After leaving the city beauty, Qin Mu went to the dazzling makeup company again.

Directly found the chairman Zhang Shuzhi, Qin Mu was straight to the point: "I don't ink with you anymore, call your husband now, your two companies merge!"

Zhang Shuzhi's face changed, and she quickly regained her composure: "Mr. Qin can really joke!"

"Our two companies have always been bitter rivals, how can we work together?"

"I said, I don't want to ink with you, hurry up and call!"

Qin Mu was indifferent.

Zhang Shuzhi was puzzled, "If you want me to call Wang Anfu, then I will naturally do so, but I really don't know what Mr. Qin means by this!"

Saying that, Zhang Shuzhi dialed Wang Anfu's number with her mobile phone.

When the phone was connected, Wang Anfu's weak voice came.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

"Wang Anfu, now Mr. Qin Mu is with me!"

"Ah! He's gone looking for you!

"Yes! He said let's merge our two companies, but our two companies have always been competitors, how can this merge?

Zhang Shuzhi said helplessly.

"Listen to him!" Wang Anfu's voice came from the phone.

Zhang Shuzhi was stunned.

"Shuzhi has suffered you all these years, I am now Mr. Qin Mu's subordinate, whatever he says, you will do it!"

Wang Anfu explained.

Zhang Shuzhi glanced at Qin Mu, and there was a trace of fear in her heart: "I know!"

She hung up the phone and looked at Qin Mu with her eyes.

"Mr. Qin, I was reckless just now, I wonder how you plan to merge our two companies?"

"Your two companies merge to form a brand new company, in addition, there will be a big change in your management, you and Wang Anfu each hold 20% of the shares, and the remaining 60% of the shares will be injected into my investment company!"

Qin Mu said directly.

"Okay, I see!"

Zhang Shuzhi nodded.

"I need to see this implemented this afternoon!"

Qin Mu said seriously.


Zhang Shuzhi nodded.

Qin Mu got up and left directly.

At noon that day, Zhang Shuzhi and Wang Anfu met, the two themselves are fake opponents, naturally know the situation of each other's company, soon formulated a new direction of cooperation, the two companies soon discussed the merger.

And at three o'clock in the afternoon, the news was announced.

For a while, all forces in the magic capital were paying attention to the situation on this side.

The Chairman's Office of Star Enterprises.

The man at the head had an extremely gloomy face, his fists clenched slightly, and now the Starry Sky Enterprise was in danger.

And their pawns in the magic capital, the Urban Beauty Group, suddenly rebelled, which made their situation more and more difficult.

"What the hell is going on? Why did Wang Anfu rebel?

The man scolded.

"Someone has been found to investigate, but there are no results now!"

"Young Master, the chaebol side is already very dissatisfied, and in this situation, we are expected to be held accountable!"

A middle-aged humane.

"Accountability, accountability, fuck it, know accountability all day long, have the ability to let them come!"

"What kind of mess is Starry Sky Enterprise now, don't they know?"

The man said angrily.

"Find a way to get Wang Anfu over to me, I want to know if he wants to die!"

"Understood!" Middle-aged humane.


On the side of the Hades Hall, looking at the message on the mobile phone, Lin Xiao's eyes had a trace of coldness emerge.

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