At this time, Qin Mu had a somewhat indifferent look on his face.

"You don't really think that I will appear in front of you unprepared like before!"

Qin Mu said with a sneer.

After the matter of the Hades Palace, Qin Mu also learned well, in this world, it is still very useful to have certain subordinates.

"In the vicinity of this building, there are more than thirty gunmen in ambush, as long as any one of you dares to approach me!" I guarantee that none of you will survive!

Qin Mu said indifferently.

Wang Anfu's eyes had a hint of indifference: "It is worthy of being the owner of the financial street, your means are indeed amazing, it is so, Huang Wei, you don't want to bring it back!" Qin

Mu's figure moved, and he actually stood out in the encirclement of these people, came to Wang Anfu, and pinched his neck with one hand.

"Do you know that in this world, there are still many means that can make life worse than death?"

Qin Mu laughed.

Wang Anfu's face changed, and he could feel the sense of oppression transmitted by Qin Mu.

Putting Wang Anfu on the desk on the side, three silver needles appeared in Qin Mu's hand, and the silver needles entered Wang Anfu's body, and Qin Mu walked slowly to the side.

At this moment, the killers in the office did not know what to do.

They could all feel that there were quite a few people targeting them outside the window.

As long as they make a little movement, they will surely die.

Qin Mu's face was very relaxed, and he didn't put these people in his eyes at all.

Wang Anfu's face began to change, Qin Mu's three silver needles blocked several acupuncture points in his body, and at this time, he was like countless ants tearing and biting, and the painful feeling was layered.

Qin Mu's face was very indifferent, he knew that this was only the first technique, and there were several other techniques that he had not used.

Wang Anfu's mouth let out a cry of pain.

"Don't worry, the real pain is still to come!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Kill, kill me!"

Wang Anfu kept scratching his body, and the red blood in his eyes came out, he was in pain, really painful.

Qin Mu looked at him, without the slightest mercy, pity for people like Wang Anfu, that is cruelty to himself.

"Don't worry, you won't die, and you'll be more and more awake, do you know what it's like to go to death little by little?"

Qin Mu asked in an indifferent tone.

"Devil, you are the devil!"

Wang Anfu was afraid, he never expected that there was such pain in this world.

Qin Mu took out another silver needle and slowly pierced it on his forehead, Wang Anfu's figure began to tremble continuously, and foaming at the mouth spit out.

His consciousness became clearer and clearer, he felt that he was covered in everything, nothing was good, and his heart was full of fear.

People are afraid of death, and what is more terrifying than death is to watch themselves die little by little, and at the same time of death, they are still experiencing great pain, such a feeling, as long as people who have experienced it, it is estimated that they will not have much feeling for death.

A few minutes passed quickly, and Wang Anfu's whole person seemed to collapse.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at Wang Anfu with a bit of coldness.

"Do you still want to be tough now?"

"No, it won't, let me go, I beg you, let me go!"

Qin Mu pulled out a needle slightly to ease the pain on Wang Anfu's body, and at this time, Wang Anfu begged Qin Mu like a dog.

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