
The sound of breaking the void sounded, and Lin Xiao's figure instantly came to Qin Mu.

A blade appeared on his fingertip and slashed straight towards Qin Mu's neck.

When Qin Mu saw this scene, his face changed slightly.


It's really ruthless!

Lin Xiao in front of him wanted Qin Mu's life as soon as he made a move, which was simply extremely cruel.

But Qin Mu was not a good stubble, in the face of Lin Xiao's attack, his steps retreated one after another, his hands suddenly turned into fists, and he bombarded the other party fiercely.


A powerful sound of breaking the air sounded, and the two of them actually erupted into layers of qi waves, and the air seemed to have some light tremors.

Many people present saw this scene, and their faces changed slightly.

None of them expected Lin Xiao to be so decisive.

In addition, Qin Mu's skills will be so good.


Another sound of breaking the air sounded.

Lin Xiao's figure had just stabilized, and he rushed towards Qin Mu again, and the fierce power burst out.

Qin Mu's footsteps retreated one after another, his left hand had only been injured some time ago, and he was also a little difficult to parry in the face of Lin Xiao's attack.

But he also has his own preparations.

When Lin Xiao made another move, he stepped forward and let Lin Xiao's fist fall on him fiercely.


Qin Mu's figure was directly shot out, blood spit out from his mouth, and his figure was extremely embarrassed.

When he saw this scene, Lin Xiao sneered, suddenly rushed towards Qin Mu, and brazenly wanted Qin Mu's life.


At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, only to see a group of uniformed men rushing in at the entrance position.

Seeing this scene, the man at the head immediately reprimanded: "You dare to commit murder in public, do you really think that Shenzhou has no discipline?"

His voice fell, and dozens of police officers pointed guns at Lin Xiao.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao's face changed slightly.

How did these people come so quickly.

As the hall master of the Hades Hall, he also has a certain power in Shenzhou, he killed Qin Mu, as long as he leaves here, no one can find him, and no official people will come to trouble him.

The title of King of Killers is not for nothing.

If there is no such thing as a dependency, he really doesn't need to mess around.

But what's going on?

There were even official people who went out.

Looking at these people in front of him, Lin Xiao stopped his hand.

He knew that he could kill Qin Mu, but once he killed Qin Mu, the consequences would be serious.

Shenzhou officials are not vegetarian.

His eyes looked towards Qin Mu, and suddenly he found that Qin Mu's eyes actually had a faint smile.


This is Qin Mu's trap!!

Thinking of this, a hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

I was actually calculated.

This man in front of him is really scheming!

"Hands up, or we'll shoot!"

The leading man scolded.

He is the governor of the law enforcement team, his name is Li Zhiqiang, he is also a soldier, he has heard a little about Lin Xiao's affairs, and when he received the tip today, he thought about coming over to take a look.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao was really so rampant, and committing murder in public was simply abominable.

Do you really think that they have no one in Shenzhou?

Lin Xiao slowly raised his hand and didn't say a word.

Several men rushed forward and subdued Lin Xiao.

"Take away."

Li Zhiqiang scolded.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu had a faint smile on his face, and then stood up.

"Governor, he not only committed murder in public, but also hid firearms in his pocket, such a person must be severely punished!"

Qin Mu turned his head and looked towards a figure not far away: "By the way, Chief Editor Liu, you took pictures of everything just now!"

"The whole people live webcast, I believe netizens should have seen it!"

As Qin Mu's words fell, a middle-aged man in his forties stood up, his smile a little restrained, and then nodded slightly.

When they saw him, many people present noticed a change in their faces.

The man in front of him turned out to be Chief Editor Liu!

Editor-in-Chief of Modu Daily.

Because of his sharp words and good control of hot spots, there are millions of fans on the Internet, and more importantly, several artists under his name are all existence with more than 10 million fans.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chief Editor Liu is the creator of network traffic.

With the ability to grasp the wind direction of the entire network, such a person actually came....

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