Qin Mu thought for a while, and there was still a bit of coldness in his eyes: "Promise you can, but the previous treatment, I need to double!"

Bai Yuan: "Money is not a problem, there are also some things on my side that you need to do!"

Qin Mu's brows frowned slightly: "What's the matter?" "It's

not a secret that our Bai family has encountered some trouble recently, there is a guy who is always looking for trouble with our Bai family!"

"I've been investigating him, but he's disappeared during this time, but your company seems to have some connection with him, so I hope you can help me investigate something within your company!"

Bai Yuan said seriously.

Qin Mu's eyes had some thoughts in them: "If you say so, there are indeed some problems within our company, and several people in the company have indeed been a little abnormal recently!"

Bai Yuan suddenly became interested: "For example, who are you talking about?"

Qin Mu: "I can't say the specific situation, but the atmosphere in the company has changed during this time!"

"How about this! You give me the money first, I will help you investigate secretly, and there is no trust between us, but if your money is in place, I am still willing to help you do something!

Bai Yuan nodded, and he directly called Qin Mu a hundred million past.

In his opinion, Qin Mu must be his own person, and he is still relatively generous to his own people.

Looking at the transfer on the mobile phone, the corner of Qin Mu's mouth was a little sneered.

He knew that Bai Yuan would be unlucky next.

Slowly standing up, Qin Mu's face had a bit of pain.

He walked outside, and Bai Yuan asked people to follow.

After Qin Mu left, Bai Yuan exhaled lightly: "I almost missed a good general, but what the hell is Qin Mu's idea?" He couldn't have been without moving for so long!

And while he was thinking, a phone call came in.

Bai Yuan answered the phone, and it was the company that called.

"Hey, the boss is not good, something happened!"

Bai Yuan's complexion changed a little: "What's going on?"

"Just now, the company was reported, some secret accounts were discovered, if the investigation continues, the company's market value will definitely plummet!"

Bai Yuan's face changed suddenly: "How so?" What did you eat? Why is this happening?

"We don't know! We don't even know where the opponent got the information!

"Wang Baegg, there are more than enough successes and failures, give me a wait, I will return to the company now!" Bai Yuan left quickly.

Qin Mu observed these not far away, and there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth: "It's a little interesting!" Bai Yuan, this guy is going to play!

Behind Qin Mu there was a man with eyes: "Mr. Qin, your hand is really powerful!"

"First get Bai Yuan's trust, and then give Bai Yuan a hand to draw salary, if nothing else, he is almost finished!"

Qin Mu's face had a coldness: "After preparing for so long, it is time to close the net!" There

was a bit of coldness in his gaze.

The man behind him also nodded.

It was not very difficult to get some information with Qin Mu's ability.

However, what he wanted to do was to completely disintegrate the underground power of the Bai family, and for his own use, he naturally needed to prepare a little more carefully.

In this case, Bai Yuan definitely needs to cut the meat.

And the companies he prepared have been fully prepared!!

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