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Chapter 1321: Fighting for a long time! (I feel like I have to roll around)

Chapter 1321 It’s a painful battle! (I feel like I have to roll around)

 On Cadia, the battle continues.

The gates of Castleclough have been destroyed, but the soldiers of Cadia are still fighting in the ruins. They use guns, ammunition and their own bodies to delay the enemy's invasion. Crazy worshipers, black legions and **** beasts rushed into the ruins gate, only one step away from entering the resistance fortress.

Because of this, when the beams of light falling from the sky bombarded the dark and corrupt army, and when he received the communication from the Light of Truth from above, Lord Usaka E. Creedburg could hardly believe his ears. . Uncharacteristically, he even checked several times to confirm that this was not a joke from the devil.

A battleship actually broke through the raging subspace storm! Here comes support! Not only that, according to the other party's description, the Phalanx also appeared in this star field for some reason and was fighting with the main fleet of the Black Fleet!

For all the soldiers who hold on to the command fortress, this is a ray of hope, weak, but shining. It ignited the morale of the Cadian people who were shrouded in darkness, making them start to burn again!

Cardia stands tall!

Outside the east wall, Baroness Vardus drove the knight to confront the Vulcan Legion on the opposite side. The collision between steel and steel, and Titan and Titan caused huge damage here. But even so, the Titan Legion guarding Cadia has reached the edge of running out of ammunition and food.

However, Baroness Vardos did not give up. She drove her knights to retreat while fighting, controlling the roaring flames to delay the Vulcan Legion as much as possible.

"Retreat immediately, retreat, and move toward the second line of defense."

However, the knights of the Raven family did not have time to respond to Baroness Vardus' order. The shining beam of light struck from the front, instantly blasting several Lancer armors blocking Baroness Vadus into pieces. . Baroness Vardus raised her head in despair and saw the huge dark shadow behind the Vulcan Legion under the blazing flames.

It's the cursed weapon number! The Titans of the Vulcan Legion who originally fought independently united again at this moment and advanced towards the front line in front of them.

As the invading Chaos Titan Legion, the most powerful thing about the Vulcan Legion lies in this. Through the resonance of subspace spiritual energy, these **** machines of the rebellious Titan Legion can share sensory information with the commander, making the Vulcan Legion's Titan army Act as one person. And as their brain is the Cursed Instrument.

Led by the Cursed Weapon, these renegade Titan legions were even able to achieve damage-free advancement by allowing the void shields of each machine to bear fire damage.

In order to destroy this Warrior-class Titan, the entire 119th Squadron was wiped out. The last fighter plane self-destructed and directly hit the Cursed Instrument, which had lost its shield, severely damaging the Titan. It is precisely because of this that the Chaos Titan Legion, which lost its "brain", fell into temporary chaos, giving Baroness Vardus and the Knights of Revan a chance to breathe.

But now, this fallen metal beast has stood up again!

The fight must continue.

Baroness Vardus began to make crazy calculations, but before she could come up with a countermeasure, an accident occurred.

The dark landing cabin passed through the atmosphere and roared downwards. Duanmu Huai looked at the earth and the divine machinery outside with a ferocious expression on his face.

Before leaving, Judge Stern asked Duanmuhuai where he wanted to land. Duanmuhuai said that any place would do, preferably a place with the most enemies. So Judge Stern "recommended" this battlefield to Duanmu Huai - from a practical perspective, this is easy to understand. The God Machine is currently the most powerful weapon on the battlefield, and if we can eliminate the opponent's God Machine while retaining our God Machine, then the balance of strength between the offensive and defensive sides will change quite significantly.

But from other perspectives, Duanmuhuai sees a more ironic meaning.

Of course he saw the logo of the Vulcan Legion, and interestingly, the Vulcan Legion has a legion characteristic called "Double-Faced God".

What’s even more interesting is that the First and Second Legions of Vulcan are called the Fire of Darkness and the Lord of Destruction respectively.

And now...the real destruction has come!

Duanmuhuai's hands tightly grasped the armrests of the landing cabin, and the dark flames began to burn, replacing the original injection system of the landing cabin, accelerating it a second time, turning into a cannonball and roaring towards the Vulcan Legion. central.

The Vulcan Legion sensed the danger coming, the flames of death fell from the sky, and the shadow of destruction was covering them - they were the fire of darkness, the king of destruction. But now, they are shrouded in true darkness and desperately await destruction.

Beams of light burst out, and the volcano cannon roared and turned, roaring at the sky and pouring out its anger. But those huge energy torrents that even God's machinery couldn't withstand had no effect on the small landing cabin in front of them. Their attacks hit the surface of the landing cabin, but disappeared like a wisp of breeze. At the same time, the landing module accelerated for the third time, this time its speed reached the limit - with a series of afterimages, the landing module continued downward, and then it seemed like a cannonball directly penetrated the cursed device directly below , and then smashed directly into the depths of the ground.


Immediately afterwards, the entire battlefield collapsed completely.

That seemed to be a precursor to the destruction of the world.

In the eyes of Baroness Vardus, the dark flames almost enveloped the entire world in front of her. For a moment, yellow, green, red, blue... everything was dyed in black and white.

It was just a moment.

Then came the utter destruction of all things.

The gushing black flames roared out from the cracks in the earth like an erupting volcano. The divine machinery of the Vulcan Legion began to melt, explode, and shatter in the black flames of death and destruction. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world began to tremble. The Raven Knights retreated in horror. The unparalleled aura of destruction was like a heavy hammer, directly penetrating their mental defenses - they could face the traitors who had fallen into Chaos. , can face the demons from the highest heaven, but destruction-destruction is everywhere, it is there.

No one can stop it.

When Baroness Vardus opened her eyes again, all that was left on the battlefield in front of her was a pile of ruins and a tall figure standing on the mangled Titan corpse, holding a warhammer.

Then, the figure looked up to the sky and roared.

"Who else-!"

The battle still continues.

The appearance of the Light of Truth slightly deflected the situation on the battlefield. The soldiers guarded the gate and repelled another attack by the Black Legion in conjunction with the bombing from the sky. The Light of Truth did not follow the battlefield rules. At this moment, it was pouring its own artillery fire and ammunition on the ground almost like crazy.

Lord Creedburg did not express any opinion on this. On the one hand, there were too many black legions, and a large amount of fire support was indeed needed to destroy them.

On the other hand, Lord Creedberg also knew very well that the Light of Truth might not last long.

After all, it only has one ship, and although the confrontation between the Phalanx and the Black Fleet is inextricable in orbit now, it is not a problem for the Black Fleet to separate two battleships to pursue the Light of Truth. So what the Light of Truth can do now is to smash all its ammunition on the battlefield before the black fleet can react. As many as it can hit.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no chance again.

The Black Legion seemed to understand this. They temporarily slowed down their offensive and retreated, waiting for the noisy mosquito above to be killed before continuing their attack. Lord Creedburg took advantage of this opportunity to gather his troops again and reorganize his forces. It was as if two battered boxers were temporarily separated from each other in the ring. Although the referee counted down, they still stared at each other.

Everyone knows that this is just a short gap. After this gap disappears, there will be another fight.

Lord Creedburg originally thought this was the best news at the moment, but then another news from the battlefield shocked him. The Vulcan Legion was completely annihilated, and the Knights of Raven, who were originally responsible for defending the east wall, are holding on to the defense under the leadership of Baroness Vardus. Now they are asking whether they should continue to stabilize the rear or support other battlefields?

"Is this true? No, no support is needed. Let them retreat immediately and return to the bastion for supplies and renovations!"

After losing the Imperial Navy and a large number of armored forces in orbit, the Revan Knights are currently the last armored force stationed in Cadia. Originally, the Vulcan Legion held them back, but now that the Vulcan Legion has been destroyed, the Raven Knights can return to defense again!

Lord Creedburg can be sure that in a short period of time, the Black Legion will never be able to piece together a second Vulcan Legion!

This also means - this battle can still be fought!

But Kraf Fortress cannot fall!

There is only one reason why the Black Legion did not completely destroy Cadia even after fighting like this, and that is the restarted Cadia planet shield. Originally, Abaddon planned to use the Blackstone Fortress to blow Cadia into pieces with a single shot. But when the planetary shield was restarted, Abaddon could only grit his teeth and issue the landing order.

Next, only by destroying the Kraf Fortress and destroying the shield device inside can the planet's shield be completely destroyed and Cadia eliminated!

But...can Abaddon be victorious in every battle?

Lord Creedburg didn't know, but it didn't matter now. He felt that the situation was getting better. Although the improvement was limited, it was indeed starting to get better - the Phalanx, which came from unknown sources, held back most of the main force of the black fleet. The light of truth that came out of nowhere was desperately throwing ammunition at their enemies. The landing module that came out of nowhere destroyed the Vulcan Legion...?

Lord Creedberg rubbed his eyes, wondering if his old eyesight was dizzy.

The landing module destroys the Vulcan Legion?

He can understand these words, but why can't he understand them when they are connected together?

Lord Creedburg raised his head and looked at Baroness Vadus in front of him, his eyes full of confusion.

He now desperately needed an explanation.

Meanwhile, the fighting continues.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

The black Astartes roared and rushed over. It shouted the filthy words of the Chaos God and rushed towards the dark shadow blocking it with a chain sword in hand.

"Death! You despicable heretics!"

Duanmu Huai stepped on the pile of corpses in front of him, and his power even caused the dozens of corpses composed of mortal auxiliaries and Astartes to explode at the same time like crushed plastic bags. Blood and internal organs slipped out of it. But Duanmuhuai didn't care. He raised the war hammer high and then swung it down hard.

The first black warrior tried to resist Duanmu Huai's attack, but he failed. The warhammer broke the chainsword in his hand, his helmet, his head, his armor, his body, and then the ground - -The rushing waves turned into huge shock waves and blasted forward, knocking away all enemies within sight.

The Hell Demon Dog opened its mouth, revealing its **** mouth, and bit at the enemy in front of it. However, in the face of the mighty power of destruction, their struggle and anger are useless. Countless traitors and blasphemers, their number is enough to destroy an armored division, but now, they are only the most insignificant existence under the feet of the God of Destruction.

Duanmuhuai took a breath.

With every breath he took, he could feel the rich smell of blood on the battlefield, the stench of demons, the smell of steel and gunpowder coming from the air intake, as well as death, pain and - destruction!

Duanmu Huai moved forward again, and his war hammer hit the chest of a huge demon, blasting its chest directly. The latter screamed and disappeared into ashes, but others soon filled the gap and continued to charge forward!


Duanmu Huai raised the war hammer again and then smashed it down. He could feel that the hard thunder war hammer seemed to be an extension of his body at this moment. The hammer head was like a limb of Duanmu Huai. He could even feel the power. He hit the opponent's hard armor, and then It is slightly soft skin and muscles. Then there are the brittle bones. Then the slippery internal organs were hammered open, and the soft blood vessels were torn apart like spider webs.

Then came with them the agonizing wail of the soul being torn to pieces.

This feeling... is so cool!

This reminded Duanmu Huai of the past when he squeezed plastic bubbles, the feeling of touch, and the feeling of satisfaction when he heard the sound of the plastic bubbles bursting under his fingers.

It's the same now, except that the bubble is bigger and the sound it makes is more pleasant.

And there are more!

"Come again! Rider! Fix my teeth!"

Duanmu Huai looked at the battlefield in front of him. This was what he liked, fighting, fighting, fighting, destroying all the unclean things that stood in front of him. Destroy all existences that are blasphemous and threatening to mankind, let their souls scream in the furnace of the Tribunal, and let their lives be completely destroyed in the fire!

Subspace? The highest heaven?

Duanmu Huai raised his head, the color of the sky in front of him changed, and the purple eyes of fear in the distance became extremely dark at this moment.

All life will perish and everything will be destroyed! And the enemies of mankind must be destroyed!

For a moment, Duanmuhuai thought about whether he should completely destroy the Eye of Fear with destruction magic here. However, he just stretched out his hand and tried for a short time. Duanmuhuai felt that the timeline around him began to surge and squeeze. Pressing, as if to spit him out.

So Duanmu Huai decisively stopped.

Of course he can also destroy this timeline, but Duanmu Huai can imagine that the future may not change because of this. What's more, the current timeline itself will be excluded and become a short-lived time fragment... Forget it, when it comes to time, he doesn't want to worry about it at all.

But if you can't kill the Eye of Terror, then find someone who can.

Duanmuhuai retracted his gaze and looked forward.

At the same time, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a black thunderbolt fell from the sky. It was the dark evil giant, the commander and planner of all this.

The second-in-command of Abaddon the Despoiler - the demon prince Ercanthos.

The Black Legion cheered, and Duanmu Huai also clenched the warhammer in his hand, showing a smile of excitement and joy.

Just think of it as an appetizer for killing Abaddon.

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