There was a trace of coldness in the green dragon's eyes: "These Wang bastards, the means are quite masterful, but if you want to kill my green dragon, it is still too tender." He

held the sniper rifle in his hand, his figure began to move on the rooftop, he roughly knew where those people were, as the top sniper of the Hades Hall, the combat strength of the green dragon was very strong.

But, just as he moved.


One after another sounded, only to see that in the sky, two helicopters quickly flew over.

At the same time, on a rooftop not far from Qinglong, dozens of men in black suits ran towards this side.

They looked at the green dragon, and there was a faint coldness in their eyes.

"Qinglong, you are already surrounded, you don't have to struggle senselessly, otherwise, you will only end up dead."

Qinglong's face changed drastically: "How did you do it?" Did you know in the first place that I was hiding here?

The man at the head said coldly: "This place has been prepared a few days ago, and hidden cameras have been installed in every place suitable for sniping!"

"You just came here, we found you, you can't escape, there are heavy weapons on the two helicopters, and anesthesia bombs, once you dare to resist, we will kill you in the first place!"

Qinglong swallowed a mouthful of spit, and there was a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

Qin Mu's layout was so much more clever than the Hades Hall.

He slowly let go of the sniper rifle in his hand, and he knew that this time he really planted it.


The other side.

Xuanwu's figure blended into the crowd, and when he came to a supermarket, he exhaled softly: "I didn't expect Qin Mu to be so powerful, he actually knew how to arrange people in that kind of place!"

"If I hadn't run fast, it would have fallen into their hands!"

He scanned the grocery location in the supermarket and quickly found something that suits him.

Before he could leave with his things, a man came to him with a faint smile on his face, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Xuanwu's arm.

"Got you!"

Xuanwu's face changed: "What kind of person are you?"

At this time, on the other side, the men who surrounded him before all walked over, with a faint smile on their faces: "Who do you say we are?"

Xuanwu's face had a somewhat incredulous look: "How did you find me?"

The man at the head sneered: "You don't need to worry about this, come with us!" Otherwise, there will be flesh and skin suffering!

Xuanwu's fist clenched slightly, he was good at using poison, but his skills were not very good, and now that these people had driven him to a dead end, he couldn't leave at all.

"I didn't expect that I was arrested by you!" Xuanwu chuckled and simply gave up.

"Search everything on him, then strip it off and take it to the car!"

The man at the head said.

"You, what are you doing?" Xuanwu hurriedly said.

However, they didn't give Xuanwu a chance to react at all, controlled his man, and punched him directly in the back of the head, and he fainted immediately.

Several people stripped him of his clothes and searched out all the things on him, and some of them were directly thrown away before leaving with Xuanwu.

If Xuanwu knew that he was directly taken naked by these people, it is estimated that he would have the heart to die!!!

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