Qin Mu's face also had a little smile on it, and he didn't care too much.

Because he knows very well that he has this strength.

The director then stayed in the room for a while, and then they left with the film.

Qi Xueqin's beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu with a faint smile on her face.

"I didn't see it! Your strength is so strong!

"That's, don't look, whose man I am!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

The smile on Qi Xueqin's face became even brighter.

After the two were tired of being crooked for a while, Qin Mu put his arm around Qi Xueqin and entered the bedroom, and for a moment it was spring again.


For young people, nothing could be more comfortable than this!


Days passed in the blink of an eye.

Although the matter of the small workshop was in the local news, it was not long before it was suppressed.

After all!

Modu is a big city.

There are tens of millions of people here.

Everyone has their own life, and such news, for many people, is just a conversation after tea.

No one cares too much at all.

Qin Mu also spent a lot of thought during this time, trying to make a layout.

Liu Ruoxue also knew some of the situation there, and she was also actively cooperating with Qin Mu.

"Qin Mu, we have investigated that Wang Anfu's wife, Zhang Shuzhi, will go to a private party tomorrow night!"

"Are you interested in reaching out to her?"

Liu Ruoxue's phone came over and asked Qin Mu.

"Private party!"

Qin Mu was silent for a moment, and there was some thought in his eyes.

"Okay, you send me the address and invitation, I'll take a look at it in the evening!"


"Do you need me to accompany you?"

Liu Ruoxue asked with a bit of a smile.

"No need, I'll take care of things here!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Okay then! I will find someone to keep an eye on Wang Anfu here, and I will report to you at any time if there is any situation!

Liu Ruoxue said again.


Qin Mu responded, and then hung up the phone directly, with some thought in his eyes.

Through this period of investigation, Qin Mu and Liu Ruoxue were very clear.

Wang Anfu and Zhang Shuzhi avoided being known by outsiders.

The meetings are very hidden.

It also has to be said that Wang Anfu is a very capable man.

In this case, Zhang Shuzhi can still be dead.

And it can also be seen that the country of sticks has given Wang Anfu a lot of benefits.


As far as a person like Wang Anfu is concerned, even if he does nothing, relying on his wife, he can live a very good life.

Where it is necessary to do so like now, step by step, the slightest carelessness is likely to be doomed.

In Shenzhou!

The punishment for the crime of a traitor is not light.

After Qin Mu integrated the clues he had recently obtained in his mind, he walked towards the study, intending to take a look at the identity information about Zhang Shulan.

I plan to have a good contact with each other in the evening.

And at this moment, Qin Mu's mobile phone rang.

When I picked it up, it was Huang Wei who called.

"What's wrong?" Qin Mu asked a little puzzled.

"Mr. Qin, you asked me to investigate the matter about Liu Daqiang's wife and daughter before, and I have already investigated it, his wife and daughter have always been controlled by Wang Anfu!"

"Now working in a textile factory in the magic capital, here is some information about the identity of his wife and daughter, do you want to see it?"

Huang Wei asked.

"Send it to me!"

Qin Mu exhaled lightly.

This period of hard work has not been in vain!

Basically found everything I wanted.

Qin Mu wanted to give Wang Anfu a fatal blow, and the most lacking thing was the evidence of guilt.

Qin Mu can also directly let the mercenaries enter Shenzhou, and then kill Wang Anfu.

But this is not in line with Qin Mu's original intention.

But if he wants to become a perfect man, he should rely on his own ability to reach the top step by step.


In this process, Qin Mu's experience is also very good.

After hanging up the phone, it didn't take long for Huang Wei's message to be sent.

There is information about Liu Daqiang's wife and daughter.

Liu Daqiang's wife is named Chen Meili, who was a dancer before, and then somehow got with Liu Daqiang.

Liu Daqiang, who has always been amorous, didn't know what was wrong, but he couldn't put it down for Chen Meili.

And gave birth to a daughter, Liu Luoluo.

It's just that at that time, Liu Daqiang owed usury outside.

The daughter in the family has just been born, and Liu Daqiang, who is cornered, even thought of killing people and setting fire.

And at this time, Wang Anfu, who had been enlisting social personnel, noticed him, and he felt that this Liu Daqiang was a person who could control.

So it took some thought and came to an agreement with him.

Liu Daqiang has since become the owner of a small workshop.

His wife and daughter were controlled by Wang Anfu.

Of course!

Wang Anfu will also guarantee the life of his wife and daughter, but for unnecessary trouble, they rarely see each other.

Exactly because of this!

Liu Daqiang has always missed his wife and daughter.

But he didn't expect that the life of his wife and daughter was actually not very satisfactory.

Because Wang Anfu is essentially a ruthless person.

How could the person who fell into his hands have a good end.

"It seems that when the party is over, you can go to Chen Meili to have a good chat, and I don't know, does she know that Liu Daqiang is dead!"

Qin Mu thought secretly in his heart.

He always felt that there was still a story between this Chen Meili and Liu Daqiang.

But what kind of story it is, he doesn't know, only when he comes into contact with this will he know.

With a soft breath, Qin Mu entered the study, and after carefully studying Zhang Shuzhi's identity information for a while, he had some understanding of this person.

Time passes minute by minute.

When night fell, Qin Mu was ready to go, and his figure walked outside.

When he first arrived at the venue of the party, many eyes were focused on him.


Qin Mu's appearance is very high, and his figure is also quite good.

Most importantly, the temperament in him is also unique.

Qin Mu didn't care about these at all, because with his appearance and identity, it was natural to receive such attention.

After waiting inside for a while, a figure appeared, causing Qin Mu's eyes to look towards her.

The figure that walked in was Zhang Shuzhi...

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