At this time on the other side.

A man with a height of two meters and a wolf's head tattoo on his neck slowly put down his mobile phone, his eyes were full of murderous aura, his figure stood up, and his amazing anger erupted.

Behind him, several men walked over.

The lowest of them are one meter eight or nine meters tall, their muscles are extremely developed, and their exposed skin has obvious scars.

At a glance, it is the character who walks through the field of life and death.

"Lord Wolf God!"

Their eyes looked at the wolf god, and there was a bit of reverence in their eyes.

"Someone made trouble in our field and killed the wild beast!"

The Wolf God said softly.

When the words fell, the faces of these people changed a little.

Kill the beast!!

Although the mad beast is a little annoying, but the strength is very strong, the person who can kill him must not be simple.

"It's been a long time since anyone came to our venue to make trouble!"

"The person who can kill the berserk beast is definitely not simple!"

"How about we get some heavy weapons?"


someone asked.

"Let the musket team move, in addition, we will go to meet that guy for a while, dare to be so rampant, I also want to see what the other party is about!"

The Wolf God said softly.

The men all nodded.

The wolf god walked forward.

They followed, and one of them made a phone call to call the musket team.

The figure of the group left here, got into a sports car and rushed towards where Qin Mu was.


Qin Mu found a place to sit down.

Codename 1 walked down from the ring, his hands still had blood, he wiped the blood on his hands, and his face was a little indifferent.


Qin Mu nodded slightly: "Good job, rest on the side!" Wait until you're shot!

Codename 1 nodded and walked to the side, but he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes looked towards Qin Mu: "This guy Wolf God is not a good person, I think he will definitely use some means!"

Qin Mu nodded: "I have long been ready, don't worry!"

Codename 1 nodded and said no more.

Waiting on the sidelines.

Many people saw that these people had a look of trepidation on their faces, and some quietly left.

There are also some staff here who dare not leave, but just stare at them from a distance.

It didn't take long for the huge underground gym to become only a few dozen people left.

For gyms, they are earned in blood.

Because a lot of their investment didn't get it back.

It is equivalent to the previous bets, all taken away by their gym.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the gym was extremely tense.

Qin Mu sat on the seat, I don't know where to get a package of peanuts to eat one by one, and the people behind him also found a place to sit down.

The complexion is extremely relaxed.

Almost half an hour later, a crunching sound came, and I only saw several figures walking towards here.

Seeing them, there was a faint smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth.

The man at the head was extremely tall, his muscles were also very developed, and there was a hideous blood wolf tattoo on his neck, and his figure walked towards this side.

He was followed by more than a dozen men, giving people a rather extraordinary feeling.

When he came to the gym, his eyes quickly saw the wild beast in the ring, there was a trace of indifference in his eyes, a murderous aura instantly permeated from him, and his eyes looked towards Qin Mu.

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