Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1093

Violence, killing and death are always the most effective threats.

Under the impatient urging of Gideon Malik, a hapless man named Alfonso finally drew a king and became a "glorious and great victim".

And his wife, lover, and child were all escorted in, and let him choose the one he cared about and loved the most.

It has to be said that this is really a very cruel and direct attack on the weakness of human nature.

The most important thing is that there is no way to cheat, let alone choose the one you don't like the most.

Because the Soul Stone will not accept deception of any kind.

If Alfonso dares to sacrifice a lover or child he doesn't like, then Gideon Malik will dare to kill all his lovers and descendants, and then choose one by lottery. "Glorious and Great Victim".

In desperation, the old man who looked to be in his sixties tremblingly picked up his most beloved grandson and cried bitterly.

Don't ask to know, he has made the right choice.

Exchanging the death of one descendant for the survival of other descendants, which is the same as exchanging smaller interests for greater interests, is a compulsory course for traditional European aristocrats.

Although after entering modern society, many people believe that the nobles who ruled this land have gradually died out under the baptism of capitalism and the modern communist revolution.

But the reality is that they have transformed themselves into business and politics, not only perpetuating in ways no one expected, but growing and growing in secret.

After simple preparations, Gideon Malik and Crossbones finally escorted the captives and passed through the Transmission Gate to the Vormir star at the other end.

As soon as they left, Alan arrived at the castle on the back with Stephanie Malik.

Looking at the huge Transmission Gate standing in the courtyard, as well as the corpses in the room, and the bloodstains left on the ground, anyone who is not a fool will understand what happened.

"Alben Uncle...Lion Uncle..."

Stephanie stared at the two corpses lying on the ground, as if she couldn't believe it was her own father made.

You must know the family behind these two people, but they will be married to the Malik family for generations. From the perspective of genetics and blood relationship, they have been relatives more than 200 years ago.

“Speaking from a certain perspective, your father is indeed a vicious and merciless formidable person. In order to get the soul gem, he even gathered the Nine Headed Snake executives from all over Europe as sacrifices. ." Alan commented meaningfully.

Actually, Gideon Malik was not surprised that he could do such a thing.

Because in his last life, he had seen too many things where relatives turned against each other for the sake of profit.

Some people even for the sake of money, can do a little by little hollowing out a business where the whole family, young and old, can join together to start a business.

And then directly transferred to another company that belongs to him completely, making the original enterprise insolvent and going bankrupt.

What's more ruthless, it will also make those shareholders who invested in the company carry a heavy debt.

"I have to stop him!"

Stephanie took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, her eyes flashing with anger.

Compared to her own father, she obviously hasn't become so bottomless.

In fact, most of the "snake second generation" are usually very different from their parents who achieve their goals by fair means or foul.

Some of them don't even know what their parents do, they just spend money recklessly and live a life of drunken stupor.

Although Stephanie, under the influence of Gideon, has always admired the Inhuman Hive very much, and is eager to welcome this "god" back one day.

But I don't agree with this practice of making allies sacrificed at all.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Alan smiled and released his charm again.

Stephanie, who just saw this scene, immediately flushed with excitement and excitement, one-knee kneels affectionately kissed the back of Alan's hand, solemnly vowed to promise: "Please rest assured, Master, I will definitely retrieve the Soul Stone for you."

"I believe in you."

Alan extend the hand affectionately caressing the other's cheek, Hair swiped back slightly.

This intimate act instantly made Stephanie's mental state extremely excited, and the whole brain was uncontrollably dividing various hormones.

As clear as she is, Alan is just taking advantage of herself and doesn't care.

It has to be said that this is the most terrifying part of this charming ability.

It is not changing a person's thinking and will, but by infinitely amplifying the desires in the target's heart to make the other party do things that harm their own interests.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be sperm on the brain.

Deal with all the Nine Headed Snake soldiers guarding near the Transmission Gate, and the two quickly passed through the Transmission Gate and arrived at Womir.

Looking at the crowd densely packed like black dots at the top of the cliff, Alan immediately said with a smile: "It seems that we came just in time, and we didn't miss the most exciting part."

"Who's that guy in the tattered black cloak?" Stephanie frowned asked in an uncertain tone.

She doesn't remember one of the Nine Headed Snake chiefs in Europe who looked so mysterious.

"That's the guide for the Soul Stone and is very closely related to the Nine Headed Snake. I'm curious how your father will react when you recognize him."

Having said that, Alan began to step up the steep steps.

You must know that when Gideon Malik was a child, it was the moment when the Red Skull was the most arrogant, and ruthlessly suppressed the Malik family and squeezed it out of the core power of Nine Headed Snake.

But later, he witnessed the opponent being defeated by the American Captain.

It can be said that Gideon Malik's feelings for the Red Skull are extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he admires the man who can push Nine Headed Snake to a position where he can change the world, and he aspires to be that person one day.

On the other hand, he hated the Red Skull's suppression of the Malik family, and at the same time was very dissatisfied with the other party's abandonment of the search for the alien hive, and turned to find more powerful supernatural powers from Norse mythology.

But unfortunately, Gideon Malik was too young at that time to have the qualification and opportunity to chat face-to-face with the Red Skull.

Now, on this extremely desolate and remote planet in the universe, they have miraculously reunited across time and space.

I have to say, it's almost like fate played a huge joke.

"John Schmidt..."

Looking at the terrifying face hidden under the hood, Gideon Malik finally couldn't help but use a slight With a hoarse voice, he called out the name that was enough to make the whole world tremble.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that the man who was believed to have been dead for more than 70 years was not only alive, but also showed no signs of aging.

"You are..."

Red Skull subconsciously frowned, completely unable to recognize who the old man in front of him is.

After all, Gideon Malik was a little boy when he was defeated.

Not to mention that the two sides have never met face to face at all, and even if they have met, it is impossible to recognize them.

"I'm Gideon Malik, current patriarch of the Malik family. Nice to meet you, Mr. John Schmidt. Or should I call you by your nickname - the Red Skull." Gideon gave an aristocratic salute very elegantly.

Hearing Malik's surname, the face of Red Skull suddenly showed a sudden realization: "Ah! It's you. I remember when I failed, you were just a child. Your father is always Full of complaints and dissatisfaction, think I have deviate from the original purpose of Nine Headed Snake. I can't believe that more than seventy years have passed, and you have become old from child. Tell me how Nine Headed Snake is now ?"

"Very bad!

Since your plane crashed, a number of Nine Headed Snake scientists and leaders have been arrested by the United States and the Soviet Union.

Some of them died in order to keep their faith, while others pretended to take refuge in each other, lurking in the enemy's interior, and little by little recruited members and grew.

Later, a man named Alexander Pierce's descendants rose to prominence, quickly infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. and developing it into an incubation base for Nine Headed Snake talents.

Oh, S.H.I.E.L.D. was formerly known as Strategic Science Legion.

Oh, S.H.I.E.L.D. p>

They used the algorithm invented by Zola Academician and the prediction of the future information society to come up with an insight plan.

In simple terms, it is to use a powerful sky carrier or space battleship , to implement strategic deterrence on the world from a height, eliminate those who may pose a threat to the Nine Headed Snake, and then force those great powers to submit.

But unfortunately, this plan failed.

Sabotage once again by the sons of Captain and Howard of the United States.

And this directly leads to us being exposed to the world again.

The International Security Council, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Vengeance The attackers started hunting for Nine Headed Snake members around the world.

In just a year or two, our power has lost a lot."

Gideon Malik did not Any intention of concealment, he eloquently stated the current bad situation of the organization, and even introduced the situation since World War II.

Although he doesn't understand how the Red Skull has come over these years, the current Nine Headed Snake undoubtedly needs the wisdom and courage of this strongman to tide over the difficulties.

"Cut off one head and grow two. Looks like those people didn't let me down after my disappearance."

Hearing Nine Headed Snake hit hard in a row After that, he still lived tenaciously, and there was a hint of relief in the eyes of Red Skull.

But soon, he remembered his identity as a guide, and blunt asked: "Since you found this place, you should know what's buried here, right?"

Gideon Malik nodded without thinking: "Of course! Here lies the Soul Stone of the six Infinity Stones."

"Very good! The Soul Stone is the most fair, if you want To get it, you must sacrifice your most cherished soul." After speaking, Red Skull stretched out his arm and made a gesture of please.

"Alfonso! For the great cause of Nine Headed Snake, I now order you to make sacrifices."

Gideon Malik didn't even say a word, just straight up He turned around and cast a menacing look at the hapless man.

The latter was obviously startled, and immediately held the grandson in his arms closer, his face full of pleading.

He tried to ask the Red Skull for help, but the vicious and merciless man turned a blind eye.

As for the guys who were escorted as prisoners, they all turned their heads one after another, not wanting to look at them.

In desperation, Alfonso could only hold his grandson tremblingly and approach the edge of the cliff step by step.

Just as he closed his eyes and was about to push the child down, a woman's voice suddenly echoed in everyone's ears.


Following the direction of the voice, Gideon was surprised to find that his daughter had come up the steep stairs.

"Stephanie? Why are you here!"

"I'm here to stop you! father, I remember you taught me when I was a kid that being a Malik As a member, you must first have fearless courage and an incomparable spirit of sacrifice. But what about you? You chose to be a coward at this time." Stephanie's tone was full of anger.

In her opinion, this is simply a betrayal and humiliation of the family oath.

"No! You don't understand, everything I do is for the family, for you." Gideon tried to justify his actions.

But unfortunately, Stephanie has long been charmed by Alan, and she doesn't intend to listen to these boring quibbles at all, and walks straight forward with high-heeled shoes.

Before everyone could react to what happened, she pushed with all her strength.


"Ah! No!!!!!!!"

With the cry of lose one's head out of fear, Gideon fell off the edge of the cliff on the spot.

That desperate and miserable voice constantly echoed in the bottomless canyon.

When the head comes into close contact with the ground, it explodes like a rotten watermelon on the spot, and a gem that emits orange-yellow rays of light appears out of thin air.

At the same time, Stephanie also fell to her knees with a tearful plop, staring at her hands, her face full of disbelief.

Obviously, the moment she pushed, Alan was free from the enchanting magic.

Because according to the acquisition rules of soul gems, you must kill the people you care about the most.

And if she keeps her charm, Stephanie's most important person should be Alan.

It can be said that he exploited a little bit of a loophole in the rules.

Without any hesitation!

While Stephanie was still immersed in grief and remorse, Alan had immediately grabbed the last Soul Stone, and immediately showed a faint smile: "Finally...the six Infinity Stones are together. Gather. I am the most powerful existence in this unipolar universe..."

before he finished speaking,

he took off his clothes and embedded the soul gem into the final a groove.

The next second...

Terrorist energy spews out of the body!

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