Take the woman away on Qin Mu's side.

On the other side, in the president's office of Cosmopolitan Beauty.

A middle-aged man who is about fifty years old, has a very good facial maintenance, and has a somewhat blessed figure, has a somewhat ugly complexion.

It's past twelve o'clock now, and he's still working overtime in the office.

You can see how dedicated he is to his work.


Just as he was about to leave work, he got news about the explosion in the small workshop.

To know!

These small workshops mainly supply them.

Basically, as long as a small workshop is discovered, the reputation of their urban beauty will be seriously hit.


Wang Anfu also made a series of preparations for these things.

The reason why there will be an explosion is also deliberately arranged by Wang Anfu.

"Who the hell is this? It can force Liu Daqiang to keep the secret only by committing suicide!

Wang Anfu's eyes had some thoughtful looks.

His fingers tapped the table slightly and took out a pack of ten yuan Hongta Mountain from his pocket.

This is his habit for many years.

Because Wang Anfu also grew up step by step from a small businessman.

But later, he defected to the country of sticks and became a lackey.


Some of his habits have not changed.

Smoking Red Tower Mountain, the office is full of smoke.

Wang Anfu's eyes were a little deep.

He knew very well that Liu Daqiang would inevitably choose to blow himself up to keep the secret, because every owner of a small workshop had a fatal handle in his hands.

Wang Anfu is so careful in doing things.


Nor is he likely to be a boss worth tens of billions of dollars.


It has always been valued by the people of the country of sticks.

The time for a cigarette passed quickly, Wang Anfu extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and his eyes became extremely deep.

"Being able to suddenly force Liu Daqiang to commit suicide without knowing it, it can be seen that this time the enemy in the secret is not simple!"

Wang Anfu said softly.

He didn't think it was an accident!

If it was an accident, it would not have been possible to kill or injure so many people at once.

It's obvious!

It was someone who surrounded Liu Daqiang's factory tonight.

Liu Daqiang was cornered.

Those who can do this kind of thing are definitely not simple goods.

For a moment, there was a trace of cruelty in Wang Anfu's eyes, and he pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray.

He was well aware of the consequences, so, to make sure there were no surprises, he had to deal with something.

"Hey, let Kitty Hawk come to my office!"

Wang Anfu took out his mobile phone and dialed a special number.

After that, he hung up the phone and deleted the phone number.

Not long after, the office door was opened.

A man dressed in a night suit with a long knife on his back walked in.

In today's society, there is still this kind of dress, you can see that the man in front of you is not simple.


Seeing Wang Anfu, the man in the black night suit had a hoarse voice.

"Execute the hunter plan, remember, make sure to do things clean!"

Wang Anfu said.


The man in black nodded, and his figure quickly left.

Wang Anfu's eyes are still fierce in the office, he is such a person, if something is wrong, he will cut everything down.

It is precisely because of his personality that the company of Urban Beauty has always been safe.



Qin Mu took the woman to a villa.

It's also an asset in his name, but there's little time to manage it.


With women, Qin Mu only came to this kind of place.

He threw the woman on the ground, and many places on her body were burned, even her appearance was burned, even if she survived.


It will also be better to live than to die.

"What are you bringing me for! You bastard, you will die a bad death! The

woman lay on the ground cursing.

She also knows her situation.


Her cash cow is gone, and she has become like this again.

All this is thanks to Qin Mu.

How could she possibly forgive Qin Mu, and in her heart she couldn't wait to kill Qin Mu.

Seeing her like this, Qin Mu's eyes were a little indifferent.

"Don't say anything wild to me, I know you're afraid of death, and there is no hatred between us!"

"If you listen to me honestly, I can not only give you a sum of money, but also restore your appearance!"

The woman was stunned.

Then she sneered.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old? I was also a nurse before, and what happened to me, I knew very well that this was a severe burn that was basically impossible to cure, and even the best plastic surgeon could not ensure that I was safe! Although

there was a burst of pain in the woman's body, she still held on.

You can see that this woman!

Nor is it a simple color.

Qin Mu stepped forward directly, and several silver needles appeared in his hand, and then directly fell on some important points on the woman's body.

Laugh at!

Laugh at!

The silver needles seemed to have some special power, and the woman's consciousness instantly cleared up a little, and the pain in her body disappeared obviously.

At this time, Qin Mu's figure left, and the woman was lying on the ground alone, with some doubts on her face.

Although the pain in her body was eliminated, she still couldn't move, and the previous explosion brought her a lot of damage.

After a while, Qin Mu's figure returned to the courtyard, and he had a pack of ointment in his hand, and applied the ointment to a certain injured part of the woman.

Then using silver needles to seal the cave, not long after, an incredible scene appeared.

The area that was originally severely burned had a brand new skin grow.

There was a look of surprise on the woman's face.

What is this ointment?

It actually has this effect!

"This, how is it possible?"

"There is nothing impossible, my Qin Mu has always spoken the words!"

"Here is five million! As long as you listen to me honestly and tell me what I want to know, the money is yours, and I can also use this ointment for you!

Qin Mu said indifferently.

Previously, the system gave him a reward every day, and when he drew again, he happened to win this thing.

But at that time, Qin Mu didn't care, he didn't expect it!

This is when it comes in handy.

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