Bai Yuan's whole person was stunned, he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

"Mr. Qin, I'll figure out a way to do this!"

The contract has been signed, and if Qin Mu can't come over at this time, the damage caused to him will be very serious.

But Bai Yuan didn't expect that things would turn out like this.


Qin Mu responded.

The wolf god stood aside, with a bit of emotion on his face.

Mr. Qin is really not ordinary.

Three hundred million!

Even before him, it would take a while to earn it.

Qin Mu just played a few games, and with a simple operation, Bai Yuan was teased like a mouse.

After a while, Bai Yuan's phone called again.

"Mr. Qin, three hundred million can be paid in advance by my side!"

"But we need you to make up a contract for us!"

Bai Yuandao.

Qin Mu: "No problem!"

"Well, where are you now?"

Bai Yuan asked.

"I'm in the club, so be it! I'm going to you now to talk about some details about the club's construction! Qin

Mu said.


Bai Yuan responded.

Qin Mu didn't delay much, took the car keys in his hand, simply dressed up in disguise, and went out with the wolf god.

After the two left the house, they drove onto the road.

After almost an hour and a half, the two arrived at a hotel.

When they just entered the hall, they saw Bai Yuan sitting on the sofa not far away.

Seeing the two of them, Bai Yuan's face had a bit of a smile on his face.

Today he is wearing a white suit, giving people a light and elegant feeling.

The figure quickly walked towards Qin Mu and the Wolf God.

Until now, he did not have the slightest doubt, but hoped that Qin Mu could get to his side sooner.


Bai Yuan's face had a little smile on his face and stretched out his hand.

Qin Mu shook hands with him: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing!"

Bai Yuan hurriedly said, "It's okay, everything has been smooth sailing this year!"

"Good things grind, good things grind!"

Qin Mu's face also had a bit of a smile on it.

The Wolf God had a bit of disdain in his heart.

This is Bai Yuan.

Sold and still helping to make money.

Under the leadership of Bai Yuan, the two walked towards the elevator position.

Along the way, Bai Yuan excitedly explained his plan for the club.

I also plan to invite some masters from abroad to come back.

Qin Mu also responded very politely.

When they came to the private room, Bai Yuan informed the waiter to serve the food.

"This hotel has a few specialties that are a must!" Bai Yuan said with a smile.

Qin Mu nodded slightly.

As the waiter served the food, several people pushed the cups and changed the lamps.

As the small leader of the underground forces of the Bai family, Bai Yuan is also a rich man.

A few people ate more than 30,000 people in this meal.

But Bai Yuan was not distressed at all.

There are still some unfinished meanings.

"Miki-san, do you want to sing at night?"

Bai Yuan asked with a smile.

Qin Mu shook his head: "I still have to go back to practice my technique!"

Bai Yuan nodded and took out a contract from his briefcase.

"You can take a look at this contract, after signing, my side will directly let the company send money to your club!"

Qin Mu looked at it simply.

The content of the contract is relatively simple, and Bai Yuan helps him pay 300 million liquidated damages.

These three hundred million, Qin Mu does not need to return it, but it is equivalent to the salary he advanced.

After Qin Mu made sure that there was no problem, he quickly signed the document.

Bai Yuan's face also had a bit of a smile on it.

After chatting for a while, the group walked outside.

Bai Yuan's heart is still excited, in his opinion, he is one step closer to his dream! ! !

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