Hearing the woman's words, several people present looked towards her.

The woman who spoke was Suzaku, one of the four protectors of the Hades Temple.

He is also the wisest person in the Hades Temple.

On weekdays, it is she who advises the Hades Temple.

"What do you mean by that?" The tall man asked.

He is the White Tiger and the hall master of the Law Enforcement Hall in the Hades Hall, and his own strength value is extremely terrifying, and he is extremely murderous.

Once you start killing, you can't control it.

Back then, he almost slaughtered a small town, if Lin Xiao hadn't arrived, or the entire town would have been destroyed by him.

It was also because of that incident that he was loyal to Lin Xiao.

If it weren't for the help of these characters in these years, the Hades Hall would not have been so brilliant.

"Now all the promotion is basically made by Qin Mu."

"If you can solve him, what will be the result of this matter?"

"Our Hades Hall also has a certain power in Shenzhou, and officials at all levels also need to give us some face."

"As long as Qin Mu can be solved, do you think others dare to manage the affairs of our Hades Palace?"

Suzaku asked rhetorically, her voice paused and continued: "In addition, it was the Long family and the Bai family who killed Qin Mu this time.

"Do you think about how many people Qin Mu has provoked? The chaebols of the country of sticks are also one of the four major families of the magic capital.

"Now these forces are not moving, they are just waiting and seeing, if we can kill Qin Mu, what will be the result?"

"With so many forces helping, who else within the Demon Capital dares to target our boss?"

As Suzaku narrated, the faces of everyone present changed a little.

Suzaku's analysis makes sense.

As long as Qin Mu died, everything would be settled.

"But this Qin Mu is not easy to kill! The killer sent out before is already the top twenty killers in the hall, and I also watched the video of the boss fighting him before, and I can be undefeated in the hands of the boss after a few moves, this kind of strength is definitely not simple.

White Tiger said seriously.

"If the ordinary killer can't kill him, then start the killing game."

Suzaku's eyes had a trace of coldness, and he said abruptly.

Her words fell, and the faces of many people present changed.

Kill Game!

The killing game that is rarely opened in the Hades Temple.

Once such a killing game is initiated, the target will surely die.

However, if you want to start this kind of killing, you need at least the consent of the four protectors in the hall, and you also need the hall master's edict.

Now the lord of the temple has been locked up.

Activating the Jedi Game at such a time is against the rules of the Hades Temple.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

White Tiger's eyes looked at Suzaku and asked.

This matter had a great impact, and the previous launch of the special game was a few years ago, when they assassinated the God of War of the Lighthouse Country.

It was also that battle that made the Hades Temple a god in one fell swoop.

It is for this reason that many people fear the Temple of Hades.

Now start the killing bureau, just to kill a Qin Mu, a little bit of a chicken with a cow knife.

"Now time is money, I analyzed, this is the only way."

"Now the official trial in Shenzhou has not yet come down, and once it comes down, nothing can be changed."

Suzaku said seriously: "At that time, the boss can only escape if he wants to survive." Hearing

this, White Tiger's face was also a little moved.

There are many masters in Shenzhou, which is why the Hades Hall has rarely entered Shenzhou in recent years.

If Lin Xiao is really sentenced by Shenzhou, he will be hunted down and killed for the rest of his life.

If the one in Shenzhou is allowed to make a move, they will also feel a lot of pressure.

"I know, issue the Hades Order, summon the four protectors, eighteen kills, and open the Killing Game!"

"Tu Qin Mu, Yang Hades!!"

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