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Chapter 1331: A little piece of history (hungry cats h

Chapter 1331: A small piece of history (I’m hungry and fearless!)

 Guilliman did make a choice.

Just as Duanmu Huai comforted him, no matter what, even if the original body was lost, human beings would only be able to survive these ten thousand years.

Religious belief? Duanmuhuai felt that this was not too difficult to accept. Is the soul returning to the Golden Throne? Or become a toy of the evil **** of subspace? The choice is obviously obvious.

Although Guilliman wanted to regain the entire Ultramar star field and even protect the entire empire, Duanmuhuai persuaded him. He reminded Guilliman not to forget the unplanned and hasty war of the Lord of Mankind. The final result of the expedition. If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, humanity is indeed in danger, but at least for now, Cardia still survives, and the big rift has not yet appeared. Humans rely on their own strength to withstand the erosion of warp demons and chaos.

"The soldiers and horses have not yet used the food and grass. I think you should take this opportunity to continue doing what you are good at."

The job that Guilliman is good at is naturally operations, and then F2A.

As a congratulation on Guilliman's return, Duanmuhuai also gave him a small gift.

"What's this?"

Looking curiously at the thing in front of him, which was about the same size as a suitcase, Guilliman looked at Duanmu Huai, who chuckled.

"This is called a reality anchor... It's specially designed to deal with subspace. Well, it may not be suitable for others, but it's just right for you, a psychic Muggle."

"What is a psionic Muggle..."

Looking at the cheerful Duanmu Huai in front of him, Guilliman was speechless. Although he was still wary of Duanmu Huai, Guilliman had to admit that after ten thousand years, the Grand Inquisitor in front of him was probably the only friend he could still consider familiar.

"I think you know something about the concept of subspace, so I won't go into details here. Simply put, this thing can bring the originally chaotic universe back to peace according to the physical definition. Any erosion of psychic energy and subspace Will be expelled - as its name says, reality stabilizing anchor, it can be used to stabilize reality and expel unreasonable subspace laws. Of course, if you use this in front of the think tank, then they will even use spells. It won’t come out, but I think you don’t have this problem.”

"That's why you said it's fine for me, right..."

Guilliman was speechless.

"Of course, or if you use it in front of Magnus, I think he will go completely berserk."

Duanmu Huai sarcastically said.

"Dong dong dong."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Guilliman glanced at Duanmuhuai, who waved his hand. So Guilliman looked forward again and said in a deep voice.

"Come in."

Soon, the door opened, and then a man in luxurious clothes walked in. Seeing his appearance, Guilliman felt somewhat unhappy in his heart. The man in front of him is the Consul General of Macragge, which is also equivalent to the head of government of Macragge. Since Guilliman's return, he has approached Guilliman several times. However, what makes Guilliman dissatisfied is that the other party did not discuss with him the reconstruction of Macragge and the follow-up work of Ultramar. Instead, he always Either he was obsessing over some trivial matter that seemed inconsequential to the primarch, or he was praising the primarch's greatness - being a sycophant.

Such a person could actually be the head of Macragge's government. Guilliman was almost desperate.

Of course, although he was unhappy inside, as a qualified politician, Guilliman's face still looked very calm and calm at this moment.

"What's the matter?"

Facing Guilliman's inquiry, the Consul General in front of him seemed very enthusiastic.

"Great and Revered Father of the Primarch, I come on behalf of the people of Macragge to make a suggestion to you. We should hold a grand military parade and take this opportunity to publish the good news of your return and send it to you. To every world in the empire. After waiting for thousands of years, I believe that the people of the empire will be very happy to see this good news.”


Guilliman said nothing, but his expression showed his disapproval of this boring proposal. Although Guilliman admitted that the Consul General's statement was necessary, he believed that the grand celebration parade was too extravagant and wasteful...

"Oh, by the way, Guilliman."

At this moment, Duanmu Huai, who was sitting next to him eating snacks and drinking tea, suddenly spoke.

"You can try this thing now, there will be a surprise."


Hearing Duanmu Huai's words, Guilliman was stunned for a moment, but he still reached out and pressed on the reality anchor in front of the table. Then Guilliman saw the thing flip open and rotate like a radar. One lap.

Guilliman didn't feel anything special, but the Consul General obviously had a different view. With a shrill, inhuman scream, Guilliman watched in surprise as his Consul General began to twist and deform. , the original human form disappeared, replaced by a deformed and twisted abominable monster with purple scales all over its body.

Guilliman looked at all this in surprise. The latter was using his hands and feet at the moment to rush towards him like a big lizard. However, the next moment, the thunder hammer in Duanmu Huai's hand appeared out of thin air and hit the monster in front of him. body, turning it into a pile of meat sauce.

"This, what exactly is this..."

"So you see, I said this thing is quite useful to you."

Duanmuhuai sighed at Guilliman.

"You're a psionic Muggle, and you didn't even notice that the demon transformed and walked directly in front of you. How about you not being tricked to death?"


Guilliman stared at the **** corpse in front of him, gritting his teeth. He had seen similar monsters before. It was the last battle before he entered the stasis field, and now...

"They have actually infiltrated into Macragge?"

"Isn't it strange? Your heirs are basically psychic Muggles just like you. Isn't it easy for demons to distort your perceptions and deceive you?"


At this moment, Guilliman's face was as black as coal. He was not a fool. Even the Consul General had been replaced. He didn't dare to imagine how Macragge had been penetrated from top to bottom!

"...Your Majesty the Judge."

Guilliman looked at Duanmuhuai again and bowed. "If possible, could you please tell me about the Reality Anchor..."

"Don't come to me now."

No need for Guilliman to say anything, Duanmu Huai guessed what he was thinking.

"The production of reality stabilizing anchors is not high, and I can only give you a portion. However, if you want to completely curb or eliminate the erosion of subspace, I suggest you go to Doracall."


"That's your great sage. He has already done some research on the black stone obelisk on Cadia. You can remake it based on that. Of course, I can personally give you a container of reality anchor as a friendly gift. I It is recommended that you place these reality stabilizing anchors where the Mechanicus research and manufacture, so that they can conduct research on the manufacturing process of the black stone obelisk without being affected by the erosion and contamination of subspace."

The power of the reality anchor comes from the deus ex machina. It is a soul card, and Duanmu Huai certainly cannot give it to Guilliman. So he still suggested that Guilliman study the Black Stone Obelisk.

"I did hear Kaul explain the situation of Cardia..."

After hearing Duanmuhuai's suggestion, Guilliman was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, I'll go find Kaul to discuss how to solve this problem."

Of course, after all is said and done, Guilliman then asked Duanmu Huai for a large number of reality anchors, and conducted a comprehensive cleanup and investigation of the entire administrative department of Macragge. After all, even the Consul General was transformed into a demon, so it is conceivable that within Macragge, there must be cultists and demons.

The fact was just as Guilliman expected.

With the assistance of the Inquisition and the Gray Knights, and the assistance of the Reality Anchor, Guilliman successfully uncovered a large number of cultists and demons within Macragge, which made him extremely angry. After all, Macragge is his hometown, and now, these guys have actually reached out to his hometown!

After cleaning up the entire Macragge, Guilliman also found Duanmuhuai and Caul to discuss how to use physical means to curb the influence of the subspace.

Duanmuhuai gave three suggestions in this regard.

First of all, in Duanmuhuai's opinion, the most reliable thing is the black stone obelisk. If Dora Kaur can understand the manufacturing process of the black stone obelisk, then making the black stone obelisk to contain the subspace is obviously the safest and most useful way.

Secondly, they can place the Holy Emblem of Destruction of the Tribunal. The Holy Emblem mixed with the power of destruction can weaken and destroy some subspace spiritual energy to a certain extent.

The third method is the reality stabilizing anchor - this thing itself is not difficult to make, but the energy source is a problem. There is no deus ex machina in this world, and Duanmu Huai's opinion is that if they want to build a reality anchor, the energy source can be found from the Star God fragments.

But this is not an easy task, because the fragments of the Star God are sealed in the tombs of the Necrons, so finding the fragments of the Star God means digging the tombs of the Necrons. It's okay if you want to dig up a small one, but if you accidentally dig up a big boss, it will be the end of you.

Not to mention that there are big and small Star God fragments. The small ones have no self-awareness and can be easily captured. As for the big ones...hehehe, even Duanmu Huai has to attack them. The empire doesn't know how many people will die.

As for what Guilliman would do, Duanmuhuai didn't care. After all, this was Guilliman's problem, not his. In fact, in Macragge, Duanmu Huai spent most of his time... on clothes.

Yes, clothes.

Because the original body and the Astartes are relatively taller, there is also a department in this world that makes clothes for them. Duanmu Huai took the opportunity to make some more Inquisitor clothes for him - —After all, it would be too difficult for him to find clothes to wear in other worlds with his figure.

Such as the one in front of me.

Duanmu Huai stood in front of the mirror, looking at what he was wearing with satisfaction. A black brocade dress with a silk cape, a cloak of the same color and blood-colored lining, a brass skull pattern on the chest, and a golden tassel accompanying Duanmu Huai's It trembles with movement, and the velvet gloves and riding boots...well, elegant, perfect.

"You've been looking in the mirror for almost ten minutes."

Guilliman complained silently while reviewing the official documents.

"I never knew you liked these things."

"This is not a question of whether you like it or not. I'm afraid you can't understand that with a figure like mine, it's hard to buy clothes. They usually have to be made to order, which is really troublesome."

Duanmu Huai waved his hand.

"You happen to have a lot here, so I'll give you a few. You won't be so stingy, right?"

"It would be better if you didn't ask those tailors for any flowery pants or big vests. They think I have awakened some new hobby."

"Because I can lie next to the beach and bask in the sun after I go back, but you can't."


For a moment, Guilliman really wanted to throw away the pen in his hand and drag Duanmu Huai into the duel cage to have a good talk with him.

But he still held back with his usual self-control.

Because he still has many official documents to approve.

Guilliman said silently to himself.

It's definitely not because of the shame of not being able to beat him.


"Do you really want to go back?"

"Of course, I can't stay here much longer."

Duanmuhuai shook his head, then looked at Guilliman.

"Don't worry, at least I will take you back to Terra - even though I can't go, and I'm too lazy to meet that old bacon."

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