Qin Mu naturally knew Bai Yuan's thoughts, and he just wanted to let Bai Yuan be in this state.

Always think that you will succeed soon, but never close.

The same is true of the means of killing pigs.

It always tells you that the next moment you will make a lot of money.

But until then, you need to keep throwing money in, and eventually you will find that everything is just illusory.

The Wolf God was full of admiration for Qin Mu.

Such a man is really likely to play the Bai family alive and die in the future.

Days passed in the blink of an eye.

Bai Yuan has been preparing for the club.

Qin Mu's face was full of indifference.

He let his media publish some false information, further stirring up the matter.

It didn't take long for Bai Yuan's side to receive the news.

Looking at the information on the computer, Bai Yuan's eyes were full of surprise.

The above report is that a mysterious ID appeared in the esports world that challenged several professional players in a short period of time and won a big victory.

That ID Bai Yuan knew was the same ID that Qin Mu had logged in before.

He is very strong in his own right, and with amazing computer technology, it is simply easy to make such news.

Bai Yuan couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and call Qin Mu.

"Mr. Miki, I saw your things, you are too fierce! One person singled out so many pros!

Qin Mu's face was a little indifferent: "Isn't this a routine operation?" You have already spent so much money, my side can't cooperate well!

"In addition, there are a few masters on my side, are you interested?"

Bai Yuan was a little excited: "What kind of master?"

Qin Mu: "The strength is similar to mine, it is also professional-level, and it was also hidden training before, if you are interested!"

"A few of us, winning this quarter's championship, it must be no problem!"

"Yes, I will meet them when I have time!"

Bai Yuan said quickly.

Qin Mu: "Okay, I'll send you a video of their match!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone, and not long after that, he had a few more messages on Bai Yuan's prestige, and clicked to see that it was a collection of events.

By watching, Bai Yuan's eyes were a little happy.

Although it was only some collections, he could see that the people introduced by Qin Mu here were very strong.

He knew that with these people, he could definitely soar into the sky.

"Mr. Miki is really my lucky star! I didn't expect to meet such a talent!

Bai Yuan thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and it was from the Bai family.

The phone was connected, and a man's voice came.

"Bai Yuan, how have you been preparing for work lately? Did Qin Mu come to you?

Bai Yuan: "Not for the time being, my side has almost dealt with it, even if he wants to do something, it should be impossible!" Man

: "Well, this guy is not simple, you pay more attention over there!" During this time, our Bai family will also have some actions!

Bai Yuan: "Good!"

After hanging up the phone, Bai Yuan's eyes also had some thoughts.

It stands to reason that there should be movement on Qin Mu's side, but so far he has not received any news, which is indeed a bit abnormal.

His eyes were a little cold, no matter what Qin Mu wanted to do, he would make the other party pay!

The Bai family is not so easy to provoke!

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