other side.

In Qin Mu's hometown, Qin Mu's parents' home, at this time, several figures had already arrived in front of his parents.

"Qin Hai, you can save us this time!" Zhang Cai's family said to Qin Mu's father.

"What's going on? And how can we save you! Qin Hai was a little puzzled.

"Cousin-in-law, don't act, Qin Mu is now developed in the magic capital, and he is also related to Tianbo Hospital, our family has been blacklisted by him, we are all relatives, Qin Mu does things so desperately, don't you care?"

Qin Feng said coldly next to him.

Qin Rulong also said to Qin Hai with a hint of majesty at this time: "Cousin, some things are not what I said about you, are you a little too much, they are all a family, you actually made things like this!" Our family was blacklisted by Tianbo Hospital, what is the benefit to you?

"This is such a big thing, will the relatives still do it in the future?"

Qin Hai was also confused, how could his son be present?

"I don't know what the specific situation of this matter is, but I can contact Qin Mu here and help you ask!"

"Then as soon as possible, you must know that this matter has a great impact on us, some friends in my business field, know that I was blacklisted by Tianbo Hospital, and think that I provoked some big people, so that my business has lost a lot in the past few days!"

Qin Rulong hurriedly said.


Qin Hai is also honest and honest.

Hearing Qin Rulong's words, he didn't think much about it, took out his mobile phone and dialed a call to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu originally wanted to wash and sleep, but when he saw his father's call, he had some doubts.

"Hey, Dad, what's going on?"

"Let me ask you, what's going on with the second aunt? How did you get Tianbo Hospital to block him?

Qin Hai asked on the phone.

"They went looking for you?" Qin Mu asked rhetorically.

"Isn't it? This matter has a great impact on your second uncle, they are all a family, otherwise you can take a look and let Tianbo Hospital modify the information? Qin Hai said a little honestly.

"This is impossible, although Dad and I are not a calculating person, but the score is clear!"

"When our family had no money, how did their family treat us, and also, when I was in Tianbo Hospital before, they sneered at me, and said that our family will always be poor ghosts!"

"In the face of this kind of relatives, even if you don't want to, you don't need to talk about the matter of Tianbo Hospital, you let them get out, otherwise, I will not only let Tianbo Hospital pull them into the blacklist, but also have more serious punishment measures!"

Qin Mudao.

"This..." Qin Hai hesitated, but nodded anyway.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Rulong and the others looked over.

"How? What did Qin Mu say over there? Qin Rulong asked a little eagerly.

"My son said that this matter was not discussed, and besides, we are all poor and can't talk to you rich people, so you better leave!"

Qin Hai's face also became a little indifferent at this time, and his eyes stared at Qin Rulong for a while, as if he was a lot stranger to the other party.

"Qin Hai, are you still not human? You forgot that when you were sick before, our family still took money to treat you, and besides, when Qin Mu graduated from university, you still came to our house to let us find a job for Qin Mu!

"Now that Qin Mu has a presence, you guys are amazing? I began not to recognize relatives!

Zhang Cai became excited.

"You are still embarrassed to say these things, when I was sick and asked you to borrow money, you actually asked me to borrow three cents of interest, and I had to mortgage the house to you, if it weren't for my uncle still having a little money in his hand, my life would be gone!"

"In addition, after Qin Mu graduated from university, let you help find a job, what kind of job are you looking for? Cleaners, dishwashers, such work is all over the street!

"Qin Muhao is a graduate of a prestigious university, don't you feel that you are doing this a little excessively?"

"Also, I, Qin Hai, have never looked down on anyone, but if you want others to look down on you, you must first look down on others!"

"I Qin Hai really has no money, but it's not something you can insult at will, if you don't leave, then don't blame me for being unkind!"

Qin Hai changed his previous style at this time, and the whole person seemed to be a lot tougher, and he was also bullied too much by the second uncle's family.

Now this attitude of the other party, saying the previous things, also made Qin Hai extremely unhappy, and the resentment in his heart in previous years also broke out at this time!

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