Seeing the person coming, Qin Mu's face had a somewhat indifferent look.

He was still sitting in place, and the wolf god's group walked towards him.

The wolf god's eyes looked at Qin Mu, and the murderous aura in his eyes was extremely obvious.

"You're the one making trouble in my grounds?"

"What's your name?"

The wolf god's eyes were full of coldness, and he scolded.

Qin Mu said indifferently: "What kind of person am I, don't you count in your heart?"

"Our gang just came to punch, but your men are too weak!" If you accidentally kill it, you shouldn't be surprised!

The corner of the wolf god's mouth had a sneering look: "Of course I don't mind, I actually came to my venue to punch, I naturally welcome it!"

"It seems that you are very confident in the strength of your subordinates!"

Qin Mu: "It's okay!" After all, I cultivated it with my own hands!

The wolf god sneered: "Okay, then I will also fight with you, a fight for life and death!" Dare or not?

Qin Mu nodded: "Of course, you can, but it's too boring to just punch, it's better to make some bets!"

"You say!" There was a bit of coldness in the wolf god's eyes.

He is actually also a martial arts maniac, and he has a great reputation over the years, and he has no opponents.

It's rare to meet someone who is so not afraid of death and his strength is really strong, and he really wants to meet for a while.

"It's very simple, we will send three people each, and each of us will agree to a request from the other party as long as they win one game!"

"At the end of the three games, the winning side, if it wins big, then it can make a request that the other party absolutely cannot refuse, including sacrificing itself!"


Qin Mu asked.

"Good! I admire you who are not afraid of death!

The Wolf God nodded.

"Then sign and draw, if you are accidentally killed by our people, I will ask the person behind you for it!"

Qin Mudao.

"Hahaha, you really want to, then accompany you to sign the pledge!"

The wolf god laughed.

Someone next to him brought paper and pen, and two people signed and pledged.

Qin Mu's face had a somewhat indifferent look, and he took the contract in his hand and put it on himself.

"Send someone!"

Qin Mudao.

"Iron Hand, you are on the first battle!"

The wolf god looked at a man in his thirties next to him and said.

He carried a pair of iron tools in his hands, his eyes were fierce and silent.

Hearing this, he nodded slightly.


The figure of the iron hand walked towards the ring.

Qin Mu's eyes swept over: "No. 3, you go on!"

Codename 3 nodded and walked towards the ring.

When he came to the ring, the eyes of the iron hand looked at him.

If you know the iron hand, you will know that he is also one of the four great generals of the Wolf God.

His strength is much stronger than that of the Berserk Beast, because the Berserk likes free fighting, but he wears a weapon.

Iron Hand!

His iron hand is not an ordinary iron hand, not only can not enter the knife and gun, but also hides a variety of hidden weapons.

In this field, life and death battles are like this, and any kind of cold weapon can be brought.

Codename 3's eyes looked at the iron hand.

With the referee next to him giving an order, his figure suddenly rushed towards the other party.

Seeing the figure of Codename 3, the iron hand snorted coldly, and the powerful fist force suddenly burst out.

Codename 3's fist smashed towards him.


The two fists collided together, and a dull voice sounded.

The figure slowly retreated, but the strength of the iron hand was obviously greater, and there were spikes on his fist, and when he collided with Codename 3, he actually left blood on Codename 3's fist!!

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