His eyes looked at Qin Mu. If he hadn't heard a little about Qin Mu, Wang Chenglin couldn't believe that what he heard was true.

According to Qin Mu's thoughts, he actually planned to take the opportunity to destroy the entire Hades Hall once and for all.

What a crazy idea.

What is the status of the Hades Hall in the world, and with Qin Mu's strength, he wants to destroy them?

That's definitely a risky thing to do.

"Mr. Qin, are you sure you can do it?"

Wang Chenglin couldn't help but ask.

"If nothing else, it should be. One thing I need to know now, what forces do you have in your hands that can be mobilized?

Qin Mu's eyes looked at him and asked seriously.

"I have a force that I can mobilize."

Wang Chenglin thought for a while, and did not hide it: "I do have some forces that can be mobilized.

"The Wang family has also cultivated some people over the years."

"They are the top killers in the world, and I can mobilize them if I can."

Qin Mu nodded slightly, there will be some shady forces behind every family.

Wang Chenglin's side is no exception.

"Well, when the time comes, you listen to my arrangement, if nothing else, it should be these two days."

Qin Mu said seriously.

Wang Chenglin nodded.

Subsequently, Wang Chenglin left, and that evening, Qin Mu received an email in his mail, which contained the power that Wang Chenglin controlled.

Looking at these things, Qin Mu's eyes were a little thoughtful.

He stood up and walked outside, but soon Qin Mu felt that someone was staring at him outside, and there was a faint smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth, these people from the Hades Hall were really troublesome.

However, Qin Mu didn't care, it was not interesting for him to clean up these things.

Even if the Hades Hall wants to find death, then he will not be polite.

The figure walked all the way forward.

On the other side, in the interrogation room of the law enforcement team, Lin Xiao was handcuffed, and there was a bit of indifference on Li Zhiqiang's face opposite him.

With Lin Xiao's strength, he could easily uncuff himself and leave here.

But Lin Xiao would not do this.

There are many masters in Shenzhou, and if he is too unscrupulous to be targeted by the people above, he will also feel a lot of pressure.

"The evidence is conclusive, what else do you want to say?

Li Zhiqiang looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

"You can't lock me up, find someone you can talk to, you should know who I am!" Lin Xiao said indifferently.

Li Zhiqiang's fist clenched slightly, he also just knew Lin Xiao's identity, the lord of the Hades Hall!

Great influence internationally.

"Lin Xiao, you don't really think that we Shenzhou can't help you!

Li Zhiqiang questioned.

Of course I know how far you can go. But my advice to you is to report to the above, my business is not something you can handle. Lin Xiao said seriously.

" You don't know in China all year round, do you know how much trouble our Hades Hall solves for Shenzhou every year?"

Why did Shenzhou know that we were going to enter, or would he let us go? There's a reason behind it!

Lin Xiao said indifferently.

Li Zhiqiang's eyes were a little thoughtful. Lin Xiao in front of him is really not ordinary tricky.

He should not have fooled himself.

Because of some things about the Hades Temple, he had also heard about it.

If these things were true, it would indeed be difficult to deal with Lin Xiao.

"Oh! By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you, our Hades Hall has many connections with the one in your Divine State, you better weigh it!

Lin Xiao's face was indifferent, and then he slowly drew a special symbol with his hand on the table.

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