"Now you know you're scared?"

Qin Mu's tone was indifferent.

"Know, got it!" Wang Anfu nodded.

"If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will not use this method against you, and if you are not willing to cooperate with me, then you believe me, I have more means than you think!"

Qin Mu said coldly.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Anfu asked.

"It's very simple, I want to get back what belongs to me, I am not short of money now, and my income every year is calculated in hundreds of millions, but the chaebols of the country of sticks really make me very unhappy!"

"You have been a lackey for the country of sticks all these years, you should know a lot of information!"

Qin Mu was a little indifferent.

"I do know something, but Qin Mu, the terror of the chaebols is not at all what you can imagine, once something goes wrong, they may use military weapons!"

Wang Anfu reminded.

Qin Mu's face changed slightly, which was also what he had always feared.

The chaebols of the country of the stick have taken control of the country, and their power has penetrated into all strata of the country of the stick.

To fight them is to fight a country, and that is a difficult thing.

"It's okay, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, and my Qin Mu himself is not a good stubble!"

Qin Mu was indifferent.

"Unexpectedly, you said so, I can give you what I have in my hands, but Qin Mu, you will definitely lose, and you will lose miserably!"

Wang Anfu said coldly.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Qin Mu was indifferent, he stood up and looked at the killer in front of him, his eyes were a little indifferent.

Under Qin Mu's waiting, Wang Anfu opened the safe, and there were many documents inside.

Seeing these documents, Qin Mu's face changed slightly.

His eyes glanced at Wang Anfu.

"I didn't expect it! You're a big thinker!

Wang Anfu's face was a little indifferent: "I really like the culture of the stick country, and I sincerely want to become a stick country and serve the stick country!"

"But this world is like this, there is no absolute friendship, only if you have chips in your hand, others will not be afraid!"

Qin Mu smiled: "That's right!"

After that, he suddenly exerted force, and several silver needles fell on Wang Anfu's body.

"I know that you are a difficult person to control, these silver needles will not have any effect on you on weekdays, and even make your physical fitness better than before!"

"But once you don't let me use the Qi Needle for more than seven days, the kind of pain you experienced before will still appear."

"Moreover, it is a hundred times stronger than before!"

Qin Mu said indifferently.

Huang Anfu's body broke out in a lot of cold sweat: "Don't worry, I will definitely not betray you!"

"It's better this way, after all, I don't want trouble!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"The next time, you can go to work normally!"

"I'll find you for something!"

Qin Mu left directly after speaking.

Wang Anfu collapsed on the ground, his face full of horror.

Leaving Urban Beauty Cosmetics Company, Qin Mu felt a little emotion in his heart.

"If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that the power of the chaebols had reached such a point!"

"It seems that their purpose in entering the domestic market should be very simple!"

Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly.

According to the data, today's stick country has been completely controlled by the chaebols, and all residents' food, clothing, housing and transportation are inseparable from the control of the chaebols.

Many residents' identity information is controlled by the chaebols.

In essence, the country of sticks is a country raised by chaebols!!

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