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Chapter 1378: The threat is emerging (it's a pretty co

Chapter 1378 The threat emerges (it’s really cool today!)

After dinner, the three of them went to a nearby residential area, where they met the girl - she was a simple, inconspicuous, high school girl wearing glasses, the kind you can see everywhere. .

"Ah ho, here we come, Xiaoya."


Seeing the appearance of the detectives, the girl with glasses looked very excited.

"It's the detectives as expected...! I didn't expect that some of them would actually accept my commission..."

"Oh? Do you know us?"

The food detective said with a smile, and ate another burger at the same time. Even Duanmu Huai couldn't help but look at it - since he came out of the family restaurant, he has eaten three plates of curry rice, four burgers, and I drank two huge Cokes.

Well, Duanmu Huai guessed that this food detective probably didn’t mean eating delicious food, but meant “eating deliciously”…

"Of course, you are Gourmet Detective Oba Minato-san. And this..."

As she spoke, the girl with glasses looked at Duanmuhuai, her eyes shining.

"It must be the recently popular Yakuza detective Mr. Duan Muhuai, right! I heard that you rule the underworld in the entire Kanto region, and are even the president of the Dongcheng Association, the largest gang in Kanto! You lead the underworld to spread out places where the police can't see it. Justice, that’s so cool!”

"...This is purely a rumor."

Duanmuhuai silently stretched out his hand to press his forehead and sighed helplessly. After handling so many cases, Duanmuhuai has naturally been in the media. Once it reaches the media, the right to explain is no longer in Duanmuhuai's hands. This is how this so-called Ji Dao detective came about... Of course, to Duanmu Huai, this was just a rumor.

Why in this world is he just trying to lead me down that path? It's obvious that I have no interest at all.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about the situation on your side."

Duanmuhuai was too lazy to explain these boring things, so he decisively changed the topic.

"Ah, yes..."

The girl with glasses was also very obedient and immediately told the three people about her situation.

Just like what the idol detective said before, the girl with glasses has a childhood sweetheart, but unlike the girl with glasses who doesn’t look like much, that childhood sweetheart is very sunny and handsome, which is the so-called current group. He is very popular in the class and very popular with everyone. And that childhood sweetheart always hangs out with girls from other classes, so the girl with glasses can't say much about it.

Although she also likes her childhood sweetheart, she also knows that neither her looks nor her grades are good enough to be worthy of cash, so she only silently supports him from behind and basically doesn't talk to him in school. , just act like you don’t know him.

"He became strange half a month ago..."

It was evening, and the girl with glasses was about to take a rest after reviewing her homework. Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door. The girl with glasses was frightened by the sudden knock on the door and cautiously came to the door. She saw Namimitsu standing in panic. There they were banging on the door. Although they didn't know what was going on, the girl with glasses still opened the door and let Xian Chong in. The latter seemed very nervous after arriving at the girl's house with glasses, and even locked himself in the bathroom on the first floor and refused to come out.

The girl with glasses didn’t know what was going on with Akatsuki, but judging from his fancy clothes...

"I think he went to socialize that day."


"Yes, he is very popular with girls, so the classmates in the class will call him when they want to socialize with girls from other schools. And every time he will dress very fancy, so I think he should go there that day Friendship.”

But her mood was quite bad that day. The girl's parents were away on a business trip, and she was alone, which made her panic. At that time, Xian Chong was covered in scratches all over his body, as if he had rolled down somewhere. She also said that she would bandage Xian Chong or take him to the hospital, but the latter refused directly and locked himself in the toilet for life and refused to come out.

And early the next morning, when the girl with glasses got up, she found that Xian Chong had left without saying goodbye. At that time, she didn't know what happened, and she wanted to wait for Xian Chong to calm down and then ask him.

As a result, during class the next day, an accident that the girl with glasses could not imagine happened happened.

It was still morning class at that time. Although the girl with glasses was holding a book, she didn't listen to anything. She was just thinking about what happened last night. However, at this moment, suddenly, a shrill scream came from outside, startling everyone. Then everyone heard the sound of banging, banging, banging, like something was being smashed from the classroom next door.

At that time, the students were very scared and curious, and the teacher ordered them to stay in the classroom and check the situation by themselves. Then they heard the sound of smashing glass and screams coming from the corridor outside. Now everyone couldn't help it. When I came to the door of the classroom, I looked out.

As a result, the girl with glasses was surprised to see Xiancheng holding a fire extinguisher in his hand, and he smashed it at everyone as if going crazy. He was then subdued by school teachers and security guards and taken away in an ambulance.

Later, I heard from other students that during class, Namimitsu suddenly went crazy and screamed as if he was having a nightmare. Then he picked up a fire extinguisher and threw it at other students, which caused the commotion. Since Nian Chong is very famous in the school, everyone is talking about this matter.

About two weeks later, Nian Mitsuru returned to school again and said that his illness had been cured. Moreover, his behavior was no different from before, and he quickly returned to his usual self.

"Even though I say that,...I always feel like he has changed."

"Huh? What do you say?"

According to the girl with glasses, before this, Xian Chong had always been indifferent to her, because he was Xian Chong, and being with a rustic and introverted girl like him would lower his worth. So the relationship between the two is actually very ordinary, but since returning from the hospital, Xian Chong has chatted with the girl with glasses again and again, and he also behaved intimately and touched her.

Although the girl with glasses and Xian Chong were childhood sweethearts, they had never thought of falling in love with him, and the other party's uncharacteristic behavior also made the girl with glasses very uneasy. So I ran away several times, but the other party didn't stop there, and even got worse.

"I think he is really scary now, and..."


"If he gets too excited, he will make a sound that doesn't sound like a human being."

"Not like a human voice?"

The three detectives looked at each other doubtfully.

"Can you explain?"

"Ugh... I can't tell. It's a bit like some kind of wind whistling from the cave... Sorry, I can't describe it."


"Ah, here we are, that's the one."

While speaking, the girl with glasses stopped and pointed forward. Everyone looked in the direction of her finger and saw a residence not far away. At this moment, the door of the residence suddenly opened, and then a young man walked out. And everyone's reaction was not slow. When the young man walked out of the house, they quickly hid behind the walls on both sides. The young man glanced left and right, then turned and walked towards the opposite side.


Only then did the four of them poke their heads out, and then the idol detective looked at the girl with glasses.

"That's him?"

"Yes, yes."

"Hey, that's all he looks like."

Duanmu Huai was tall, so he could easily see the young man's appearance. He felt that he was just average-looking, that is, he had dyed yellow hair, wore earrings, and wore fancy clothes... What on earth was this thing about? What will make you popular in school? In our own country, students like this in schools would be directly segregated into poor classes by their teachers.

Although Duanmu Huai also knows not to judge people by their appearance, but...he is born with this, but this guy is not born with this!

Come on, the girls here really have no sense of aesthetics. Duanmuhuai complained silently and turned to look at the others.

"What now?"

"I plan to follow and have a look."

The idol detective seems to be very good at cross-dressing, and he is eager to try it now. The food detective chuckled.

"I won't do it. Walking such a long way is already tiring enough. Let me go with this little girl to visit the boy's home. What about you?"

"I'll go there too."

Duanmuhuai stared at the young man's figure in the distance and made a decision.

So soon, the group was divided into two groups. Duanmu Huai and the idol detective went to follow the boy, while the gourmet detective and the girl with glasses went to visit the boy's home.

By the way, how many burgers have you eaten along the way? I feel so exhausted just looking at it, why don't I take some exercise to eat?

"Speaking of which, you're really interesting."

Following the boy all the way, the idol detective chatted with Duan Muhuai on his mobile phone from time to time.

"I originally thought that a big guy like you wouldn't be good at tracking, but I didn't expect you to be so good at it."

As he spoke, the idol detective looked around. Duanmu Huai originally stood out here due to his size, but now no matter how the idol detective looks, there is no trace of Duanmu Huai.

"After all, I am in this business, and I always have some skills to make ends meet."

Duanmu Huai was also standing under a lamppost at the moment, looking at the young man who was not far away, and answered casually.

"This can be considered a superpower."

To put it another way, it's almost like superpowers.

Not long after, the two saw the young boy walking into a KTV. After meeting other students there, they went into the box to sing together.

"It's just ordinary students coming out to play. It's so boring. It seems like there's nothing gained."

The idol detective was clearly unhappy about this.

"Why, do you still want to see him sneak into an alley and make a deal with some gangster?"

"This is a good choice."

Duanmuhuai and the idol detective passed the time while chatting wordlessly. Nearly an hour passed like this, and the sky gradually became darker. At this moment, the young man walked out of the box and came to the back door of the KTV. Seeing this scene, the two of them immediately cheered up and followed him to this inaccessible place.

"Hey, big man, what do you think he wants to do here?"

"I think you've answered that question."


Just when the idol detective was a little surprised by Duanmu Huai's answer, he saw a girl walking over in a hurry, and her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the young man.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."


As he spoke, the young man stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl in front of him. Then the two of them hid in a deserted corner alley and hugged each other.

"...You are indeed young."

"You must be young too."

"Of course, I am a young and beautiful idol detective, I will always be 17 years old!"

However, just as Duanmuhuai and the idol detective were chatting boredly, the situation suddenly changed.

Duanmuhuai saw the young man open his mouth, and then a thick, huge, sticky and weird thing like a snail's body emerged from it and went directly into the girl's mouth.


The girl was also shocked by this sudden attack. She tried desperately to struggle and resisted vigorously to keep distance from the young boy. However, the young man now held her tightly and did not allow the girl to break away at all. At the same time, slender tentacles emerged from his nostrils and ear holes, stabbing towards the girl!

" something wrong?"

"Leave it to me!"

Seeing this, Duanmu Huai was suddenly startled, and then he quickly flashed. The next moment, Duanmu Huai, a big man, rushed out from behind a light pole that was no thicker than his forearm, and grabbed the current charger. The boy stuck out his "tongue" and forcefully pulled it out of the girl's mouth. Then he threw out a backhand punch, which sent the boy flying backwards and hit the wall heavily.

At this moment, under the light of the street lights in the alley, Duanmu Huai finally saw clearly the appearance of the young man!

I saw his mouth wide open, and a twisted, huge tentacle that almost filled the boy's entire mouth stretched out from his mouth, shaking non-stop. The boy's two eyeballs were like snail's eyes, stretched out directly from the sockets, staring straight ahead.

A faint green light flashed under the translucent skin, and mouths of different sizes emerged from the surface of the split tentacles, and you could even see the pointed teeth inside! At the same time, it emitted a twisted, horrifying and weird scream.

"Tekeli—li! Tekeli—li!"

"Get out of here and die!"

Anyone else would have been frightened to death upon seeing this thing, but Duanmu Huai was not afraid at all. He clenched his fists, roared angrily, and rushed towards the young man.

But just as Duanmuhuai punched out, the boy's body suddenly swelled up, and then a ball of mud-like stuff jumped out of his mouth and rushed directly towards Duanmuhuai. .

Faced with this kind of attack, Duanmu Huai was naturally not afraid. Faced with the filthy thing rushing towards him, he directly raised his right hand - the dark tentacles condensed and formed at this moment, tightly entangled. The other party's body was completely engulfed in shadow in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the idol detective also hurried over.

"What's going on? What happened...?"

Before they finished speaking, the idol detectives were stunned when they saw the young boy lying on the ground. At this moment, in front of them, there was only the human skin of the young boy, and his flesh, flesh and bones seemed to have completely disappeared. All the same, there was only a piece of skin lying limply on the ground, which made people unable to believe their eyes.

"This...what is going on?"

Seeing this scene, the idol detective was completely confused.

Duanmuhuai frowned and stared at the human skin in front of him without saying a word.

Now it seems that the situation has become a bit troublesome.

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