"What are you still stunned for? If something happens to Mr. Liu, do you think you can be left alone? The

woman screamed at this time.

For her, Mr. Liu is her cash cow.

It was impossible for her to hope to see something happen to Liu Daqiang.

When those people heard this, their faces changed.

They are all well aware that the things produced by this small workshop are not clean.

Other than that!

Some of these people are themselves black households, or social idlers.

If it is really as the woman said, Liu Daqiang has an accident.

They will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

"Boy, let go of President Liu, otherwise, you don't want to leave here!"

A security guard at the head had a somewhat fierce face, and even took out his weapon.

At this time, those people next to them also took their weapons in their hands.

Take a look!

They're not easy guys to mess with either.

"Boy, I tell you, put President Liu down now, you still have a chance to live, otherwise, I can guarantee that you will die a miserable death!"

The woman's eyes were a little cold.

It can even be seen that she is a person who would rather be broken for jade than for ruin.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu's face had a sneer.

He slowly let go of his hand.

Liu Daqiang was put down from his hand.

"Just like you, you want to do something to me?" Qin Mu asked rhetorically.

"Up, kill him!" The woman immediately scolded.

At this time, more than ten people rushed directly towards Qin Mu.

Their speed was fast, and they came to Qin Mu in an instant.

"Find death!"

A cold color appeared in Qin Mu's eyes, and there was a faint anger on his body.

The faces of the security guards and workers who rushed over changed slightly.

Because they didn't expect that the momentum on Qin Mu's body was so strong.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string, and they had no way.

Clenching his fist, he bombarded Qin Mu directly.

Some of those with steel pipes in their hands even greeted Qin Mu's head directly.

Mr. Liu, who was lying on the ground, gasped for breath, and his face had some pain.

However, his eyes saw Qin Mu's back, and there was a hint of cruelty.

This thing does not know whether it is dead or alive.

He wanted to see what Qin Mu should do.


Qin Mu punched fiercely.

The security guard who had just come to him was directly shot out by him, blood sprayed wildly in his mouth, and his figure hit the people behind, and he directly knocked four or five people down.


At this moment, Qin Mu's figure directly rioted, his strength was very strong, and the speed of the explosion was also terrifying.

Basically, every worker and security guard who came to him could not even make a move in his hands.

Bang bang!

One after another dull sounds sounded, only to see that one by one the workers and security guards were all knocked to the ground by Qin Mu.

There was a painful look on his face.

There were at least more than twenty of them, but in the face of Qin Mu, there was no room to fight back.

"That's it?" Qin Mu's face had some indifference.

President Liu, who was still lying on the ground, originally thought that Qin Mu would definitely die, his eyes were full of shock.

He really didn't expect Qin Mu to be so violent.

"This, how is this possible?" Liu Daqiang was stunned.

The woman standing not far away also had horror in her eyes.

More than twenty people!

In front of Qin Mu, there was no room to fight back.

Is this something that people can do?

What about making movies?

Qin Mu's eyes scanned Liu Daqiang on the ground, and his gaze was a little cold.

"What did you just say?"

Liu Daqiang's figure trembled slightly.

"Big, big brother, I'm just a small boss, I don't know where I offended you!"

Liu Daqiang hurriedly asked.

"You didn't offend me, I just wanted to find you to get something, get something, I'll go!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

"What?" Liu Daqiang was puzzled.

"Your delivery note, and your connection to Cosmopolitan Beauty."

Qin Mu said coldly.

When the words fell, Liu Daqiang's face changed, and the face of the woman standing not far away also changed.

Seeing their expressions, Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that the complexion of these people changed so much, and it was obvious that the urban beauty should have given them a certain degree of pressure.


They can't have that look.

"How? Unwilling? Qin Mu asked rhetorically.

"Big brother, are you mistaken, our kind of small workshop, just to supply some three-nil products, how can it be possible to supply to a large manufacturer like Urban Beauty!"

Liu Daqiang said with a smile.


Qin Mu brazenly shot out and stepped directly on his arm.


A slight noise came.

Liu Daqiang felt as if his hand bones were about to be crushed.


Liu Daqiang screamed.

"Don't provoke my endurance, otherwise, I can guarantee that the price you have to pay is definitely not small!"

Qin Mu's voice was like Shura, without a trace of emotion.

"I give, I give!"

Liu Daqiang said quickly.

Hearing this, Qin Mufang slowly lifted his foot.

Liu Daqiang's face was full of pain.

He slowly got up and walked towards the safe on the side.

The woman who was originally still imposing, at this time, her face was also full of horror.

She naturally knew that this Qin Mu was definitely not a person to mess with.

Following Liu Daqiang to the safe, Liu Daqiang opened the safe.

But at this moment, Liu Daqiang's eyes suddenly had a trace of fierceness.

He instantly pulled a switch in the safe, and there was a sinister smile on his face.

Qin Mu's face changed.

"Damn guys!"

Finish speaking!

His figure left quickly.


As soon as he left the office, there was a loud roar from inside.

The entire office was beaten with fried chicken flying eggs.

Plumes of smoke came out.

Qin Mu's face was ugly.

He didn't expect that!

Even if this Liu Daqiang died, he was not willing to hand over the transport note to himself.

"This bastard is so spineless!"

Qin Mu's gaze was a little cold.


At this time, a slight voice sounded, Qin Mu's eyes looked to the side, and he saw that not far away, the woman's figure was lying on the ground.

Although he is gray, he looks like he should still breathe.

With a glance at this woman, Qin Mu quickly stepped forward, grabbed her directly, and quickly left.

And there was an explosion here, which soon attracted the attention of some people, and the police also arrived at the scene not long ago to investigate!

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