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Chapter 1324: Fight again! (Upgraded to level 40)

Chapter 1324 Let’s fight again! (Upgraded to level 40)

On the Vengeful Spirit, Abaddon stared at Cadia on the star map in the distance, silently.

The screams and screams of Ercanthos before his death were still in his ears, but the subspace did not stop there. He could feel the anger and screams of the Chaos Gods. They were fooled and ridiculed, but there was nothing they could do. Because that despicable, cursed fellow is in the material universe that cannot be interfered with by subspace!

Why is it there!

How could it be there!

What's more, it blocks their way!

That robber!

The angry roars of psychic energy echoed through the Warp, and Abaddon had no idea why they were so angry. But in fact, anyone who believes in the Inquisition will have their souls go to the Inquisition after death. Not only that, the souls killed by them will also be forcibly pulled into the furnace of the Tribunal! originally belonged to them!

Their followers! Their subordinates! Their souls!

The Inquisition has no right to take away this!

What makes them even more angry is that the Inquisition is far away in a remote corner of the warp, where their power cannot reach. So they can't do anything. The curtain of time cleverly and gently separates their prying eyes and arms. The catastrophic vortex that once destroyed the entire galaxy is still blocking their way, and the barrier of the Great Schism has not dissipated. Even with the power of the Chaos Evil God, he could not thrust his sharp claws into the realm of the Tribunal that stood on the other side of the rift that separated time.

They could only watch helplessly as their souls were taken away, burned, and then died.

This **** didn't even leave a scrap of them!

And its authority is also disliked by the gods.

The tyrannical **** craves blood and battle, not clear destruction. There was no conquest, no massacre, just complete destruction. Fighting is not the goal, war is just a means, and only destruction is its goal!

The treacherous **** looks for strategy and exploration of wisdom, not the wild boar's fury. There is no conspiracy, no wisdom, as if the beast-like behavior is so ugly that it is not even willing to use its own brain! This **** big Ogryn!

The sinner of obsession enjoys happiness and indulges in desires, rather than a void of disillusionment. No sadness, no joy, no pain, no joy. Everything was distorted into indescribable, incomprehensible and incomprehensible chaos.

Corruption loves life and longs for new life, not violent and seething destruction. Without life, without soul, all will die. The endless cycle of life sources is cut off, leading everything to its final destination.

The God of Destruction, the Old One from the distant edge of the universe.

And now, it dares to mock them!

Abaddon didn't know what the Chaos Gods were thinking in their hearts. He only knew that the roar of the warp poured into his body along with power. The gods gave him only one task, which was to completely kill the one who stood in front of them. monster! Tear him to pieces!

"very good."

Finally, he spoke.

"Then let's fight."

As Abaddon's words fell, the battle around Cadia began again.

Countless cultists and the demonic lackeys of Chaos descended from the sky again and attacked Kraf Fortress. Facing their offensive, Cadia's soldiers were once again ready, and soon, the two sides exchanged fire again.

Then they were all stunned.

What's going on with these demons?

Custer pulled the trigger and poured the ammunition in his hand at the enemy in front of him, while frowning slightly. As a veteran who has lived since the beginning of the Cadian War, Custer is certainly well aware of the power of these terrible demons. They have speeds that are unimaginable to ordinary people, and their bodies are difficult to penetrate even for bullets, let alone those who are semi-human. The demonic engine of a mechanical half-creature. Custer watched in despair more than once as they broke through the Cadian Legion's defenses, devastatingly killing all enemies who dared to stand in front of him.

But now...I don't know if it's an illusion, but Custer always feels...that these demons seem to have become weaker?

Their numbers are still endless, but their power doesn't seem to be as strong as before, and Custer can be sure of this. Those terrifying monsters that were once unable to create a wound on their opponent's body are now gradually becoming more vulnerable. Their speed slowed down, and even the demonic engines began to become inoperable, as if there was some kind of malfunction.

How is this going?

Not only the soldiers of Cadia feel this way, but even the Chaos slaves of the Black Legion are also puzzled. The spiritual energy in the subspace is still abundant, but they feel that their power is leaving uncontrollably. . Just like a balloon punctured by a needle, their power is being weakened uncontrollably, but they don't know what to do!

The first reaction of these demons was that their progress displeased the gods, so they cheered up again, and blasphemous rituals were performed again and again to weaken the physical barriers on Cadia and allow the power of the warp to once again Pollute this planet. They have always done this before, and every time they do it, the power of the Warp makes them more powerful.

However... the demons soon discovered to their horror that the ritual had an effect. The barrier between subspace and the physical universe was indeed weakened, but - their power was still dissipating! And the closer you get to the front line, the more it dissipates!

Where did their power go?

At the same time, in the command room of the bastion, Duanmu Huai's smiling face almost cramped.

Where did all those demonic powers go?

Of course I went to him!

There is only one reason for this consequence, and that is Duanmu Huai’s priesthood [Demon King of the Sixth Heaven]!

He transforms into the heaven of freedom!

In the Buddhist Desire Realm, there is a difference between the Self-Transformation Heaven and the Self-Transformation Heaven. As the highest level of the six heavens in the Desire Realm, the people living in this world do not use their own instruments to manifest, but use the lower heavens to transform themselves into others. Things of pleasure are free and easy to play, so it is said that he is transformed into freedom.

To put it simply, he is like a person who has fun. He does not need to find fun for himself, but only needs to watch other people's fun to create a long-term source of happiness for himself.

And on a divine level, what does this mean?

It means that as long as you make a sacrifice, then I can use the power of your faith for free!

For example, the believers of Cruel Wrath dedicated a hearty battle to Brutal Wrath, and their followers happily dedicated this battle to the Blood God. The Blood God was also very excited by the actions of his followers, so he gave his followers more powerful faith.

This is a normal cycle.

But when he joined in from Hua Zizaitian, the process became - Hey, your power of faith looks good, give me some?

He transforms into the heaven of freedom, he transforms into freedom. To put it bluntly, he just enjoys watching others. And these believers, no matter which evil **** they believe in, will definitely offer fun to them in order to please their gods! But there is no power created out of nothing in the world, and the same goes for the power of faith. He transforms himself into the sky, uses other people's treasures as his own games, and can increase his own power by watching others have fun. How can there be such a good thing? Did this power come out of nowhere?

of course not! This is a waste of the power of faith that others dedicated to God!

Not only that, this is a two-way street. Not only will the power of faith given by believers to gods be turned into free money, but even the divine power that gods give back to believers will also be turned into free use by him!

You guys are having fun, I'm watching the fun, and I get a share of this power!

It's like the original power of faith dedicated by believers to gods is 2, and the power of faith given back by gods to believers is 2, adding up to a total of 4. But after Duanmu Huai glanced at it, it was reduced by half, from 4 to 2. What about the remaining 2?

Then it’s time to return to Duanmuhuai!

This money is like the money blown by the strong wind. Duanmu Huai's face will cramp up when he laughs!

In the command room at this moment, Duanmuhuai remained calm on the surface, but when he looked at the sixth-day Demon King's experience bar that was rising rapidly in the system interface, which had been motionless, his heart was about to burst with joy.


the reason is simple.

Because in the subspace, except for the creatures that originally lived in the subspace, everything else is connected by emotions and beliefs!

The Four Gods of Chaos are no exception! As for the army under their command, it is obvious that they are also maintained by the faith of the four gods!

It's just that Duanmuhuai's [Sixth Heaven Demon King] priesthood is still too weak, so it can only affect the demon army near the front line.

Um? Why the frontline, you ask?

The reason is simple, because strictly speaking, all the imperial soldiers on the front line are followers of Duanmu Huai.

It's not a problem with the Inquisition, but with Duanmu Huai - he shamelessly used the skull and warhammer as his holy symbol, and unfortunately, the skull is the symbol of the empire. In addition, Duanmu Huai does not have any special requirements for believers, so strictly speaking, basically all the people of the empire can be regarded as his believers.

Of course - this is passive. If they call the God Emperor for blessing, then they will automatically be kicked out of Duanmu Huai's belief system.

As mentioned before, because of the actual effect of destroying demons, most frontline soldiers and troops believe in the Tribunal. After all, killing demons in the name of the Tribunal can really kill demons.

Again, this means that they are followers of Duanmu Huai, not just believers in the Tribunal.

This means that they are not only believers of the God of Destruction, but also believers of the Old Ones, the God of Joy, and the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven.

It's just that Duanmu Huai has been very careful to control these priests, just like faucets.

He never turned off the faucet of the [God of Destruction]. As long as he believed in the Tribunal, anyone could use it. Duanmu Huai didn't care.

The priest Duanmu Huai of [Old Dominator] can only be opened when he uses it (Besides, Old Dominator does not need the power of faith)

[The God of Joy] Because no suitable conditions have been found, Duanmuhuai has been kept closed.

And now, he turned on the faucet of the [Sixth Heaven Demon King].

At this moment, Duanmu Huai smiled as if he had won the lottery.

Look, what does it mean to have a happy person and a happy soul?

Can you do it with your obsession?

I can level up just by having fun, can you do it?


By the way, the living saint Celestine is also in bad luck at the moment, but Duanmuhuai doesn't care... The emperor's faith can be touched at the touch of a finger, what can he do to himself?

So now on the battlefield, the situation has become like this.

The soldiers fight as dual believers of the Inquisition and the Sixth Heaven Demon King, and demons who approach them will first be given a wave of faith by the Sixth Heaven Demon King in vain, and then they will become weak. After being beaten to death by the soldiers, the soul will not return to the highest heaven, but will be simply and roughly stuffed into the furnace of the Tribunal...

This scene almost made the Chaos Gods furious (if they had any)

You're riding a horse and you're eating two fish? !

Forget about using the souls of our believers for free, you even use their faith and my divine power for free? !

Damn, can you bear this? !

The screams of the subspace reached their limit at this moment. They urged, they roared, they screamed, they shouted...

"………I see."

Abaddon silently clenched the blade in his hand.

"I will go there myself."

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