Bai Yuan was naturally unaware of these.

After he determined that Li Shihae had no relationship with the club, he planned to solve the matter by his own means.

That night, Bai Yuan called a group of people.

Inside an office building, a middle-aged man in a suit had just finished a long day's work.

He was Qin Mu's subordinate and the one who sued Bai Yuan.

Just when he came to the parking lot.

Several figures came to the side of his car, and their eyes looked at him with a little indifference.

"Who are you?"

One of the figures had a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "What are we?" Who do you think we are?

"You've been dashing lately! Dare to do anything? The

middle-aged man's complexion changed a little, and Qin Mu had told him before that there would be such a thing.

"Now is a society ruled by law, you better not mess around!"


A figure suddenly slapped the middle-aged man, and the speed was amazing.

The middle-aged man's figure was beaten back one after another, and his face was a little painful.

"Your special code is not small! Dare to teach me to do things? Don't look at your identity? The

figure suddenly walked towards the middle-aged man, and kicked him again.

The middle-aged man fell to the ground, his body arched, and his face was full of pain.

The few people next to him were also unambiguous, and their fists fell towards him fiercely.

Bang bang!

In less than a few minutes, the middle-aged man was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, and his face was full of pain.

"You should know why we came to you! There are people you can't mess with!

The leading man said with an indifferent look in his eyes.

"The Bai family has a good means! But when you do this, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble? The

middle-aged man's eyes were indifferent, and he did not feel the slightest fear because he was beaten.


Another punch fell on him.

"You dare to threaten us, you are really not afraid of death!"

The man who said that the leader took out a small knife, and the blade was clearly dangling, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"What do you want to do?"

The middle-aged man's complexion changed a little.

"Don't worry, this time is just a warning, we won't overdo it! It's just that we people are not as easy to mess with as you think!

"If you dare to do it, then naturally you need to pay some price!"

Saying that, he grabbed the middle-aged man's left hand and licked the dagger.

His eyes were full of cruelty.

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically.


The man suddenly stabbed the dagger towards the middle-aged man's little finger.


A gunshot rang out.

The dagger in the man's hand was instantly knocked away.

The man's face changed suddenly, his eyes looked not far away, only to see a shadow position not far away, a strong figure with a gun in his hand was staring at this side.

The man's face was a little ugly.

"What are you? Behind us is the Blue Dragon Hall! The

figure dressed in black and holding a gun in his hand had an indifferent look: "Get out!" Otherwise, none of you will be able to leave! The

man's fist clenched slightly, but he knew that the other party had a thermal weapon in his hand, and once he met, he was not an opponent at all.

"What a shame!"

Saying that, he stood up and left quickly with a group of people.

But they didn't know that the scene just now was filmed by surveillance cameras.

The man in black slowly walked towards the middle-aged man, still with indifference in his eyes.

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