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Chapter 1323: Assemble (I have already cleared True Go

Chapter 1323 Gathering (I have already cleared True Goddess V)

 The warp is roaring.

Duanmu Huai looked up to the sky and laughed. He could hear the anger and roar from the subspace. The violent anger was really completely furious at this moment, but there was no egg...

It can't get through hahahahahaha!

Although Cadia has been corrupted, although it is very close to the Eye of Terror, and although the psychic pollution here is off the charts - they still can't get through!

If you can’t make it, you can’t make it!

I'm right here. If you have the ability, come and beat me. Can you handle it? The miserable evil **** of subspace, slightly, slightly, slightly...

The black army began to retreat and evacuate. Duanmuhuai knew that this was not the end. The Black Legion just retracted its fist again and prepared to attack again.

Their retreat was not only because Duanmu Huai killed the demon prince of the Black Legion, but also because the situation was developing in a direction that the Black Legion was not happy to see.

On the ground, in addition to Duanmu Huai killing the Vulcan Legion and the Demon Prince, on the Western Front battlefield, the old silver coin of the Emperor also showed one of his cards - the Living Saint Celestine led the people who were originally lost in Asia. Five large companies of the Order of the Martyred Lady of Space appeared out of thin air to help Cardia stabilize the front once again.

At the same time, in space, as the subspace storm weakened, other divided fleets gradually gathered. The battleships that had escaped from other planets in the Cadian system gathered together and rushed to the skies of Cadia together with the reinforcements from the Space Wolves. Immediately afterwards, the fleet of the Mechanicus led by Belisarius Caul, the great sage of the Mechanicus, also arrived.

With their assistance, the Phalanx completely destroyed the Blackstone Fortress with a damaged shield, forcing the Black Fleet to give up the easy-to-reach victory and retreat to the rear.

But in any case, both sides got a chance to breathe.

The war in Cadia has come to an end—but only temporarily.

Duanmu Huai leaned on his chair and looked at the people at the table in front of him. They were all the backbone figures in the siege of Cadia, including the living saint Celestine. Of course, the two parties just looked at each other, and then put aside their heads in a tacit understanding without saying anything. Firstly, Duanmuhuai was too lazy to chat with the old silver coin. Secondly, this living saint looked too fierce. He was not so much a saint as he was a saint. It's better to say he is a warrior...

Although my own Lorena is also a warrior who can blast the Iron Titan with one punch and has to run around the star ring every day, at least she looks like a saint. She looks soft and weak, but she is also energetic, cheerful, gentle and beautiful. At least you would never expect that she can break a mountain with one punch.

To be honest, the title of Saint is the same as that of an idol. Appearance is more important than strength. Duanmu Huai has no interest in a female man like Celestine.

This kind of evil depravity would not be approached by her.

Unless the hobby is special.

By the way, the Light of Truth survived, because when the Black Fleet sent a battleship to deal with the Light of Truth, the latter ran away after throwing away the ammunition, and ran into the cover of the Phalanx. ——Well, it’s just like a naughty child who beats other people’s children and hides behind his own father when the other parent comes to cause trouble.

It's shameless, but it's really useful.

As for the Space Wolf Blood Claw cubs who had previously accompanied the Light of Truth on the Inquisition mission, they were also airdropped to the front line during the previous ground bombing and joined the remaining Space Wolf troops in Cadia.

Well, when fellow villagers meet fellow villagers, it’s better to leave them alone.

"Rumble, rumble..."

At this moment, the steel door opened, and then Duanmu Huai saw a great sage wearing a red robe walking in.

This is Doracall...ahem, Belisarius Caul.

"Great sage, I have long admired your great name."

Lord Creedberg, who was sitting in the middle of the round table, stared at the Mechanical Sage and spoke.

"But I suppose you chose a desperate moment to come to Cadia."

"More desperate than you think."

Kaur's vocal organs revealed a cold electronic sound.

"My cultists discovered obelisks on Eled Six. They were identical to those in Cadia, but they were destroyed during the Fourth Dark Crusade."

"Is it Abaddon? He must have an evil conspiracy that we don't know about."

Lord Creed, who was able to command the Cadian soldiers to persevere under the onslaught of the Black Legion, was not a fool. He quickly understood the meaning of the Great Sage's words. Obviously, Abaddon's purpose in attacking Cadia was also for the black obelisks that had been erected there, but no one knew what their purpose was.

"The builder of the obelisk remains a mystery, only the God of Machines..."

"Made by the Necron."

However, before Kaur could finish his words, he was silently interrupted by Duanmuhuai. He had had enough of boring riddles and back-and-forth trials and gave the answer directly.

"The makers of these black stone obelisks are the Necron. They use this thing to curb the expansion of the Eye of Terror. These black stone obelisks are like a suppressor. If they are completely destroyed, then the Eye of Terror will The overflowing psychic energy will tear the entire galaxy apart."

"..." Kaur looked at Duanmuhuai dumbfounded, and the others also looked at him in surprise. For a moment, the whispers in the entire conference room disappeared, leaving only a slightly awkward silence.

Fortunately, Lord Creedburg broke the awkward atmosphere with a cough.

"Is that so? Great Sage?"

"That's right."

Caul, who had failed to show off just now, was able to calm down. Just now, he wanted to show off that no one except the God of All Machines knew the origin of these black stone obelisks, but the other party gave him a big job in front of him. . Kaur felt like a star was walking off the stage and waving to others when suddenly someone pulled the steps away from his feet.

If Lord Creedberg hadn't kindly given him a brick, I'm afraid the great sage would have fallen down on his face.

"These obelisks suppress the Eye of Terror. If they are destroyed, the Warp will consume everything and the Imperium will cease to exist. These obelisks must be protected, they are the only weapon against the invasion of Chaos. We We must find a way to figure out its secrets, and then fight against Chaos..."

"Then complete your research and may the Emperor guide you."

Lord Creedburg also saw that Kaul could no longer hold his nerve any longer, so he hurriedly responded, while Kaul looked at Duanmuhuai in silence.

"I need some assistance..."

"Don't look for me."

Duanmu Huai refused directly.

"I just know some history in this area, but I don't know anything about how to use this thing. I am not a technician. I will be responsible for blocking those chaos idiots. As for the obelisk, you can figure it out yourself."

Kaul's mechanical eyes stared at Duanmuhuai, flickering for a while, and then nodded with a complicated mood. To be honest, if Duanmuhuai said that he could handle it, then Kaul, who had been severely traumatized just after arriving, might turn around and leave, because it would make him look like a clown after working so hard to come here...

Fortunately, the other party is not an omniscient and omnipotent God of All Machines.

So, everyone started to take action.

The Phalanx was towed to a relatively stationary orbit south of the equator, and worked with other battleships to prevent another attack by the Black Fleet. The Raven Knights began to seize the time to rest, and under the command of Lord Creedburg, a new defense system began to be constructed. Trench and Aegis defense lines spanned the Allison Tower area and the catacombs. On the ground, a large number of Cadian soldiers and the battle nuns of the Order of Martyred Ladies were waiting in full formation, while underground, the Great Sage, the Oil Man, led his men to carry out the grave-digging operation that the Oil Man is best at...

Duanmuhuai still stayed at Clough Bastion, responsible for guarding this last line of defense. After all, the Black Legion are also Astartes, and what the Astartes like to do most is beheadings. The Demon Prince wanted to do this once before, but Duanmuhuai smashed him to pieces on the spot. But no one was sure whether they would do it again, so Duanmuhuai decided to stay here to protect the shield generator and Lord Creedberg.

At this moment, Duanmu Huai was holding a war hammer and standing on the city wall. The soldiers passing by looked at him in awe. Although they did not see the scene where Duanmu Huai destroyed the Vulcan Legion, they witnessed with their own eyes how Duanmu Huai tore the God of Darkness's Chosen into pieces. This filled them with courage. They would fight here with the powerful warrior in front of them, and they firmly believed that as long as this dark, tall warrior stood here, no one could capture the last fortress of Cadia.

Well, that’s official.

The fact is... Duanmu Huai actually has nowhere to go.

Doracall has his own army of Mechanicus, and Celestine also has Battle Sisters to command.

Duanmu Huai was alone, and he didn't bring a night guard with him. What else could he do besides stand here in a daze? Even the Light of Truth is now deployed and commanded by the Guishan Formation... So Duanmu Huai can only stand here, looking at the battlefield in front of him, looking at the purple eyes of fear in the distance, silently in a daze.

At the same time, think about where to build the ether phase engine when you return to solve the problem of being afraid of the eyes.

However, the arrival of Doracall made Duanmuhuai start thinking about some interesting things.

According to the records, the great sage originally went to the Five Hundred Worlds, and the reason why he went there was very simple. Dora Kaur made a set of destiny armor. This set of armor can make people who are currently waiting in the stasis field The dead Guilliman was resurrected, and the original body was about to reappear... Well, Duanmu Huai still had a good relationship with Guilliman, and he also planned to take the opportunity to visit his old friend together.

By the way... Duanmuhuai planned to help Guilliman solve a small problem.

But having said that, as the most unbeatable of the primarchs, Guilliman really cannot be beaten.

There are jokes among players. Of course, these jokes are also based on facts. Basically, Guilliman will be beaten in a one-on-one fight. Even if he fights two against one, he will be counter-killed. In the end, he will be cut into stasis. Force field... To be honest, although compared to Astartes, Guilliman can be regarded as a fighter, but among brothers... he can probably compete with Lorgar?


Duanmuhuai chuckled. He planned to wait for Guilliman to wake up and talk to him this time. Of course, the premise was that he could go through it instead of being thrown back to the current timeline.

But these are not important. What is important now is the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai clenched his war hammer and looked expectantly at the Eye of Fear in the distance.

He was already imagining the wonderful scene of beating Abaddon to his knees in front of him.

That will be very enjoyable.

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