After a while, Bai Yuan looked at Qin Mu: "You explain truthfully now, I can give you a pain!" "

Qin Mu has god-level acting skills, and the appearance he shows is not comparable to ordinary people!

To outsiders, he was really miserable.

Bai Yuan is also very confident in this set of acupuncture.

Normally, no one can last long under this set of acupuncture.

Qin Mu's appearance is also normal.

"I... I really...... I don't know...... You...... What are you talking about! Qin

Mu said.

Bai Yuan's gaze had a hint of doubt.

Under normal circumstances, being stimulated by acupuncture and moxibustion does not last long.

The expression on Qin Mu's face was also normal.

His heart was a little shaken.


Is Qin Mu really not a liar?

After another while, Bai Yuan asked again, "Mr. Miki, do you really not explain?"

Qin Mu still shook his head: "What do I explain?" I didn't do anything myself!

Bai Yuan took a deep breath and looked at Qin Mu with his eyes, he knew that under this kind of acupuncture technique, ordinary people simply could not hold it.

The expression on Qin Mu's face was already deformed.

This is not at all disguised.

"Removed acupuncture!"

Bai Yuandao.

The man next to him quickly pulled out the silver needles on his body one by one.

Qin Mu gasped, but after a while, he passed out.

Qin Mu, who has god-level acting skills, has a good grasp of all aspects of the details, and in his opinion, in this case, he needs to faint.

"Take him to the room and rest!" Bai Yuandao.

The man next to him pulled Qin Mu into the room to rest.

There was a thought on Bai Yuan's face: "What's going on?" It turned out that he didn't do it, so who the hell? After

thinking for a while, he waited until Qin Mu woke up, Bai Yuan came to the room, and his eyes looked at Qin Mu.

"Mr. Miki, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you!"

Qin Mu looked at the ceiling with his eyes and did not speak.

Bai Yuan asked people to fetch ten gold bars.

"Mr. Miki, I hope you can accept these small gifts!"

"It was indeed very presumptuous just now, but after you went through this, you are a member of our Bai family! There is no way that our Bai family is more afraid of having inner ghosts, so we made this decision!

Qin Mu sneered: "Bai Yuan, do you think it's interesting to give a candy with a stick?"

"I really treat you, that's what you did to me?"

Bai Yuan's face was also a little helpless: "I don't want to do this either, it's better to be cautious about some things!"

"You're right!"

Qin Mu shook his head slightly: "If you are such a hospitality, then I would rather forget it!"

"Mr. Miki, there are no small things to be done, I did not do it right just now, but if you leave now, it will not do you any good!"

"Isn't it?"

Bai Yuan said seriously.

Qin Mu sneered: "But the pain you made me endure, I can't forget in this life!"

Bai Yuan: "Pain is easy to forget!" People are looking forward from beginning to end, and with your skills, I can completely make you a global champion!

"And our Bai family has very broad resources, and linked to our Bai family, not only you, but your descendants will benefit endlessly!"

"Are you sure you want to reject me?"

Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly: "What you say now is really like a divine stick!"

Bai Yuan nodded slightly: "You can understand it this way, but I sincerely invite you!" "

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