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Chapter 1320: Entrance (the cat rolls and sleeps silen

Chapter 1320 Entrance (Meow silently rolling to sleep)


Duanmuhuai is no stranger to this planet, or in other words, no player is unfamiliar with it. It sits on the edge of the Eye of Terror, the rift between the Warp and the Material Universe, and is the forefront of the Imperium's battle against Chaos. There are so many touching stories and famous sayings that happened here.

Cardia stands tall.

Just this sentence can show the tenacity and courage of the Cadian people in fighting against chaos and demons.

However, tenacity and courage alone are not enough to fight against the Chaos Demon.

Duanmuhuai has learned from Judge Stern that the timeline he is currently in - A (↑) Ba (→) Dun (↑), who has inherited the name of War Commander and is victorious in every battle, is leading the demon army from The Eye of Terror came out in force and launched a fierce attack on Cadia, the empire's fortress at the forefront of Chaos.

The reason is simple. On the planet headed by Cadia, there are black stone obelisks built by the Necrons a long time ago. The purpose of these obelisks is to counter psionic energy. It is precisely because of the existence of these black stone obelisks that the Eye of Terror is limited to a certain range. Therefore, Abaddon wanted to completely destroy these devices that restrained the Eye of Terror, and let the Warp completely tear the entire galaxy apart.

And in the end, he succeeded.

Abaddon smashed the Blackstone Fortress onto Cadia, completely shattering the planet. Without the restraints of the Blackstone Obelisk, roaring psychic energy poured out from the Eye of Terror, completely tearing the entire galaxy apart and bringing greater chaos.

And right now, Duanmu Huai is in the timeline of the Thirteenth Expedition.

They will find time for me.

Duanmu Huai stared at the people running around on the command deck in front of him, also speechless. Indeed, this can be said to be the timeline with the strongest power of the Chaos Evil God, but... so what?

Duanmuhuai knew that generally speaking, there was no way to stop a situation like this. After all, this is a very important time point, but... just because you can't change it doesn't mean I can't hit you.

All in all, in the final analysis, wouldn't it be enough as long as Cadia explodes on the spot and tears the galaxy apart?

It doesn’t have to be now.

Wouldn't it be the same in a few thousand years?

Besides, for Duanmu Huai, does he want to change the past?

Of course not, he just wants to kill him!

Just like the last time he traveled to 30K, Duanmu Huai went to kill Erebas. He didn't care whether killing Erebas would change history, he just wanted to kill this bastard!

The same is true now. If there is such an opportunity to beat Abaddon violently, will Duanmu Huai let it pass?

of course not.

As for whether it will have any impact on the future?

That's probably not the case. After all, even if I kill Abaddon now, the future is already fixed, so it won't change at all.

If that's the case, why not kill?

Keep it for the New Year?

Therefore, Duanmu Huai has no worries at this moment about whether it will change the past of the timeline. He is gearing up and eager to try. He can't wait to rush to Cadia immediately to deal with Abaddon and his black army, so that this "hundred battles" "Yum" Warmaster has a taste of his own hammer!

It's just a pity that this battleship seems to be unable to do anything about it now.

The subspace storm has isolated the Cadian galaxy from other galaxies, so that now Inquisitor Stern cannot go to Cadia. They have no way to locate Cadia in the roaring waves of subspace, let alone Don't talk about going there. Not only that, all communications to Cadia were interrupted at this moment, and even the information received by the astropaths was intermittent and unclear.

However, Duanmu Huai doesn't have any special comments on this - this was the trick used by the Chaos Evil God during the Great Rebellion, and it is still the same trick now. Do they have no other means besides cutting off subspace communications and setting off subspace storms? It's just these two moves over and over again. Is it interesting?

Anyway, from Duanmu Huai's point of view, this is very boring.

So he planned to give the other party some interesting and fun changes.


Duanmuhuai walked up to Judge Stern and patted him on the shoulder. The latter turned his head to look at Duanmuhuai, his expression a little stiff.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you want to go to Cadia?"

"Of course, we received the order..."

"Ah, I know that, but that's not the problem."

Duanmuhuai waved his hand, interrupting Judge Stern's words.

"As you can see, the storm in the subspace is roaring, so even if you want to go, you can't go. So you can act anxious, because you know that even if you do, you can't go. Cardia."

"………what do you mean?"

"I can give you a chance."

Duanmuhuai stared at Judge Stern, his expression unchanged.

"I can let you go to Cardia, but you should know what you will face, countless enemies, endless fleets, and here... you only have one battleship. Even if you go, you will only die. . So, do you still want to go? Or stay here, busy doing useless work, and sigh that we have done our best?”

"Of course I'm going."

Under Duanmuhuai's gaze, Judge Stern's expression also became serious. He stared at Duanmuhuai without taking his eyes away.

"This is the responsibility of the Tribunal. Even if there is only one ship and I am alone, I will go to Cadia!"

"very good."

Hearing Judge Stern's answer, Duanmuhuai nodded.

"I'll give you ten minutes." "???"

Before Judge Stern could react to what Duanmuhuai was saying, the latter closed his eyes, then raised his right hand and stretched it forward.

Following Duanmuhuai's movements, the waves in the subspace still collided violently. However, the unparalleled power of destruction rushed over like a giant dragon. Under its powerful power, the subspace storms set off by the fan began to be forcibly separated. Just like Moses parting the sea, the vast, fierce, and surging subspace waves were forcibly driven out by the powerful force of destruction. There was a gap.

From the perspective of the macrocosm, this gap is so small and insignificant.

But for a battleship, this is tantamount to a road to the sky!

"I saw it, I saw Cardia! That scarlet light, full of evil and destruction...!"

"Set off!"

Judge Stern did not have time to think too much about how Duanmu Huai did it. For him, what was more important now was to rush to Cadia. This is his duty and his mission. Cadia is the empire's frontline against Chaos, and now that it is under threat, there is only one thing the Inquisitors have to do!

The Light of Truth plunged into the subspace channel. Around it, the roaring subspace storm is clearly visible. Even across the cabin, you can see the madness outside like a group of demons dancing. They want to drag the battleship into the maelstrom of subspace and make it eternal. Lost in an endless nightmare. However, that powerful force full of destructive aura ruthlessly isolated it, leaving only the Light of Truth galloping through it.

Finally, it broke through the subspace storm and appeared in the center of the wild vortex.

In front of it was Cadia, which had been covered in war, and the black fleet that surrounded it. Among this fleet, a huge and strange-shaped warship can be seen. It looks like a weird thing made up of two crossed Xs, spinning and attacking forward.

Blackstone Fortress.

An unfortunate thing built by the Necrons, used by humans, and finally captured by Chaos. Initially, the Human Empire collected six ships. However, during the Black Crusade launched by Abaddon, four of the six Blackstone Fortress ships were blown to pieces and the other two were captured. It was here that one of them was thrown towards Cadia by Abaddon.

If I'm right, it should be this unlucky guy.

The entire star field is full of shipwrecks. It is obvious that the garrison fleet of the Cadian system has been almost completely destroyed, and under the subspace storm, the imperial fleet from outside cannot get in - after all, not everyone They all have Duanmu Huai's ability to forcibly open a passage in the subspace storm.

But now, the place is full of Black Fleet warships, and a mere Inquisition cruiser can't even make waves under such circumstances. It's like a rabbit accidentally swooping into a pack of wolves, and it will obviously have only one fate.

Fortunately, they are not fighting alone.

Because a bear attracted the attention of these hungry wolves.

The huge, glittering starships roamed the world, spraying flames angrily at the black fleet in front of them. That was the Phalanx, the sacred sentinel of Terra, and the headquarters of the Imperial Fists. And now, it is using its own power to rush forward against the gunfire of the black fleet. You don't need to look at it to know that there is only one target that can make the Phalanx such a big fan.

That is Blackstone Fortress.

"What do we do now?"

Duanmu Huai crossed his arms and stared at the battlefield in front of him. The chaotic black fleet is desperately trying to block the Phalanx, while the Phalanx is rushing towards the Blackstone Fortress like a wounded beast, with great momentum to take the opponent with it before it dies. Because of this, neither side paid attention to it - or they didn't even notice this small ship that had just emerged from the subspace.

So the current situation of the Light of Truth is very embarrassing, just like a rabbit breaking into a place where a bear and a pack of wolves are fighting for life and death. It has neither the ability to kill one of them, nor the way to escape immediately.

So I just asked you if you thought about it.

Looking at the pensive Judge Stern, Duanmuhuai curled his lips silently. He was not good at commanding battleships to fight. Duanmuhuai had always left this kind of matter to Aikote.

"What's the current situation of Cardia!?"

Judge Stern thought for a moment, and then immediately asked.

"Currently, the Cadian army is commanding the resistance outside the fortress, and the opponent's offensive is very fierce!"

"We bypass the battlefield and provide air cover for the command fortress!"

Stern quickly made a decision. He only had one battleship, and rushing into the battlefield between the Phalanx and the Black Fleet was a complete way to die. Fortunately, due to the battle between the Phalanx and the Blackstone Fortress, all the attention of the Black Fleet is now focused on stopping the Phalanx, so Judge Stern decided to bypass the orbital battlefield and assist Cadia below. The army provides air support - now that the Cadian fleet has been completely destroyed, those Chaos Demonic Army would never have expected that there would be warships here.

They cannot play their role on the frontal battlefield, but in another place, this battleship will have unexpected effects.


Duanmuhuai nodded, then turned around.

"Give me a drop pod, I'm going down."

Although he really hoped to go to the Vengeful Spirit and kill Abaddon now, unfortunately, as the flagship, the Vengeful Spirit was protected by a group of black battleships, making it impossible to enter.

So Duanmuhuai also set his target on the ground.

At least there were enough demons and Chaos warriors there for him to kill for a while.

It would be better if there is a demon prince or champion.

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