After determining these things, Qin Mu wrote down some specific information about this company.

That evening.

Qin Mu drove the car and left quickly.

Not long after, he came to a small factory in the port location.

The location of this factory is relatively hidden, and if you are not familiar with this area, you will not know that there is another factory here.

"This Bai family's information network is really not ordinarily complete, even this kind of place knows everything!"

Qin Mu thought secretly in his heart.

Cosmopolitan Beauty is a cosmetics company that produces all their cosmetics themselves.

And some of the goods come from such small workshops.

Such small workshops are generally relatively secluded, specializing in the production of some defective products for urban beauty.

Because there is some control over the core quality of the product, there have been no accidents so far.

Other than that!

These small workshops will not only supply urban beauty, but also some unscrupulous manufacturers.

Because the production itself is a three-nil product, some materials will be relatively cheap.

Qin Mu's figure cautiously walked towards the factory.

He knows!

As long as you can collect evidence of this factory, you can basically confirm that Cosmopolitan Beauty Cosmetics has always used inferior materials.

The reputational damage caused by a large company is fatal.

Qin Mu's figure came to the perimeter of the factory, he turned on the camera that he had prepared at the beginning, and then cautiously approached inside.

After entering the small factory, Qin Mu clearly saw that there were almost dozens of workers inside who were carrying out construction in an orderly manner.


If the color has darkened today, but they are still working.

The wages of such small workshops are high.


They basically don't work during the day and wait until the evening to work.

Because the production is some illegal things, naturally it cannot be blatant.

Qin Mu collected all the incriminating evidence that needed to be collected, and his figure soon came to a corner position.

There is an office there.

Inside, a middle-aged man with some fat body size and seemingly no more than forty years old was smoking, and below him there was a woman in her thirties who did not know what to do.

Middle-aged people enjoy it.

After a while, the woman looked up.

"Xiaoli, your kung fu is getting more and more powerful!"

"Mr. Liu, look at what you said, isn't it also hard for me to study hard and make progress together!"

There was a little smile on the woman's face.

"Hahaha! It's kind of interesting, it's a good sentence to study hard!

"Good job, I'm comfortable, the benefits are indispensable for you!"

The middle-aged man said a little excitedly.

The woman also nodded, with a little smile in her eyes, of course she knew what the benefits Liu Daqiang said.

There must be a reason why she chose to follow Liu Daqiang at her age.

"Then Mr. Liu, I'll go wash first!" You wait for me here! The woman said with a playful posture.

"Good!" Liu Daqiang nodded.

After the woman left, Qin Mu's figure directly entered the office.

He had recorded everything in the entire small workshop.

Now it's just the connection between this small workshop and the cosmopolitan beauty.

And this!

Some direct evidence is needed.

"You, what are you?" Liu Daqiang's face changed, he didn't expect that someone would break in at this time.

"Who am I? Guess what!

Qin Mu's face had a bit of a smile on his face.

"Boy, do you want to die? Do you know what this place is? There was a fierce light flickering in Liu Daqiang's eyes.

How can a person who opens such a small workshop be an ordinary person.

Qin Mu suddenly broke in, no matter what identity he was, Liu Daqiang could not let him get out smoothly.


Qin Mu's figure instantly came to Liu Daqiang, and directly pinched his neck with one hand, lifting him up whole.

There was a bit of indifference in his eyes.

"Do you say I want to die?"

Qin Mu asked him rhetorically.

Liu Daqiang's body trembled, he felt that his breathing was extremely difficult, and when facing Qin Mu, he was completely unable to resist.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"I only need one thing, give me it obediently, and I will spare your life!"

Qin Mu said coldly.

"You, you say!" Liu Daqiang had difficulty breathing, and his face was filled with pain.


At this time, a scream came.

The woman who was still in the toilet before actually walked out, and when she saw this scene, her face changed greatly, and she actually called out directly.

Qin Mu's face changed slightly.

Pedal on!

Hurried footsteps kept coming.

Many people outside were alarmed.

"What are you? Do you know what you're doing? Don't put Mr. Liu down yet, otherwise, you don't want to leave today." The woman shouted loudly.


At this time, the door was pushed open, and several security guards ran in, and when they saw this scene, their faces changed.

"What are you? Dare to commit murder in such a place? "

Some workers outside also noticed the movement inside, and some ran over to see the bustle.

For a moment, the entire small workshop was alarmed.

"It's really troublesome!" Qin Mu was a little helpless, originally planned to deal with this matter quietly, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

"Boy, you now, let me go, maybe there is a glimmer of life, otherwise, I, I can guarantee, you will die, the death is ugly!" Liu Daqiang was grabbed by Qin Mu.

There was still pain on his face.

To Qin Mudao.

But Qin Mu's fingers became tighter and stronger.

Liu Daqiang felt that his throat was almost crushed by Qin Mu.

His body couldn't stop trembling, and the shadow of death completely enveloped him.

The security guards and workers all changed their faces when they saw this scene.

The salary of working here is indeed very high, but there is also a certain danger, because everyone who comes to work here knows what they are engaged in here, and once Mr. Liu has an accident, they can't run.

So when they saw this scene, they all had some worries in their hearts.

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