After seeing this symbol, Li Zhiqiang's face changed greatly, and there was even some panic in his eyes.

If it were some other symbol, he might not be so surprised. But the symbol in front of you is the symbol of that One.

"No wonder the Hades Temple can develop to this point in such a short time.

"It turns out that there is the support of this kind of character behind it.

Li Zhiqiang clenched his fists, thinking secretly in his heart.

He knew it was tricky, quite tricky, and if it wasn't handled well, his career would come to an end.

For a moment, Li Zhiqiang actually had some anxiety.

The last time he had this kind of anxiety was when he was going to become governor.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhiqiang walked outside.

Lin Xiao saw Li Zhiqiang's back, and there was a faint smile on his face, but soon, his eyes became cold and sharp, and his fists clenched unconsciously: "Qin Mu, you are really good at means!" After

Li Zhiqiang left the interrogation room, several people walked towards him.

"Li Du, now the information on the Internet is overwhelming, it has reached a point where there is no way to control it, and more than a million people have left messages to severely punish the murderer.

The man said to Li Zhiqiang.

Li Zhiqiang exhaled lightly, he knew that he could let so many people know about this in such a short time, and there must be a driving force behind this.

The strength of these capitals is really not ordinary strong.

"I know about this, let the technical department carry out a small area of net cleaning, and make the situation as much as possible to reduce the spread."

Li Zhiqiang said seriously.


The man responded. After saying that, he left.

The man next to him took the office phone in his hand at this time: "Governor Li, since just now, more than ten big people have called to pay attention. "

These bastards." Li Zhiqiang couldn't help but scold in his heart.

Of course, he knows the behavior of these people, and when there is usually something wrong, a person is not responsible, and this kind of thing comes over to ask and pressure.

The purpose is to highlight his prestige, but how tricky this matter is, only he knows in his heart.

"Give me your phone." Although he thought so in his heart, Li Zhiqiang did not show it, just directly held the mobile phone, although he was very dissatisfied, but the call still needed to be returned.

"Leader, I still have something to report to you here." Another humane.

"What's going on?

Li Zhiqiang asked.

"This thing... The man hesitated.

"Follow me to the office." Li Zhiqiang said directly. After that, he walked towards his office.

After arriving at the office, the man put a piece of information in front of Li Zhiqiang.

Seeing this information, Li Zhiqiang's face changed.

"Killing Bureau, I didn't expect the Hades Hall to be so ruthless, and still offering rewards on the black market, it seems that Qin Mu is likely to not survive. "

The document placed in front of Li Zhiqiang is a reward, judging from the content of the reward, someone wants to pay a billion US dollars to ask

the top killers to shoot, and the purpose of gathering so many top killers is also very simple, to arrange the killing game.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiqiang exhaled softly, and there were many thoughts in his eyes.

"There are top killers to shoot. The next magic capital is only afraid that it will be turbulent!

Li Zhiqiang said slowly.

But soon Li Zhiqiang saw some problems within these things. If the Hades Hall really killed Qin Mu, then this Lin Xiao would definitely not be able to move, and if the Hades Hall failed, then the next thing would be Lin Xiao's end.

This dragon battle depends on whether the next killing game can kill Qin Mu.

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