Start a Core Pod

Chapter 1377: Traces of fog (it’s hot and everyone is

Chapter 1377: Traces of Mist (The weather is hot and everyone is going up the mountain)

Under the guidance of the doctor, Duanmuhuai met the woman - and then he understood why the doctors here were so confident.


The woman standing in front of Duanmuhuai had dull eyes, her mouth was wide open, and drool was flowing from the corners of her mouth. She looked like a zombie. It's just that zombies can at least bite people, but she seems to be a simple doll. After being brought over, she stood there without saying a word and could only make these indistinct shouts.

"I think you should give me an explanation."

Duanmuhuai glanced at it and knew that he would get no information from this woman, so he turned his head and looked at the doctor next to him, who sighed.

"As you can see, the effect of this lady is not good after entering the hospital for treatment. Perhaps because of excessive sadness, she has completely closed her mind. Now she is as described in the literal sense. , just a bunch of walking corpses, in fact even we can’t communicate with her..."

"Oh, okay."

Duanmu Huai was obviously too lazy to pursue this girl's nonsense. He just sneered, then raised his phone and pointed it at the lady in front of him. Then with a "click", the flash light came on, and then Duanmuhuai put down his phone and nodded to the doctor.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, I'll leave first."


Seeing that Duanmu Huai actually chose to leave so straightforwardly, the doctor was stunned for a moment. But soon, it returned to normal.



After saying this, Duanmu Huai turned around and left the mental hospital. Looking at his retreating back, the doctor frowned, but in the end he didn't say anything and continued his work.

And leaving

After entering the mental hospital, Duanmuhuai drove away.

"Okay, now you can tell me the situation."

As Duanmuhuai spoke, the shadows around him began to roll like a swamp, and then, a middle-aged woman appeared silently in the back seat. This is exactly the old ability held by Duanmu Huai, Shadow Copy - by copying the opponent's intelligence data and then reproducing it as a shadow, there is no difference between him and himself.

It's just that Shadow will completely obey Duanmu Huai, and will say anything as long as it is an order given by him. This is also the biggest reason why Duanmu Huai can solve those cases - what could be simpler than asking the prisoner to confess on his own initiative?

Therefore, Duanmu Huai did not expect to obtain information from the woman from the beginning. For him, as long as he met and then used the shadow copy, the problem would be solved.

This is how it should be...


However, the woman sitting in the back seat of the vehicle was still no different from before. She was still looking ahead blankly, like a zombie. Seeing this, Duanmu Huai frowned. Shadow copy is to copy the current human memory and completely copy it, but it will not have the state of the original subject.

For example, if a person takes drugs and becomes unconscious, the memory of the person copied by Duanmuhuai will be normal and he will not be in a drug-induced state. Originally, Duanmu Huai thought that the woman before had taken such a ghostly appearance because of taking some psychotropic drugs, but now it seems that is not the case?

But this does not mean that Duanmu Huai has no solution at all.

"Please explain, what's going on?"

As he spoke, Duanmuhuai glanced at the rearview mirror - next to the woman, the psychiatrist from before also appeared.

The latter looked at Duanmuhuai with a flattering smile.

"Sorry, Master, I don't know the specific situation very well. I only know that the dean personally performed the surgery on her. After that, she became like this."

"Be specific and explain the causes and consequences."

"Yes...about three days ago, our hospital received a notice from the police, saying that a violent suspect was suspected of having mental problems, so he was sent to our hospital for treatment. When the woman was brought, her Her hands and feet were tied tightly, but even so, she kept trying to attack the police officers, which was indeed consistent with a manic and aggressive state. Then, the dean immediately admitted her and sent her to surgery. room for treatment.”

"Send to the operating room immediately?"

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai frowned. This is not an emergency like a car accident. To take a step back, is it necessary to send a patient to the operating room for a mental illness?

"What kind of surgery was done?"

"This... I'm sorry, I don't know about this. Only the head nurse in the entire hospital may know something about the director's surgery. Others are not allowed to talk about it."

"Does your hospital receive many patients? I mean like her?"

"Yes, there are many. We cooperate with the police. As long as they find mental patients, they will send them to our hospital for treatment. In fact, many patients have been cured by the director and returned to society!"

At this point, the doctor became excited.

"Perhaps you don't understand what this means, Master. Mental patients can be cured through surgery. This is a great progress in medicine! In this hospital, almost all doctors hope to be taught by the dean and master this technology! "

"Becoming like her?"

Duanmuhuai glanced at the woman behind him who was no different from a servitor, and said.

"No, this is just a sequelae of the operation. In fact, after the operation, the patient will go through a period of time and then return to normal - at least that's what the director said. During this period, the patient will remain in this state. "

"Then the sequelae are quite powerful."

Duanmuhuai complained silently, and then changed the topic.

"So, you mean there is a cooperative relationship between the police station and your hospital?"

"Yes, this is from a care plan from the city hall. I heard that the content is to maintain social order. After all, the police used to arrest mentally ill prisoners but could not do anything about them. Later, the mayor issued this plan According to the plan, a fund was allocated from the city government to establish a care foundation, which is mainly used to treat mental patients who pose a danger to society for various reasons and provide them with treatment expenses.”

"Even the mayor is involved. To be honest, I'm not surprised at all."

Duanmu Huai seemed very calm about this. After all, this matter was able to be covered up for so long. It must be related to the above - then the mayor is very suspicious.

"How long has this plan been in place?"

"About five years..."

"Five years..."

Hearing the doctor's answer, Duanmuhuai frowned.

"So how many patients have been cured and discharged from your hospital in the past five years?"

"About...more than three hundred people?"

"Were these more than 300 people sent here from the police station?"

"It should be about the same. At least in my memory, the huge increase in patients started after the implementation of the care plan."

"Okay, I get it."

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai chuckled, and then glanced at the passenger seat next to him.

"That's what he said. Then Mr. Chief, what do you have to say?" As Duanmuhuai's voice fell, the shadow began to expand and condense again, turning into the potbellied police chief.

"Haha... Master... This... I can only say that I was also acting under orders... Of course, I got a lot of benefits from it. After all, the mayor promised me that every time I arrest someone, I will be rewarded accordingly. ...And my subordinates, they also need some money."

"Then you arrest everyone?"

"No, of course not. Our main targets are those who have noticed the abnormality in this city. It's a pity that we are sparse. After all, our police force is limited and we can only do this step. And the mayor is also furious because of your arrival, and We are ordered to send them away as soon as possible."

"So, what exactly is the mayor going to do?"

"The mayor has a plan."


"Yes, a great plan, for that Lord..."

At this point, the director's fat body suddenly began to tremble.

"Everything is dedicated to it! Whether it's our flesh and blood! Or our souls! This is about to begin, and no one can stop it! For————!"


However, before the police chief finished speaking, his body suddenly expanded and turned into a huge human-shaped balloon, which then burst completely. At the same time, the psychiatrist and the woman in the back seat of the car were reduced to a pile of rags. The scattered black images sprayed away like mud and stained the car, giving off an unpleasant stench.

"It's really troublesome."

Duanmuhuai seemed to turn a blind eye to this. He just clenched the steering wheel and looked ahead, mumbling at the same time.

As for why this happened, the reason was very simple. The other party had already connected with a certain evil god. Therefore, when Duanmu Huai tried to control it, the evil god's power also began to fight back and eventually destroyed itself.

Now it seems that at least his idea is correct. This city is involved in some kind of conspiracy, and it is related to the evil god.

I just don’t know which one it is.

So far, Duanmu Huai's investigation has come to an end. He sent the car to a car wash and asked them to clean it from the inside out. He went to the hotel room to take a shower and change clothes. At the same time, Duanmuhuai did not forget to ask Ziyuanji Youzi to investigate the situation of this care foundation from the Internet, and at the same time sent a text message to Shajiuye explaining the situation.

After Duanmuhuai took a shower and changed clothes, he also received a contact from the food detective. It seemed that the investigation there had come to an end. In order to exchange information, Duanmuhuai went to a nearby home according to the address on the text message. Dining room.

"Hey, this way."

As soon as Duanmu Huai entered the door, he saw the food detective sitting not far away waving to him, so Duanmu Huai also walked over and sat down opposite. Next to the gourmet detective sat an idol detective girl in a student uniform who looked like a high school girl.

The former was eating curry rice with big mouthfuls, while the latter was fiddling with his mobile phone boredly. Duanmuhuai nodded to the two of them, and then sat across from them.

"What did you find?"

"A few, how about you?"

"Me too, I'd better say it first."

Duanmuhuai asked for a glass of juice, and then explained what he heard from Shadow. When hearing Duanmuhuai's story, both the food detective and the idol detective showed surprised expressions.

"Have you investigated this deeply?"

"It's okay, it's not too difficult."

After all, just copy the shadow and ask questions, everyone can do it.

"The police transport mental patients to hospitals for specialized treatment? Is this really okay?"

The idol detective became obviously serious.

"In this case, doesn't it mean that the police can take someone to the hospital if they say they have mental illness? And since this is within the scope of medical treatment and does not involve law enforcement, doesn't it mean that they can arrest whoever they want?"

"Just in time, I also have some information to tell you."

The food detective took another mouthful of curry rice and spoke at the same time.

"I still have a few old friends in this city, but when I went to look for them today, I found that they were all missing... No, it can't be said to be missing. They all seemed to have left the city. Even their neighbors I don’t know where these people went, so I found an old guy’s assistant and asked, and learned that he was investigating a disappearance case before he disappeared.”

"I have similar news here."

The idol detective also spoke now.

"I inquired around the school here and found that there was indeed a situation that matched what Mr. Duanmu said. I heard that a student suddenly went crazy during class and attacked many students. Then the police came and took him away and transferred him. He was admitted to a mental hospital for treatment. He was later cured and discharged, and is still in school. According to the teacher, he seemed to have returned to normal after being discharged from the hospital, and did not have similar symptoms of madness again. But..."


"His friends don't think so. I asked the student's childhood sweetheart, who told me that she felt as if she had become a different person since the student came back, although her behavior was the same as usual, and her behavior was also different. It's the same, but she always feels that he is some kind of monster wearing a layer of human skin. Now it seems that the mental hospital... does seem to be very suspicious. "

As he spoke, the idol detective frowned and looked at the gourmet detective.

“Can mental illness be treated with surgery?”

"Lobotomy can indeed relieve mental symptoms to a certain extent, but I don't know the specific situation. However, I know a few doctors and I can contact them to ask."

The food detective is not a professional doctor, so naturally he cannot make a professional judgment, and the same goes for Duanmu Huai. So soon, the three of them skipped this topic.

"So what's next? Do you want to continue investigating the mental hospital?"

"To be honest, I think there must be something wrong with that place."

Duanmu Huai didn't care at all. If he were the judge, he would just rush in and execute him on the spot without saying a word. It's a pity... In this world, he doesn't have the qualifications to be a judge, which is somewhat of a trouble.

"No, I think the mental hospital can take some time off."

The food detective shook his head.

"You came to inquire today, which has aroused the other party's alert. If you continue the investigation, you may force the other party to destroy the evidence. I think we can start with the student. At least we must first know how he was cured. , and...what has he become now."

Of course, the important thing is that high school students are easier to deal with. How can two adult men on my side not be able to deal with a high school student?

"No problem, when will you leave?"

The gourmet detective said nothing and looked at the idol detective, who smiled proudly and raised his phone.

"I've already made contact. We'll go after dinner."

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