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Chapter 1330: Goodbye across time (my belly is beginni

Chapter 1330: Goodbye across time (my belly is beginning to swell)

Sitting on the throne, Robert Guilliman showed a hint of melancholy and sadness.

He sighed silently and closed his eyes, showing unimaginable pain.

"Why are you looking so sad? Be happy, you can get up after sleeping for ten thousand years, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Duanmu Huai sat next to him, tasting Macragge's specialty pastries while looking at Guilliman with a smile. The latter smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Ten thousand years have passed, look what they have become, and we ourselves are the same - blind faith, ignorance, suffering, decadence. All of these are prevalent in the name of a god. Ironically, this 'God' himself has always hated this title."

"Sometimes what you think is not important, but what others think of you is important. I think you may not have thought about it. In the eyes of the Ultramarines, you are no different from a god."

Guilliman stood up silently and looked at the battle flags and paintings on the wall with a look of pain on his face.

"We have failed, Father. He failed his sons, and we have failed him. Our arrogance and vanity have made the Empire what it is today, and we have failed humanity—didn't Horus declare his intention to ascend to the gods, and with Is this an excuse to launch a rebellion? Doesn’t the state of the empire today lead to his gloating ridicule?”

"I don't know whether Horus smiled or not. Anyway, I know that Lorgar must have laughed miserably. After all, his Book of Holy Words is now the official reading book of the state religion."

Duanmuhuai silently stabbed Guilliman in the back.

"Also, your Codex Astartes has also been included in the required reading list for Space Marines. What do you think of this?"


Guilliman finally broke through the defense at this moment.

"Why am I still alive! I gave everything I had to my father, to the Empire. Look what they have done to our dreams now! There is no trace left in the bloated, corrupt body of the Empire. The shadows of reason and hope, only fear, hatred and ignorance keep this corpse alive! Even if we are all buried in the fire of Horus' ambition, it is better than living to see it all!"

Duanmuhuai did not speak. Of course he understood what Guilliman meant, but this did not represent the original body's despair. On the contrary, his anger was burning with the radiance of hope.

Guilliman turned his head, looked at Duanmuhuai, and asked slowly.

"Who are you?"

"I thought I had already explained it to you."

Duanmu Huai spread his hands.

"I am Duan Muhuai, the Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition. What other answers do you want?"

"You should understand that's not what I meant."

Guilliman stared at Duanmu Huai. His memory seemed to be stuck ten thousand years ago. Because of this, the man in front of him who had not changed at all from his memory made Guilliman even more suspicious.

"So what do you want to know?"

"all of these."

Guilliman stared at Duanmuhuai.

"I originally suggested that the Empire create an Inquisition, just hoping to give the Gray Knights a home and allow the Empire to have a dedicated anti-demon department. But now, I know that this does not seem to be that simple."

Guilliman is not an idiot. After waking up, he absorbed a lot of knowledge about this era, so he naturally understood the deeds of the Inquisition.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you for the copyright fee yet...forget it, it doesn't matter."

Duanmu Huai swallowed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand, then stood up and walked to Guilliman's side, extending his hand.

"Here, grab it."


Staring at Duanmu Huai's open palm, Guilliman was silent for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and took it.

The next moment, Guilliman felt his eyes blur, and then everything in front of him changed.

The originally magnificent throne room was gone, replaced by a huge metal square and church suspended in the endless starry sky. In front of his eyes, there was a huge star. Countless rays of light flowed towards the star like a river, and then disappeared into it.

"Welcome to the Tribunal, or in other words, my divine domain."

Duanmuhuai clapped his hands, and Guilliman turned his head and looked at him in disbelief.

"you are God?"

"Isn't it weird? Isn't it the same with that old piece of bacon? It's just that I am on the side of humans. I think you must not have considered this."

"I do not understand………"

"Okay, I can explain it to you, but I'm not sure how much you can understand... After all, my eloquence is not very good... Forget it, just let it go."

As he spoke, Duanmuhuai explained to Guilliman about his situation, including the distant future, the situation of the Tribunal, his power as the God of Destruction, and the various effects that the power of destruction can bring... …

"So, the power of the Inquisition to kill demons actually comes from you?"

"That's right."

Duanmuhuai snapped his fingers and pointed to the Milky Way surrounding the star.

"Actually, strictly speaking, it is not about killing, but after they destroy the demons, my divine power of destruction will force them to my divine domain, and then stuff them inside and burn them. In this way, they will no longer be able to continue in Rebirth in the subspace, from this perspective, can be regarded as killing the devil. "

"And those who believe in the Tribunal will have their souls return to the Tribunal after death?"

"I think this is normal." Duanmuhuai shrugged.

"I'm not doing good deeds. If they use my power, they will naturally have to pay a price. In other words, I only charge the price after they die. It's generous enough. At least I won't be like those demons who pay the price when they are alive. When the time comes, squeeze these unlucky people.”

"And where are their souls?"

"If they are eager to continue fighting, I will clean up and let them continue to fight to eliminate the enemies of mankind. If they have had enough of all this..."

As Duanmuhuai spoke, he pointed at the star again.

"They will also enjoy complete death."

"You destroyed their souls!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

Duanmu Huai shrugged his shoulders.

"Human death is like a lamp going out. Indeed, although I admit that many gods will choose to let those souls stay in the divine realm to serve them, but I have no such interest. The power brought by their burning souls is more important to me than serving me. Useful. And they are already dead, right? I think a clean death is considered a kind of kindness in this world.”


Guilliman fell silent, remembering the nightmarish rebellion, when he had seen his brothers and their children descend into darkness and evil, their souls tainted and their bodies twisted. From this perspective, the eternal death of the soul can indeed be regarded as a kind of kindness.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. Look, the emperor didn't object, right?"

"I, I don't understand..."

Guilliman shook his head.

"Why would he, would he allow something like this to happen?"

"In other words, he wishes I could help him share his faith."


Hearing Duanmuhuai's ridicule, Guilliman was stunned for a moment. He looked at Duanmuhuai in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"It's very simple. Do you know the history of the Evil of Obsession and the Eldar?"

"Know a little bit..."

"The Evil of Obsession is a **** born from the chaotic desires of the Eldar. When it was born, it absorbed most of the souls of the Eldar. Almost no Eldar survived. Why is this? ? Because it is the Spirit Clan, and the Spirit Clan is it, so when the Evil of Obsession becomes divine, that is when those believers sacrifice their souls and lives for their gods.”

Duanmu Huai spread his hands.

"You have to know that before this, there were a lot of Eldar tribes. How many? More than green skins! But what about after the birth of the Evil of Obsession? You have also seen that the only remaining Eldar tribe now is the kitten. Two or three of them are almost becoming the protected animals of the galaxy. Although from my standpoint, I would rather see these hybrids become extinct."

"So, what you mean is..."

Guilliman is not stupid. Duanmu Huai has already said this. How could he not understand what the other party meant?

"That's right, just like the relationship between the Evil of Obsession and the Spiritual Race, the same is true for the Emperor. Now he is at the boundary between humans and gods. Once the Emperor becomes a god, humans will repeat the scene of the Spiritual Race. , those humans who devoutly believe in the Emperor will be completely destroyed like the Eldar, and their souls will become the nourishment for the Emperor to become a god. This is why the Emperor has always denied that he is a **** - unfortunately, his methods are not good. How clever.”

"Is this why my father ordered me to destroy the Perfect City?"

"Yes, in his view, this belief is simply dragging him along the road to human extinction."

"But... I don't understand."

Guilliman frowned.

"Why, why didn't he say anything? Tell us nothing? If we knew all this..."

"Who knows, so you see, that guy is a human being and a Riddler. What I hate the most is this kind of **** who talks half-talk. Facts have also proved that he is not an omniscient and omnipotent perfect god. If he really is that kind of God, you will not be scattered to various planets, the Great Crusade will not fail, and the empire will not become like this... So in the final analysis, he is still stupid. "

Duanmu Huai curled his lips.

"It's like this, but no matter what, without the Emperor and the original body, this is how mankind has gone in the past ten thousand years. And now you don't have to worry about the Emperor becoming a god. After all, there are still many people in the Empire who believe in judgment. As for Ting, at least I'm much better than that guy who only eats and doesn't work. If I spread his faith for him, even if something happens, all human beings will not be exterminated."

When Duanmuhuai said this, he sighed silently.

In fact, he has almost figured out some things.

For example, why were so many humans surviving after that disaster? Even if the empire was destroyed and the black hole plan came, humans were not exterminated together... Well, forget it, it's useless to think about it now.

Duanmuhuai snapped his fingers again, and then the two returned to Guilliman's throne room. The latter stared at Duanmuhuai, and smiled bitterly after a moment.

"Now it seems I have no choice?"

"Of course you have a choice."

Duanmuhuai sat back on the sofa again and poured himself another cup of tea.

"It's just that you have already made your choice."

Then, he stared at Guilliman and spoke.

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