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Chapter 1296: You are asking for your own death! (A new month has arrived

Chapter 1296 You are asking for your own death! (The new month is here, please vote for me)

Although Duanmuhuai issued the order as quickly as possible, it was still a step too slow. Before the people in the conference room could even come up with a countermeasure, another urgent news came.

“News came from Base 32 in Antarctica, Monster Zero has been awakened!”

Duanmu Huai had just finished giving the order, and before he even came back to his senses, he saw a staff member walking in with a serious expression. Although Duanmuhuai didn't know what she was talking about, he could see the expressions of everyone sitting there, including Dr. Serizawa, change instantly. Obviously, they didn't expect it to happen so quickly!

 “How is it possible? Is the situation reliable?”

"This is the communication record from Research Institute No. 32."

As he spoke, the staff member typed on the keyboard, and soon a man wearing a down jacket appeared on the screen. He looked at the camera with a look of horror and uneasiness.

"Base 32 was lost! Professor Emma betrayed us! She led a group of terrorists into the base, many people were killed, and external communications were cut off. I can only transmit this message through the emergency satellite, Their purpose is to awaken Monster Zero! We don’t... Oh, my God!”

Before the researcher could finish speaking, a burst of gunfire suddenly came from not far away, making him tremble.

"This is my last message, the base is careful, they are disguising our signals, they..."


At this moment, the locked door was suddenly knocked open, and then several soldiers were seen rushing into the camera and pulling the trigger on the researcher. Soon with the sound of gunfire, the researcher fell to the ground, and the lens was damaged, leaving only a snowflake on the screen.


 Seeing this, everyone was silent. Dr. Serizawa coughed after a moment, and then looked at the staff next to him.

 “Have you confirmed it?”

"Through satellites, we did search for a biological signal similar to Monster Zero in Antarctica, but it quickly disappeared in the storm and could not be traced. The search team has set off, and the only thing that can be confirmed now is that Base 32 has been Completely destroyed."

Along with the staff's report, the image of Base 32 appeared on the screen, but now there were almost no traces of artificial construction there, only a large dark hole could be seen.

 “I, I don’t believe it, how is this possible?”

 A researcher shook his head.

“Professor Emma betrayed us? Why did she betray us? There must have been a mistake!”

"But if this is the case, then it makes sense that Base 32 was breached! You must know that each research base must review the signal code and only allow entry after confirmation. Base 32 must think that the other party is a friendly force , so he was caught off guard! Without the help of Dr. Emma, ​​it would have been impossible to rely on those terrorists alone..."

"Impossible? Wasn't Mothra's base breached by this group of terrorists?"

 At this moment, everyone in the conference room was also arguing loudly. It was obvious that they did not want to believe the news.

However, Duanmuhuai's voice sounded at this moment.

"How is it impossible? If Mothra's base was breached, it was also done by Dr. Emma and the group of terrorists, wouldn't it make sense?"


Hearing Duanmuhuai's speech, everyone was really stunned. The researcher who denied it before shook his head like a rattle.

"No, this is absolutely impossible. Dr. Emma is not this kind of person. She can't do this. She recruited almost everyone here... Maybe the terrorist threatened her? Threaten her with her daughter? She Why do this?"

 “It’s simple, wake up the monster.”

 Duanmuhuai shrugged his shoulders.

"Look, she first awakened Mothra, and now she awakened that monster zero. I don't know what this woman was thinking. But at least I can be sure that when she awakened Mothra, no one had a gun. Point to her head."


 Everyone looked at each other, but said nothing. I have to admit that although Duanmuhuai's statement sounds ridiculous at first, it is indeed possible. If Dr. Emma really wants to awaken all the monsters, then the Imperial Organization will certainly not allow her to do so.

 But... just because of this, she colluded with terrorists?


“No matter what, we’ll find out when we find her.”

Dr. Serizawa reached out and raised his glasses, then sighed.

 “Can Dr. Emma’s whereabouts be determined?”

“Yes, according to satellite analysis of the trajectory of the Osprey transport plane that Dr. Emma was traveling on, their next stop is Base 56 in South America.”

"Very good, we will go to Base No. 56 immediately. No matter what, we must not let the monsters be awakened again!"

Following Dr. Serizawa's order, the Argo immediately changed its course and headed towards Base No. 56. At the same time, a whole squadron of fighter planes also joined the Argonauts and flew to the destination together as an **** formation.

“Master, do you think it was the doctor who awakened the monster?”

Standing by the window, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside, Mu turned his head to Duanmuhuai curiously and asked.

“It is very possible, or at least proven, that Dr. Emma is not worthy of trust.”

 “Why do you say that!”

Hearing Duanmuhuai's answer, the researcher just now couldn't help but come over and retort, it seems that he should be Dr. Emma's little fan.

“Dr. Emma is not that kind of person!”

 “Why isn’t she?”

Duanmuhuai glanced at the researcher with disdain.

“She has already released two monsters. Once these two monsters riot, it is likely to cause unimaginable casualties, but she still did it!”

“Maybe the other party forced her to do this, maybe they threatened her with her daughter...”

 “Then they can choose to die!”

Duanmu Huai suddenly waved his hand and interrupted the researcher's words in an aggressive manner.

"Taking a step back, even if Dr. Emma is threatened, it can only mean that she is willing to kill thousands of people in order to save her daughter! At least this can show that she is not a good person. There is no sense of consciousness at all! To protect your daughter and allow thousands of people to be killed is a crime in itself!”

“Then what do you mean, she should watch her daughter being shot, or even herself being killed?”

"That's right! In order to protect mankind, this is a necessary sacrifice! But she doesn't have the courage, let alone the idea!"

Duanmu Huai glared fiercely at the researcher in front of him.

“If one day, someone threatens you with your family and asks you to choose, which side will you choose? Sacrificing tens of thousands of strangers? Or sacrificing your familiar and close family members?”


Facing Duanmuhuai’s inquiry, the researcher was immediately speechless.

 “And what about you?”

Perhaps because she saw her colleague being embarrassed, another short-haired female doctor next to her also joined the conversation and glared at Duanmuhuai dissatisfied.

 “Which side will you choose?”

 “Of course it’s to protect humanity.”

However, Duanmu Huai gave the answer without hesitation.

"If possible, I don't want to make a choice, but once we get to that point, there is obviously only one thing we have to do! Our duty is to protect mankind from these alien monsters, so of course we should stand It is our duty to fight for this goal on the front line! ”


 Hearing Duanmu Huai's answer, everyone was speechless for a moment. Although they wanted to refute, in fact, when they were on Skull Island, Duanmu Huai and the others were the first to rush forward when facing the monster.

   I really do come to you when something happens!

 “If you don’t have this awareness……”

Duanmu Huai glanced at the two of them and looked away.

“Then it means you are not suitable for the job of protecting human beings.”


The short-haired female doctor clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, but this time she was speechless. At this moment, others also fell into silence. Everyone has their own goals and ideas when they join the Imperial Organization. Some of them do join because they hope to save mankind from being harmed by giant beasts. From this point of view, their original intention is indeed to protect mankind.

 But... what if you have to sacrifice your loved ones or even yourself in order to protect human beings?

Of course it is easy to say it, but when the time comes, can they really do it?

 Compared to those strangers, the people close to you are naturally the most important, aren't they?

 Sacrifice your loved ones, or even yourself, for those you have never met?

 For ordinary people, this must be difficult to choose. In other words, it is normal and human to choose one's relatives.

 But the question is, are they ordinary people?

 Of course they are not! Because their research and their decisions will affect the future of humans and monsters in the entire world!


Duanmu Huai snorted coldly and ignored these people. He had already seen that this imperial organization was a grass-roots team.

For example, Dr. Emma brought a teenage child into the base, and they actually let her in. It's something that even the monster base didn't keep secret, right? Do you want to sell another visit ticket?

Just when everyone was about to reach their destination, another abnormal situation occurred.

“Dr. Serizawa, the emergency channel received a video call request from Mara Island.”


 Soon, the screen changed, and then a woman appeared on the screen. Seeing this woman, everyone in the command room stopped involuntarily and stared at her. Dr. Mark rushed directly to the screen and stared at the woman - well, if I am correct, then she should be Dr. Emma.

 After a moment, Dr. Emma spoke.

 “I guess I have to speak first.”

 “Where is Madison?”

However, Dr. Mark seemed not to care about Dr. Emma at all, staring directly at her and asking. Soon, a girl poked her head out from beside the screen. Dr. Emma kissed the girl and then looked at the screen.

 “She’s fine, Mark, trust me.”

 “It’s a little difficult to believe you, Dr. Russell.”

 At this time Kiba Yuto spoke.

“We received information from the Antarctic base before, saying that you are now working for those terrorists? Is this true?”

"I know."

 Dr. Emma's performance was very calm.

“I can imagine what you think of me, and I wouldn’t do this if there were any other way to do it.”

 “What are you going to do, Emma?”

Facing Dr. Mark’s inquiry, Dr. Emma paused.

 “I’m saving the world.”

 “Relying on releasing monsters? This is nonsense!”

 “It seems incredible, but it is true.”

 However, Dr. Emma was not shaken by this and continued to speak.

"After losing Andrew, I vowed to make his sacrifice count and find answers as to why the beasts had returned. But the deeper I dug, the more I learned they were here for a reason. Although we spent After years of trying to stop them, we have never dared to face the truth. For thousands of years, humans have dominated the earth. Overpopulation, pollution, war, and the mass extinction we fear have begun, and the culprit is ourselves.”


Duanmuhuai recalled it, and it seemed that he had said before that the couple had two children, and Andrew died in a monster fight last year in San Francisco.

Hmm, that’s normal. It is abnormal for Ultraman to fight small monsters and become immortals.


"We are the source of infection, but like all living organisms, the earth mobilizes its own defense mechanism to fight infection. That is the first generation of the earth's justifiable rulers - the Titans. They are part of the earth's natural defense mechanism to protect the earth. , to maintain balance. If the government is allowed to contain them, eliminate them, or turn them into weapons, humans, the source of infection, will only continue to spread, and the earth will be destroyed in our lifetime, and we will all perish unless we restore balance... …”

“What will the earth look like if we do this? A dead, scorched land filled with monsters?”

"No, Doctor, just the opposite. Just as forest fires nourish the soil, volcanoes bring new lands. There are signs that monsters will do the same. Wherever monsters go, nature will come back to life. Only they can. Reversing human-induced extinction, they are the only guarantee for the continuation of life.”

Hearing this, Dr. Serizawa put his hand on his forehead, while Dr. Emma continued to speak.

 “To begin this process, they must first be released.”

 “You are murdering all mankind!”

"No, even if the road ahead is difficult, I guarantee that humans will not become extinct. Using Oka, we will restore the natural order. In this forgotten order, we will coexist in harmony with the giant beasts..."

 “This is a dangerous road!”

“Dr. Serizawa finally couldn’t help but stood up and glared at Emma.

“You intend to manipulate the unknown power of mankind and risk billions of human lives!”

 “Isn’t it the same for you, Serizawa?”

Faced with Dr. Serizawa’s accusations, Dr. Emma showed no regrets.

“The government only wants to eradicate all monsters. If that comes true, what hope is there for the future?!”

 “Okay, I’ve had enough of these boring excuses.”

However, at this moment, Duanmu Huai stood up. He stared at Emma on the screen with an extremely cold expression.

 “So in the final analysis, you are not doing it for humanity, you are just doing it for yourself.”

 "What are you talking about...? I'm not..."


 Duanmuhuai said this name, instantly making Dr. Emma fall into silence.

"You just said that you vowed to make his death meaningful, and all the things you made up later were just to give his death meaning. You don't want to admit that your son was just affected by the monster fight. A mote of meaningless death, leaving you without any meaning or value. So you came up with this bizarre theory of environmental terrorism, so that your son's death is not meaningless. But it will become a part of the world's return to normal, and you will feel better, right?"


Emma stared at Duanmuhuai and gritted her teeth.

 “I don’t need to explain to you…”

 “I don’t want to hear your explanation either.”

Duanmuhuai directly interrupted Emma's answer and stared at her coldly.

"I don't care what your motivations are for doing these things, but it is clear that you are consciously trying to plunge billions of human beings into danger of death and destruction, and for me, knowing that is enough. You don't Think you can escape, heretic, we will kill those monsters you awakened and those you did not awaken, and burn them all to ashes. Then we will find you, and I will let you see the corpses of those monsters with your own eyes, and then I will. Kill your daughter with my own hands, and finally kill you..."

 Speaking of this, Duanmu Huai showed a ferocious, cruel, wild smile on his face.

"At that time, you will understand that everything you have done is meaningless, and your son and daughter died equally worthless...I will be happy to hear your miserable wails."

"You dare to threaten my daughter? How dare you do this...!"

"Of course I can. Since you are trying to kill billions of humans, I think it is normal and natural to kill your relatives in return."

Duanmuhuai chuckled.

As he had complained before, the Demon King would kill your whole family, wouldn’t the Inquisition do the same? You are afraid of the Demon King, but you are not afraid of the Inquisition?

 In this case, Duanmu Huai guarantees that the Tribunal will not only kill your whole family, but will also be more cruel than the Demon King! By that time, I believe you will regret your choice.

 “Wash your neck and wait, heretic, you won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow.”

Looking at the ugly face in front of him, Duanmu Huai smiled and ruthlessly handed down the verdict.

 (End of this chapter)

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