Facing the overwhelming rolling stones and the terrifying and hideous grimace in front of him.

There was a coldness on Qin Mu's face, his spiritual power was instantly highly concentrated, he grabbed the dragon's head with one hand, and the other hand actually pulled out a sharp dagger from his arms.

The dagger was a pitch-black color overall, and there was a faint dark light surging on it.

When the motorcycle rushed forward quickly, the rolling stones on the mountain kept falling, and at this moment, sparks sounded, only to see Qin Mu's speed was terrifying.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rolling stones were constantly split by Qin Mu, and the speed of the car soared to the extreme at this moment.

The jaw-dropping scene emerged.

A young man, driving a motorcycle with one hand, and frantically chopping the falling gravel with the other hand, at this speed, he was even more comfortable.

What's more, every piece of gravel was accurately split by him, and he didn't cause any damage to the motorcycle at all.

More importantly, when the motorcycle passed next to the ghost shadow, the dagger in Qin Mu's hand seemed to cut through the sky, instantly bringing out a black glow, and the ghost shadow was directly divided into two.

Laugh at!

The sound of breaking the air sounded.

The figure of the ghost was directly split, and Qin Mu drove the ghost fire to complete the corner in an instant!

When such wonderful things appeared in everyone's sight, everyone's faces had incredible looks.

It took a while for someone to react.

"I, I didn't read that wrong!"

"Oh my! What the hell is going on here? How the hell did he do it?

"That's awesome! Single-mindedness can do this!

"This is making a movie! Filmmaking shouldn't be so awesome! "


everyone present couldn't help but smacked their tongues.

Long Yu's face also had an incredulous look.

How is this possible!

How could Qin Mu pass through this kind of mortal situation?

He couldn't believe it, because on this road, no one could get out of this kind of bureau alive.

More importantly, Qin Mu seemed to be at ease, even this kind of danger, it didn't seem to be a particularly difficult thing for him to deal with.

"Who the hell is he?"

Long Yu's heart was full of doubts, he didn't know what Qin Mu's situation was.

He had never seen a young man so powerful.

"Qin Mu!"

Zhang Orange's face was full of surprise, and for a moment tears flowed out.


That's great!

Qin Mu actually survived!

He actually survived!

Thinking of this, Zhang Orange Orange had an indescribable excitement in his heart, as if it was not Qin Mu who had survived the disaster just now, it was her! !

"This guy is really worrisome!"

Zhang Orange had a smile on her face, and remembering Qin Mu's figure when she broke the game just now, there was a blush on her face.

Don't say it yet!

Qin Mu who looks like that is quite handsome!

Not only is it fast, but it is also crisp and neat, which left a deep impression in Zhang Chengo's heart.

Unconsciously, Zhang Orange found that he seemed to like Qin Mu more.

But seeing Qin Mu's back, Zhang Orange also reacted, the game continued, and when the gravel fell and played, Zhang Orange Orange also quickly rode Harley towards the front.

But when passing through the curve, Zhang Chengo's eyes changed slightly, even when she passed the curve, she could feel how difficult it would be to drive with gravel everywhere, and she needed to be careful.

Just now, Qin Mu turned sharply, so what is the point of his driving ability? ?

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