Hearing this, Second Master Bai nodded, and Bai Qilin, who originally looked down on Qin Mu, also had some respect for Qin Mu at this time.

Qin Mu not only passed the level of strength, but even his character was quite good.

After the three of them exchanged for a while, Qin Mu left.

Because this hotel itself belongs to Qin Mu, naturally there is no need to pay.

Other than that!

When leaving the hotel, Qin Mu signed an equity transfer contract, and the hotel completely fell under his name.


When she returned home, Qi Xueqin just came back, and her beautiful eyes saw Qin Mu with a little smile.

"What are you doing?"

Qi Xueqin asked with a smile.

"There just happened to be something, are you busy until now?"

Qin Mu asked.


Qi Xueqin nodded.

"By the way, do you have time now for the shooting of the short video I told you about before?"


Qin Mu nodded.

"Okay, I'll call someone over now!"

Then, Qi Xueqin took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

Not long after, four or five people walked in outside, all of them were employees of Lei Ming Company, and when they saw Qin Mu, their faces were still a little restrained.


They all knew that Qin Mu was not only the boss of Lei Ming Company, but also the boss of Financial Street.

Being worth more than 100 billion at such a young age will indeed be very respectable.



When they saw Qin Mu, their faces were a little respectful.

"It's okay, there's no need to be restrained!"

Qin Mu smiled slightly.

"We have already written the script, boss, take a look!"

At this time, an employee came over and handed the printed script to Qin Mu.

Looking at the script, Qin Mu hesitated, "Give me the pen." The

employee next to him did not dare to say anything, and soon handed the pen to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu modified the script slightly, and some lines did not change, but the words and sentences had undergone some changes.

The employee next to him saw Qin Mu's modification place, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that Qin Mu would have such attainments in this regard.

"In some places, you only need to change a few words to get better, after all, we are shooting a rich man, and sometimes it is very important to force the frame!"

Qin Mu explained with a smile.

"The boss is wise!"

There was a bit of surprise in the eyes of the middle-aged man with a mustache.

This script was written by him, and before handing it over to Qin Mu, he read it several times, and he also felt that there seemed to be some problems in some places, but he couldn't say it.

Didn't expect that!

Qin Mu just glanced at it and quickly knew what the problem was.

Such a method is indeed very admirable.

Qi Xueqin saw this scene on the side, and there was also a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Qin Mu's writing skills were so strong.

How did they know that with the help of the system, Qin Mu could get a reward every day, and with some rewards, it happened to be related to creation.

Other than that!

After obtaining god-level acting skills, Qin Mu also captured the personality of each character quite accurately.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Mu is still very strong in this regard.

"So, boss, can we shoot now?"

The bearded middle-aged man asked.


Qin Mu nodded.

Because he lives in a large place, plus there is a study, such a script shooting, basically only need to have an office.

Later, the two came to the office, and Qin Mu took out the Rolex in order to cooperate with the performance.

That's a limited edition Rolex.

The reward given to him by the previous system was worth more than 70 million.

There are only three pieces in the world.

Sitting on the desk, Qin Mu went through the lines in his mind.

Soon, the videographer and the gaffer were ready to continue.


At this time, the director said.


The light turned on, and the camera was aimed at Qin Mu.

In an instant, the momentum on Qin Mu's body changed greatly, and even his eyes changed.

The face of the director standing next to him changed suddenly!

That's awesome!

In such a short period of time, the momentum on Qin Mu's body changed so much.

"This Mr. Qin! It's not easy!

The director said softly.

Subsequently, Qin Mu began to interpret.

In this interpretation process, whether it is a cameraman or a lighting engineer, his face changes.

Because they found that Qin Mu was simply like a movie emperor, because his every position was just right, and the expression on his face changed just right.

Although he doesn't need to say anything directly, basically the post-dubbing only needs to match the sound well, and every frame of video is absolutely perfect.

"This Mr. Qin wasn't born before by learning to act!"

"No, even if he was born by studying acting, he can't have this kind of acting skills at his age!"

The director thought secretly in his heart.

Being able to work in the Lei Ming Group and come over to shoot Qin Mu, how can it be an ordinary small director.

He is also a well-known director.

It is very famous in the circle.

I have seen countless actors.

Even some of the stars with the best grades in the film school could not achieve Qin Mu's level.

And after the director carefully observed Qin Mu again, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It's really worthy of being a boss with a value of hundreds of billions in his twenties, and he is really perfect in all aspects.

Qi Xueqin's eyes also stood not far away and looked at Qin Mu, seriously.

She was also surprised by Qin Mu's performance.

He actually has this kind of acting skills.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qi Xueqin wouldn't have believed it.


Almost ten minutes later, a short video was filmed.

Because this is filming the life of a rich person, and it is sent to a short video, there are not many shots, plus Qin Mu's acting skills themselves are extremely anti-heavenly existences.


In this case, Qin Mu's shooting was basically a one-off.

Qin Mu exhaled lightly, although it was only ten minutes, Qin Mu also consumed a lot of mental energy.


Qin Mu's eyes looked towards them and asked.


The director gave a thumbs up at this time.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect someone's acting skills to be so good!"

"That's awesome!"

Qi Xueqin's beautiful eyes are also looking at Qin Mu, and if he can have this kind of acting skills, if Qin Mu debuts, he will definitely beat all the little fresh meat.

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