After returning home, Qin Mu came to his study alone and turned on the light in the room.

Qi Xueqin was in the living room and did not disturb Qin Mu.

The two have not been together for a long time, but they have unconsciously formed a certain tacit understanding.

Qin Mu has something, she will not bother.

Closing the door, Qin Mu took out the cowhide bag, placed the documents inside on the desk, and watched carefully, not long after, Qin Mu's face changed slightly.

This records the evidence of Wang Daqiang's crimes over the years, as well as some of his understanding of Wang Anfu.

The reason for leaving these is to leave a way back for yourself.

Wang Daqiang is very smart.

With people like Wang Anfu, he won't live long.

But if Wang Anfu wanted him to die, he would not let the other party have a good time.

It's a back road.

But Wang Daqiang didn't expect that before he said this, he was blown up!

"Unexpectedly, Wang Daqiang has done so many things that hurt heaven and reason over the years, and Wang Anfu, his layout in the magic capital is very deep!"

Qin Mu said softly.

Wang Anfu is a careerist, ruthless to himself and ruthless to others.

In order to join the country of sticks, even his wife and daughter can give up.

Years of patience make his personality more vicious than ordinary people.

According to Wang Daqiang's records in the documents, Wang Anfu has at least more than ten layouts in the magic capital, and there are some small workshops that do outrageous.

"It seems that it is necessary to join forces with the relevant departments of the magic capital!"

Qin Mu exhaled lightly.

If you want to take down Wang Anfu, you must start with his minions.

Although Wang Anfu was arranged by the country of sticks in the magic capital.

But once he has no use value, the stick country will abandon him at the first time.

Close the document and place it in the safe.

Qin Mu walked outside.

In addition to getting the documents, Qin Mu also made an appointment with Zhang Orange Orange.

This woman seems to be rebellious, but she is actually brainless.

Using a woman like her will have a bad conscience for some.

But Qin Mu has long been not the young man of the year.

After walking in the mall for so long, his heart also became fierce.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being Wang Anfu's daughter!"

Walking outside, Qin Mu drove a new car and left, and soon, he came to Tangchen Yipin.

Previously, he made an appointment with Zhang Orange Orange.

As soon as he entered the community, he saw a woman in scantily dressed clothes, heavy makeup, and the image of a little sister pointing at a security guard.

"You are a little security guard, what qualifications do you have to make a big fuss in front of me, what's wrong with me smoking?"

"What happened to me littering cigarette butts? Do you have an opinion?

Zhang Orange reprimanded loudly.

The security guard's face was ugly, he just saw the woman smoking, and threw the cigarette butt indiscriminately, stepped forward to stop it, did not think, this woman directly began to spray wildly, all kinds of difficulties, making him feel extremely stressed.

"Sorry, it's my job!"


As soon as the security guard's words fell, Zhang Orange slapped him directly.

"Your job? Sorry, you can't use it next month! And don't look at who is in front of you!

Zhang Orange snorted coldly.

The security guard covered his face and had a hint of anger in his eyes, but he didn't dare to make a move.

The woman in front of her is not small at first glance.

At this time, the security captain rushed to hear the news, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his face changed.

"Xiao Liu, I'm afraid you don't want to do it, even the owner dares to provoke!"

As a rich man with a head and a face, Zhang Chengo's parents also have a house in Tangchen Yipin.

She has come to live here less, but everyone who knows knows that Zhang Orange Orange is not ordinary.


the security guard said bitterly.

Qin Mu walked towards this side.

As soon as he saw Qin Mu, Zhang Orange Orange had an excited look on his face.

"Qin Mu, you're here!"

She hurriedly trotted over and wanted to hold Qin Mu's hand.

But Qin Mu's eyes skimmed her.


A crisp voice sounded.

Zhang Orange's face was directly slapped by Qin Mu.

"Who allowed you, bully?"

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