"Hello! I'm a hotel attendant, I don't know if it's convenient for you to open the door? A

pleasant voice came.

Chen Meili walked over and opened the door, and outside was a young woman in a small suit, with a beautiful face and a standard smile, carrying a toolbox in her hand.

"Just now Qin Ye ordered, you are frightened, let me massage you!"

The woman said respectfully.


Chen Meili had also seen the world and nodded.

When the woman entered the room, she closed the door.

According to the woman's instructions, Chen Meili lay on the bed, and the woman knelt beside her, gently pressing and rubbing her back.

It felt very comfortable, and Chen Meili relaxed instantly.

"There is a special red wine for our hotel, and drinking it can make you relax a little."

The woman stood up, took a cup from the side, then took out a bottle of red wine from the toolbox, poured out the scarlet liquid, and came to Chen Meili's side.

Chen Meili nodded and took a sip.

The taste is sweet and very comfortable.

Putting the red wine glass aside, the woman continued to massage Chen Meili.

Unconsciously, Chen Meili let go of all her guards and sank into the woman's technique.

After a while, a pleasant music sounded in her ears, which made her feel a little trance.

'Is this the service of a five-star hotel?' It's too comfortable too! Chen

Meili thought in her heart.

"Madam, is this strength okay?"

The woman's voice was soft.


Chen Meili responded.

"Do you usually do heavy work?"

The woman asked again.

"Fortunately, I am usually busy working in the kitchen, but I don't have too heavy work!"

Chen Meili said.

"I see that your shoulder is a little strained, so you should pay more attention in the future!"

The woman reminded.


Chen Meili responded.

"Do you usually see your husband a lot?"

The woman asked again.

"Not a lot! Basically once a month! It's video calls most of the time!

Chen Meili said.

"Then didn't your husband leave you anything?"

The woman asked.


Chen Meili was in a trance: "Indeed, he told me before, in the No. 1 commercial room on the fifth floor of Building 21 in the Qingya Community, there is a safe with important things inside!"

"Oh! So do you know the password?

The woman asked again.

"It seems to be 335212."

Chen Meili said.

"Okay! Next, relax! I will make you very comfortable! The

woman said.


Chen Meili responded, her whole body was soft, and she fell asleep not long after.

At this time, the woman stood up and walked towards the door.

Opening the door, Qin Mu stood outside.


Qin Mu asked.

"Qingya Community, No. 1, fifth floor, Building 21, password 335212!"

The woman said.

Qin Mu nodded: "Good job, leave her some money tomorrow, let her find a remote town to live well!"

"Understood!" The woman nodded.

She was Qin Mu's subordinate and the twin killer that Qin Mu collected back then.

Usually hidden by Qin Mu somewhere in the magic capital.

When needed, it will be the first to appear.

The woman's technique just now is a kind of hypnotism of Dongying, which makes the person being cast completely relaxed and unconsciously reveals important information.

This technique is very insidious, and many people will be caught before they know it.

Qin Mu also recently learned that women have this means.

After leaving the hotel, Qin Mu drove away.

Half an hour passed, he came to Building 21 of Qingya Community, took the elevator up, in the past ten minutes, got down from the upper floor, left by car, in his co-pilot, there was an extra brown paper document, the information in it is extremely important!

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