Coming to the middle-aged man, the man's voice was a little cold.

As if an emotionless robot: "Good job, what happened just now has been recorded!" The

middle-aged man nodded: "It is my blessing to be able to do things for Mr. Qin!" "

If you hide in the past few days, there should be someone in the Bai family looking for you, but don't worry, Mr. Qin will definitely protect you!"

The man in black said.


The middle-aged man nodded, got up from the ground with some difficulty, walked towards the car with some stumbling, sat on the car, and rested for a while before driving away.

Looking at the speeding away vehicle, the man in black took out his mobile phone, intercepted a surveillance video, sent it to Qin Mu through the network, and then put the mobile phone in his pocket, turned around and left quickly.


Bai Yuan's side also quickly knew the situation here, and he was very strange, who dared to oppose their Bai family.

Bai Yuan sat in the office, his face full of doubt.

A lot has happened during this time.

Previously, he was planning to intimidate the owners of the club.

He often does such things.

When the average person faces this situation, they basically stop cooking.

From the situation reported by his subordinates, there seems to be a force behind the middle-aged man.

"If it's not Li Shihai, who is the person behind the club?"

There was a trace of thought in Bai Yuan's gaze, and after a while, his complexion changed a little.

In the Demon Capital, only Qin Mu could compete with their Bai family.

Qin Mu had disappeared all this time, and even the Bai family felt very strange.

If it weren't for this matter of the middle-aged man, he wouldn't have thought of Qin Mu at all.

"If it's him, he does have this ability, it seems that all this has been a trap from the beginning!"

Bai Yuan reacted.

As a member of the Bai family, he is very smart himself.

Although Mr. Miki is very important, everything comes too coincidentally.

It did make him have some concerns.

Taking out his mobile phone, Bai Yuan dialed a call, and after a few simple instructions, he hung up the phone.

He knew that it was necessary to thoroughly investigate Mr. Miki.


Qin Mu on the other side also knew the situation in the parking lot, and looking at the video on his mobile phone, the corners of Qin Mu's mouth had a faint smile.

The wolf god stood aside.

He was not stupid either, his eyes looked at Qin Mu with a bit of doubt on his face.

"Mr. Qin, if you directly send that kind of expert out, Bai Yuan will definitely realize that something is wrong!"

The Wolf God asked.

Qin Mu nodded slightly: "Of course, if nothing else, he should be investigating the identity of Mr. Sanshu!"

"But no matter how he investigates, it is impossible to investigate anything!"

"Even if he knows that I am behind me, what can he do?"

"Now he has only two choices, one, give up Mr. Miki!"

"It is also equivalent to his previous investments have been lost, and it is definitely impossible to do such a thing with his personality!"

"Two, count and fight me from the club as an entry point!"

"However, with his strength, it is definitely impossible to be my opponent!"

"I also plan to use the club as a rocker to see how many forces of the Bai family can be cocked out!"

The wolf god stood aside, with a look of respect in his eyes.

This Qin Mu was really like a god.

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