While seeing this man, many people also noticed that there were several people holding mobile phones next to him.

These are all well-known people on the Internet.

It belongs to the first-line Internet celebrity.

Although they are not as good as stars, each of them has an annual income of more than 10 million.

That's why these people come together and basically drive most of the network traffic.

At this time, in their live broadcast room, one barrage after another appeared madly.

"Lying groove, this person is also too rampant, committing murder in public."

"And such a crazy person, who is this guy!"

"Big melon is definitely big melon, I have a hunch that there is a relationship behind this person."

"Hahaha, the whole network is live broadcast, I don't know if the protective mountain behind him dares to protect him."

"It's so funny, this guy is estimated to pit others."


"I want to know his identity."

"Not surprisingly, this person is going to be popular all over the Internet."

"What a second middle school! Anyway, you are also a dying person, and you will take your life in advance today.

"As a martial arts champion, there is indeed something about his means just now."


Because the whole network is live broadcast, there are at least tens of millions of people who saw this scene at the same time just now, basically the whole network spreads."

After that, the number of people who know will only increase.

The media, bloggers on various platforms rubbed a hot spot, this matter will definitely become the headlines.

Lin Xiao's face was ugly, he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Li Zhiqiang also noticed this scene, and he naturally knew what was going on.

They were all taken advantage of.

Qin Mu in front of him was calculating, but even if he knew the calculation, there was no way, it was Lin Xiao who committed the murder in public.

"In our Shenzhou, Skynet has been restored and neglected, and we will definitely severely punish such gangsters."

Li Zhiqiang said.

This sentence was addressed to Qin Mu and also to the broad masses.

After mixing in the field for so long, Li Zhiqiang naturally knew how to enhance his prestige.

If he can make a good impression on the public, his position may also be mentioned.

But what should the person in front of him do? This is a question to think about.

Lin Xiao was taken away under his order, and his affairs basically did not need to be investigated.

Tens of millions of netizens witnessed, coupled with conclusive evidence, they can't leave, but Lin Xiao is not simple, and he is estimated to need a bigger person to speak.

Qin Mu looked at Lin Xiao's back that was taken away, and there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He knew that he couldn't actually have a big impact on Lin Xiao like this, but it was still no problem to let him be locked up for more than ten days.

As for some of the people behind him, they can completely dispose of them one by one.

However, after Lin Xiao's side was arrested, many forces in the demon capital knew about this situation.

In a five-star hotel, more than a dozen strong men with murderous eyes gathered, and the one headed by him clenched his fists and smashed the table next to him.


The marble table was directly smashed out of a large hole. The momentum on his body was even more like a mighty beast.

"Damn stuff! Unexpectedly, the hall lord set a set, this matter must be dealt with immediately, otherwise, the impact will be too great. The man immediately scolded.

The faces of the others were also more solemn.

They also know the seriousness of the matter.

"I looked at it here, and the evidence was conclusive, it wasn't a big deal. Mainly witnessed by tens of millions of netizens.

"That's serious!"

Another humane.

"Mainly for this reason. Our side has to find a way. "

The burly big man said.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked in, her face was charming, her figure was beautiful, and there was a faint smile at the corner of her mouth: "Just this little thing, what is there to worry about, as long as Qin Mu dies, everything will be solved." "

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