The ghost fire constantly accelerates in the rush mode, and the whole car seems to break through the sky of the beast.

Many people in front of the screen saw this scene, and their faces were shocked.

If Qin Mu said before that he would ride the ghost fire and compete with Zhang Orange Orange, they would definitely think that Qin Mu was crazy.

But now, they fully believed that even if it was just a ghost fire, Qin Mu could defeat Zhang Orange Orange completely.

With the outbreak of the rapid mode, Qin Mu's speed increased from one hundred and eighty miles at the beginning to more than one hundred and ninety miles, because Qin Mu never stepped on the brakes once, completely using the strength of the body, and the inertia of tire friction to keep the car cornering.

Cornering in this state will also cause the vehicle to become faster and faster.

The ghost engine also made a roaring sound at this moment, and if the car stopped, it could be clearly felt that the temperature of the entire engine was much hotter than before.



Two sounds of breaking air sounded.

At first, it was an orange Harley who fought for thousands of miles.

Now it is Qin Mu's ghost fire that is far ahead.

This apparent gap is truly incredible.

Those who looked down on Qin Mu at the beginning saw Qin Mu's eyes with a little more respect at this time.

In fact, their wild circle of play, although not very well-behaved.

But more advocate the strong than the outside world.

Some of them joined the industry because they were obsessed with the technology of top drivers.

Now Qin Mu's car skills have completely surpassed the first-line drivers.

Therefore, they developed some worship for Qin Mu.

"It's too strong, such a car skill, definitely has surpassed the car king, I didn't expect Zhang Orange to know this kind of person!"

"Did you see that? Qin Mu turned continuously just now, and the swing of his entire body happened to be perfectly calculated!

"It's definitely a community of technology and talent!"

"It's over, this man is so addictive, if he can see me, I am willing to be his woman!"

"Okay! Little wave hoof, you don't look at who he is the man he fancy! If you are heard by Zhang Orange Orange, your skin will probably be ripped off!

"But he's charming!"


many people talked about it.

None of them expected that Qin Mu's car skills were so good.

Long Yu stood aside, hearing their words, his face was a little ugly.

He also didn't expect that Qin Mu could do this.

"This guy is really unpleasant! However, with this kind of driving skills, it is impossible to kill him in the race!

Long Yu took a deep breath, his heart was calculating, is there any way to kill Qin Mu next.

But he didn't know that if he calculated Qin Mu on the track, he couldn't have a way to live.



The sound of breaking the air on the track continued to sound, Qin Mu's motorcycle continued to accelerate, and after several corners in succession, Qin Mu's ghost fire had heated to an outrageous point.

Suddenly, someone looked at the engine of the ghost fire and exclaimed from his mouth.

"It's not good, Qin Mu's car is overheating!"

"What, overheating!"

"Damn, Ghost Fire is just a modified car, such a car, there is no way to get on the track at all, this is going to be finished!"

"It's not just overheating, look at his tires!"


one after another exclamations sounded, many people found that Qin Mu's ghost fire was already crumbling at this time, and if nothing else, even if Qin Mu won the final race, the car would directly disintegrate.

What does this mean, it's like a speeding car, at high speed, suddenly burst a tire and the throttle explodes.

The person in the car is absolutely certain to die!!

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