Qin Mu took a deep breath and took out something from his hand.

It was a yellowish scarecrow.

Qin Mu thought that he would not use this thing.

But Lin Xiao's strength in front of him is too strong.

He had to use.

With a soft breath, a drop of blood fell on the scarecrow.

Just when Lin Xiao came to him, the blade in his hand was about to fall on Qin Mu.


A yellowish glow emerged on the scarecrow.

Laugh at!

Lin Xiao's blade fell, and this knife directly cut Qin Mu's body in half.

But there was no bloodshed.

Qin Mu's body fell to the ground and turned into a huge scarecrow.

Lin Xiao's face changed: "What's going on?" Tricks?

"How could there be such a powerful trick?"

His eyes looked around, but after looking around, he couldn't find Qin Mu's figure.

But soon he noticed that the scene around him had changed a lot.

He came to a straw field, which was vast and endless, and all he saw were countless scarecrows.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here? Why am I here? "

Impossible, absolutely impossible, I am a ghost king, my spiritual power is not at all something that ordinary people can influence, even if Qin Mu has strong strength, it is impossible to affect me, what is going on?"

There was a look of horror in Lin Xiao's eyes.

Qin Mu's figure appeared at this moment.

"Lin Xiao, now you are in my domain, I can get you as much as I want, you are finished!"

Lin Xiao's eyes had a hint of poison: "What kind of means are you?" Why can I be illusionized?

Qin Mu laughed: "Illusion? You are really naïve! "


Qin Mu's figure rushed towards Lin Xiao.

Laugh at!

The blade in Lin Xiao's hand slashed towards Qin Mu fiercely.

Qin Mu did not dodge, the blade fell on him, Qin Mu's body was cut in half, but when it fell to the ground, it turned into a scarecrow again.

Behind Lin Xiao, Qin Mu's figure appeared, and he held a long sword in his hand and stabbed at Lin Xiao fiercely.

Laugh at!

Lin Xiao felt a pain in his body, blood flowing, and he suddenly turned around and slashed towards Qin Mu.

This Qin Mu was also cut in half by him, but when he landed, he became a scarecrow again.

There was a faint smile on Qin Mu's face: "At this moment, do you still think it's an illusion?"

Lin Xiao's body trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of incredulity: "What kind of means is this?" Why is there such a means? He

couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it!

The scene in front of me is too weird.

He was obviously in the Twin Towers, but in an instant, he came to this kind of place.

Even if he was well-informed, he had never seen this method.

He didn't know that this was the treasure that the system gave to Qin Mu.

Million straw array!

In the formation, there are millions of scarecrows.

Every scarecrow is Qin Mu's stand-in.

In other words, Lin Xiao killed Qin Mu at least a million times before Qin Mu would truly die.

But how is that possible?

Qin Mu's strength itself is not weak, and he can switch directions at will in the formation.

When this formation appeared, Lin Xiao was already certain to die.


The other side.

On a tall building a few hundred meters away from the twin buildings, Qinglong was still hiding carefully, and several snipers outside were always aiming at him, blood was constantly flowing down his arm, and his face was also a little fierce.

But he didn't know that a net of heaven and earth that captured him was rapidly closing!

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