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Chapter 1298: What unfolds? (It’s still raining heavily today, so I’m comfortable)

  Chapter 1298 What unfolds? (It’s still raining heavily today, so I’m comfortable)

At the same time, in an abandoned bunker, the atmosphere was one of panic.

 “Damn it, what the **** is going on!”

Staring at the screen angrily, Jonah couldn't believe his eyes, and Dr. Emma standing next to him was also stunned and speechless.

Of course they also witnessed the scene where Duanmuhuai killed the strange bird, and because of this, they were even more shocked.

If humans used nuclear weapons or some powerful missiles to achieve this goal, then they wouldn't be so surprised. However, a human killed a monster by himself?

 Are you kidding me?

Not only that, what happened after that made their hands and feet feel cold. Just after Duanmuhuai killed the monster, their network was completely cut off, and everyone was paralyzed. Their original plan was to use Dr. Emma's help to connect to other bases through the network in the abandoned bunker built by the Monarch organization. Then directly release the Oka signal remotely to wake up those monsters.

After all, they have done this kind of sneak attack on the base twice, and they have done it again and again. The first time they took advantage of the other party being unprepared, and the second time it was because of the information and code provided by Dr. Emma that the other party was unaware. alert. And now that the other party has discovered Dr. Emma's betrayal, it is naturally impossible to use the trick of sneak attack on the base. The only way is to remotely control the monster through the Internet.

 Now, all communications within the Imperial Organization have been cut off, and their plan can be said to have completely failed!

 “Unlock it quickly!”

"I've already done it, but it's completely useless. Someone remotely controlled it and completely closed off all communication systems, and can't connect to the satellite network at all."

The soldier next to him was typing the keyboard furiously, sweating, but judging from his expression, it seemed that even typing the keyboard to pieces would be of no use.

 “Damn it! What’s going on!”

Jonah scratched his head hard, with a ferocious look on his face. Dr. Emma, ​​who was standing next to him, clenched his fists, stared at the screen, bit his lip and said nothing.

When she first heard Duanmuhuai's threat to herself, Dr. Emma didn't take it to heart. In her opinion, the other party was just incompetent and furious. Want to defeat monsters? Where can anything be so easy?

But the fact slapped her hard in the face. The monster she had finally awakened was actually killed by that man in three strokes, five divided by two!

  No, wait, there is Monster Zero. That man is definitely no match for Monster Zero... Thinking of this, Dr. Emma turned her head and saw a girl not far behind her looking at her uneasily. Looking at the girl in front of him, Dr. Emma smiled bitterly and spoke.

 “Madison, don’t worry, it will be fine, we will definitely be able to...”


However, before Dr. Emma finished speaking, the bunker suddenly shook, and then the thick ceiling collapsed quickly, and then a dark, tall figure fell from the ceiling like a cannonball, and the girl even screamed Before he could even send out a message, he was completely buried by the pouring rubble.

 “Cough, cough cough……!”

Dr. Emma, ​​who was knocked to the ground by the shock wave, stood up and looked forward. Then her eyes widened - not far in front of her, she saw a hand emerging from under the heavy cement ceiling, and blood slowly flowed from it. It flows out from the gap, and this means...


Dr. Emma collapsed to the ground and let out a cry of despair. But Jonah was not that stupid at this moment. He immediately saw the tall figure standing in the hall - that was the man who killed the monster alone they had seen in the video!


While shouting the order, Jonah grabbed the rifle at hand, aimed at the opponent and pulled the trigger.

 “Da da da da da!!”

Gunshots rang out, and the soldiers around him now took out their weapons and attacked the tall steel warrior in front of them. However, these bullets hitting the dark steel armor had no effect at all. Only a few sparks appeared on the armor and then disappeared.

 “A bunch of trash! Go to hell! Heretics!”

Duanmu Huai took a step forward and swung the warhammer in his hand, instantly knocking all the soldiers in front of him away. The latter's body twisted and flew like a rag doll, then hit the wall and turned into a puddle of minced meat like a bug killed by a fly swatter.

In such a narrow space, these environmental terrorists are no match for Duanmuhuai. They are like facing monsters at this moment, screaming in despair and pulling the trigger, and instinctively resisting. However, all this is meaningless, because the next moment, Duanmu Huai will appear in front of them and turn them into mangled corpses.

 “Damn it!”

Looking at Duanmu Huai wielding his war hammer and killing everyone, Jonah also turned around and ran away. It was obvious that the plan had failed. This monster was not something he could resist at all. The only thing Jonah can do now is to leave here as soon as possible. Of course, before that, he still needs to let his men be responsible for resisting the monster!

 “We have been attacked, go quickly...”

Sprinting out of the gate, Jonah only said half of his order before he stopped. Originally, there was a counterattack force that Jonah had specially prepared here. However, right now, in this hall, there are only blood stains and corpses.

what is going on?

Jonah looked around, but he didn't see any soldiers from the Imperial Organization. So how did his men die?

 Jonah held the gun in his hand tightly, stared at the surroundings, and moved slowly at the same time - but at this moment...


Jonah only felt that his body had lost strength at this moment. He widened his eyes and lowered his head to look at his chest. There, he saw a magic sword coming out of his chest, still stained with bright red. of blood.

 Then, there was only darkness in front of his eyes.

 At the same time, the battle in the control room was coming to an end.

  No, strictly speaking, it was not a battle at all, but a massacre.

Dr. Emma sat on the ground blankly, watching the tall steel warrior ruthlessly obliterate everything around him. Those soldiers were no match for him. Their attacks had no effect on the Iron Warriors, and the Iron Warriors easily wiped out all these soldiers.

When Duanmuhuai came to Dr. Emma again, not even a complete corpse could be seen in the entire control room. There were stumps, internal organs and blood everywhere.

 “Okay, now it’s your turn, Dr. Emma.”

Duanmu Huai stared at the old woman sitting on the ground blankly in front of him, then reached out his hand, grabbed her head, and lifted her up. At this time, Dr. Emma seemed to have come back to her senses. She stared at Duanmuhuai, and then suddenly began to struggle desperately, clenching her fists hard and hitting Duanmuhuai. "You bastard! You killed my daughter!"

Dr. Emma was like a madman at this moment, punching and kicking Duanmu Huai. Of course, her attacks were meaningless against the power armor that even bullets could not penetrate. Duanmuhuai exerted a little force, and the tearing pain from his head made Dr. Emma scream.

"Cowardly, stupid, you environmentalist lunatics are no different from what I think, what? You are willing to sacrifice other people for this planet, but you are not willing to sacrifice your daughter? Oh, by the way, and your son, that The unlucky guy who died in a monster fight...hehehehe..."

 “You...why do you want to stop me!?”

 “It’s very simple.”

Facing Dr. Emma’s angry questioning, Duanmuhuai shrugged his shoulders.

“I have a student. She will participate in the national competition in a few days. I am still waiting to see her win the gold medal. How can I let a madman like you ruin everything?”


 “That’s it, heretic, this is your fate!”

Duanmuhuai was too lazy to waste time with Dr. Emma. He suddenly stretched out his left hand to grab Dr. Emma's body, and pulled hard with his right hand. In the next moment, Dr. Emma's head and cervical vertebra were removed from her body alive. It was torn off!

“Heretic, your soul will burn in the flames of the Inquisition until the moment of destruction! Repent, fear, scream!”

While roaring, Duanmu Huai clenched his hands hard, and Dr. Emma's head and body, which were held tightly in his hands, were crushed and shattered, turning into a pile of fuzzy flesh and blood.


Duanmu Huai threw away the tattered body, glanced around indifferently, and then walked out of the command room.

 When he came to the hall, Lorena and Mu were already waiting there.

"nailed it?"

Duanmu Huai glanced at the corpses scattered in the hall and asked, while Mu Geng nodded.

 “Don’t worry, Master, I’ll make sure no one escapes.”

"That's good."

Duanmuhuai didn’t say anything more, but opened his personal terminal and contacted Aikote.

 “Ecott, how is the situation over there?”

"Ah, uncle, everything is normal. We have eliminated the monsters in all the monster bases known so far. As for whether there are other sleeping monsters, we have not found any clues yet..."

“We’ll talk about this later. Where’s Godzilla and Monster Zero?”

Now only Godzilla and Monster Zero are left, and Duanmuhuai also wants to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

"The two sides are currently fighting in the ocean..."

As he spoke, Ecote sent a video. In the video, you can see that Godzilla is entangled with a monster with three heads. The latter looks like a giant dragon from Western mythology, but with three heads, while Godzilla is just like the one seen before, a large lizard.

  Although Monster Zero has three heads, you can tell from its wings that this guy is flying in the sky. But now Godzilla bites its neck and drags it directly into the sea. At this moment, only golden lightning and rolling waves can be seen on the sea.

 As for what it looks like underneath, no one knows.


However, at this moment, Duanmuhuai saw a missile pierce the sky and then fall directly into the waters where Godzilla and Monster Zero were fighting.

 Following that, a shining light burst out instantly, covering everyone's vision.

It didn't look like a nuclear bomb because it didn't seem to have much explosive power and disappeared quickly. But then, Duanmuhuai saw fish appearing on the sea...

Is this fried fish?


Just when Duanmu Huai was complaining in his heart, the sea water suddenly exploded, and then he saw the three-headed dragon flapping its wings and emerging from the sea. One of its heads was missing, and it was probably bitten by Godzilla. broken.

 But then, a shocking scene happened.

I saw a head coming out of the broken neck of the three-headed dragon, and in a moment it became the same again!

  ? ? ?

 Seeing this scene, Duanmu Huai was stunned.

 Hmm, is this a monster?

How can you recover after biting off your head, and how quickly?

This is not very scientific, is it?

 “Let’s go back to the Argor.”

Duanmuhuai quickly made a decision. He wanted to see what the **** this thing was!

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