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Chapter 1297: The first one (it finally started to rain today)

Chapter 1297 The First Head (It finally started to rain today)

 Communication is interrupted.


Duanmu Huai stared at the dark screen in front of him fiercely, then turned to look at the others.

 “Can’t you find the location of this bitch?!”

 “She’s not here.”

 The staff member shook his head.

"The signal is too weak. It doesn't look like it's coming from the local area. She should be using our satellite to divert the signal. They should be hiding in some old bunker... Damn it, she shut down the control system of Base 56! The monster model begins Enhance!”

“Find that bitch, I will cut her into pieces!”

Duanmu Huai turned around with an angry roar and strode towards the door.

 “Wait, where are you going?”

 “I’ll kill this monster, and you’ll be responsible for evacuating the crowd!”

When Duanmuhuai said this, he glared at Dr. Serizawa coldly.

“Also, I suggest that your imperial organization conducts a thorough review in the future, and don’t want to recruit all kinds of idiots and lunatics into it! Lorena, Ki Geng, let’s go!”

Watching Duanmuhuai and his party disappear outside the gate, Dr. Serizawa sat down on the table and remained silent, while the expressions of the others were also quite ugly. But it can't be said that Duanmuhuai was wrong in scolding him. After all, in their opinion... Dr. Emma is indeed a psychopath.

 “Evacuate Mara Island immediately.”

Dr. Serizawa gave the order, and then he looked at the island on the screen in front of him with a complicated expression.

 “Hope...they can really win.”

Just when the Imperial Organization began to evacuate the residents of Mara Island, Duanmu Huai and others had already left the Argo and took a transport plane to their destination as quickly as possible.

 “Sir Knight, does she really think so?”

Sitting opposite Duanmuhuai, Lorena held the holy book in her arms with a look of emotion on her face.

“I feel no different from a cultist.”

“These idiot environmentalists are actually cultists.”

Duanmu Huai looked at the chaotic crowd below with disdain.

"No one is born with sin. Human beings have destroyed the world for themselves. Those who try to step on the horse are bullshit! If they are so self-hatred, they will find a place to hang themselves. If you ask me, these **** are just on the horse. She is so full that she is full! This kind of woman should be thrown into the slums and be beaten by stray dogs 1,800 times. She is only allowed to drink the smelly water in the mud and eat the residue from the garbage heap! I wonder if she will be so pretentious!"


Hearing Duanmuhuai’s vicious curse, Mu Geng stuck out his tongue and quietly leaned into Lorena’s ear.

 “The master is angry?”

"Well, the Lord Knight hates cultists the most..."


At this moment, suddenly, a roar sounded and enveloped the entire island. Upon hearing this cry, everyone's expressions changed and they looked towards the volcano in front of them. At the top of the volcano, the gate originally sealed by the imperial organization was instantly broken, and thick black smoke billowed into the sky.

In the thick smoke, a big bird with flames all over its body appeared. It looked like a pterodactyl, but it was larger. Even standing on the top of the volcano, it looks several times bigger than the crater!

 “I’ll clean it up, you guys wait here!”

After saying this, Duanmuhuai jumped up and jumped off the transport plane. Then he activated his jetpack and suddenly accelerated towards the big bird in front of him!

 “Hey, Thief Sun!”

Duanmuhuai looked at the big bird and shouted again. At this moment, the big bird also discovered Duanmuhuai's existence. But it didn't take this little black dot seriously. On the contrary, the big bird spread its wings, opened its mouth wide, and then roared!

 I, Hu Hansan, am back————!

However, what the big bird didn't expect was that before it could finish expressing its feelings about returning home, Duanmuhuai suddenly accelerated and rushed directly into the big bird's open mouth!


 The roar of the big bird suddenly stopped, and the whole bird was instantly in bad condition.

 This is like a person yawning, and then a fly takes the opportunity to get directly into the mouth and fly directly into the throat. It would be uncomfortable for everyone!


This strange bird will naturally start howling desperately, shaking its head, trying to spit out the "fly" stuck in its throat, but...

 “Hehehe, it’s a big monster, isn’t it? I just like big ones.”

Getting stuck in the throat of the strange bird, Duanmuhuai chuckled, and then took out the chain sword with his backhand.

 To deal with big monsters, it is the most convenient for Duanmu Huai!

I saw Duanmu Huai holding the chain sword tightly and thrusting it towards his feet!

   “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (!!”

 On the Argonaut, Dr. Serizawa and others were shocked when they saw this scene. They had been prepared. If Duanmuhuai and the others could not stop the big bird, they would attack the big bird and lure it to divert its direction and attention.

 What the **** is this now?

What happened?

 Looking at the big bird turning over and over on the top of the volcano, screaming from time to time, everyone was confused and at a loss. At first they thought this was a sign of the monster's excitement, but... now even a fool can hear the pain in its voice!

 “What happened?”

Dr. Serizawa looked at the others in confusion, and the latter shook their heads, not knowing why this monster became like this.

 “Pull out the previous picture and take a closer look!”

From the miserable look on this monster's face, we can tell that it must have encountered something before. So soon the staff on the Argonaut became busy and began to play back the previous scenes. Immediately afterwards, they saw the scene where Duanmuhuai rushed directly into the strange bird's mouth.


 Seeing this, everyone was speechless. It is actually nothing new that monsters can eat people, and everyone knows it well. But Duanmu Huai was the first to take the initiative to dig into the monster's mouth!

"Is he... going to be okay?"

“Such a big iron shell, if you swallow it whole, it will look like...wait a minute, isn’t that why he wore this iron shell?”

At this time, other people also reacted. Indeed, if it were other people, they would be dead if they were swallowed by the monster. But Duanmu Huai wears armor that is sealed, and they have all seen it. Several researchers even said that this armor can be directly used as a space suit, so the sealing must be no problem.

Now, Duanmuhuai got into the belly of this big bird, and then the big bird began to struggle painfully. You can use your brain to understand what happened!

 “Can we do the same?”

Soon a researcher mentioned it, and upon hearing his proposal, everyone was stunned and looked at him with a strange expression.

You put it simply, this kind of armor is easy to make, but the problem is where can you find someone who is willing to take the initiative to put it in the monster's mouth?

 Not everyone is as ruthless as this tough guy!


Finally, with the last wail, the big bird collapsed limply on the top of the volcano. At this time, everyone could clearly see that there was a deep wound on the big bird's neck!

 Obviously, it should have been done by Duanmu Huai!

 But what about others?

Just when everyone was in shock and confusion, suddenly, the strange bird's eyes suddenly bulged in the middle before they died, and then completely burst. Then a tall figure covered in blood and holding a chain sword appeared from it! I saw him raising his head, his eyes glowing scarlet!

With the strange bird killed, the alarm was lifted. When Duanmuhuai returned to the Argonaut again, everyone looked at him with awe.

What a ruthless person! He is really ruthless. He actually dares to rush directly into the monster's body and attack it. Although in theory this can indeed kill the monster, and there is no need to worry about being attacked by the monster, but what normal person would think of it? This method?

However, Duanmuhuai didn't care about this. He walked up to Dr. Serizawa, stared at him and asked.

 “Have you found the location of that bitch?”

 “We haven’t locked in on each other’s position yet.”

Dr. Serizawa shook his head.

"Not only that, since just now, many bases have lost contact with us, and the current situation is unknown."


Duanmuhuai snarled, of course he knew what was going on. At this moment, Aikote had followed Duanmuhuai's order and began to attack those bases one by one and eliminate the monsters in them. Under Lumiere's control, the entire Imperial Organization's communication network is currently almost completely paralyzed. The advantage of this is that it can completely cut off the Imperial Organization's communications, preventing them from obtaining any intelligence at all.

 The bad thing is...well, I can't find that **** now.

 Forget it, just do it yourself.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai shook his head.

 “Then I’m leaving, you continue.”

 “Wait, where are you going?”

 “Go out for a walk!”

Duanmu Huai dropped these words and turned around to leave without looking back. But this time no one stopped him, after all, he killed a monster with his own hands!

 Perhaps he just wants to go out for a walk?

Dr. Serizawa looked at Duanmuhuai's blood-stained back and hesitated for a moment. He instinctively felt that Duanmuhuai might know the whereabouts of Dr. Emma, ​​but Dr. Serizawa just hesitated and said nothing more.

  After all... Although he was the one who recruited Dr. Emma into the Imperial Organization, Dr. Serizawa is not as crazy an environmentalist as Dr. Emma. His goal is to maintain peace between Godzilla and humans. However, Dr. Emma's indiscriminate attempt to awaken all monsters is indeed beyond the bottom line that Dr. Serizawa can accept.

So Dr. Serizawa just looked at Duanmuhuai deeply, and then looked away.

 Just pretend you don’t know anything.

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