Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1094


A dazzling beam of light soared into the sky, illuminating the entire galaxy where Womir's star is located.

Any language is pale at the moment, and it is impossible to describe that shocking scene.

If it weren't for the silhouette floating in the midair, these people would even regard the beam of light as the super-energy main gun of the Star Destroyer.

Of course, the power that Alan unleashes is not just ordinary energy.

On the contrary, the energy contains the regular power of the six Infinity Stones of space, time, mind, reality, power and soul.

Out of curiosity, a Nine Headed Snake executive lightly touched the edge with his finger, and the whole person was instantly transformed into a one-year-old baby, followed by the whole person and began to disobey. Controlled emission of purple rays of light, which eventually exploded with a bang into tiny particles that the naked eye couldn't distinguish.

"My Heavens! This... what happened to this?"

Another Nine Headed Snake executive couldn't help but retreat from losing one's head out of fear, The tone was full of fear and despair.

Not only him, but everyone else around him reacted similarly.

Others took advantage of Gideon Malik to rush to his wife, child and lover who were not kidnapped, trying to take them to the location of the Transmission Gate and pass them back to Earth.

Unfortunately, before the person at the forefront could get close to the entrance, the energy shock blew up the entire Transmission Gate, leaving not even a single complete wreckage.

Not only that!

The Vienna Castle at the other end of Earth was crushed into powder by this terrifying energy, and a Level 10 earthquake broke out in the surrounding area of hundreds of kilometers.

Tens of thousands of houses collapsed, and thousands were injured, killed, and several millions displaced.

Such a terrifying energy response instantly aroused the vigilance of countless powerhouses and superpower organizations.

Including but not limited to Supreme Mage Ancient One, Asgardian Father Odin, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers, Kama Taj and the Three Great Saints, and Azeroth Artoria of the Sky City and many Guardians.

In just a few seconds, Odin, Gu Yi, and Dummy King immediately arrived at the scene with the help of their teleportation ability.

Especially Gu Yi, who has the sharpest perception of magic and energy, immediately sensed the residual breath in the air and the land, lifts the head and said with a serious expression: "I think he has succeeded!"

"Success? You mean..." A trace of tension and excitement appeared on Odin's old face.

You must know that the Infinity Stone is something he has been searching for in the first half of his life, and even for this reason, the dwarf king forged the Infinity Gloves for himself.

Now I know that another person has successfully gathered six Infinity Stones together in just a few years, and has also cracked the equation of life, so he can maximize the gems without gloves. Strength, his heart wants to say that he is not envious at all, that is absolutely impossible.

But in the end, the rich life experience made this old man who was about to die turn all his resentment, envy, jealousy and desire to snatch into a sigh.

Because he knew that even if Alan didn't use the power of the Infinity Stones, he wouldn't necessarily be able to beat the opponent.

"Yes! Now that the six Infinity Stones are gathered together, there is no one who can stop him from doing what he wants to do in this universe." Gu Yi sighed slightly with a complicated look.

"What's the matter with these violent energy reactions? From what I understand, Alan It shouldn't be easy to let the energy go out of control." Arturia asked frowned.

In her impression, this companion always pays great attention to controlling the strength when using power.

Unless you deliberately want to cause damage, it will never affect the innocent people around you.

"no! You're wrong! It's not out of control, it's Alan integrating the six most powerful regular forces in the universe into his body. The violent energy reactions we're seeing are just It's a little insignificant aftermath. If it really gets out of control, it's not such a small scene," Gu Yi explained patiently.

Odin also echoed with nodded: "That's right! If the power of the six Infinity Stones really gets out of control, the entire star system will evaporate in an instant. Compared with this, you should think about it. How to deal with the aftermath."

After saying this, the father of the gods of Asgard returned to the Immortal Palace under the support of the Rainbow Bridge.

Looking at the mark branded on the ground by the Rainbow Bridge, Supreme Master Gu Yi immediately suggested: "You are responsible for dealing with those who are injured and died due to accidents, and I will deal with the collapsed buildings and strive for In twenty minutes, restore all affected areas to normal."

"No problem!"

Artoria agreed immediately without hesitation.

With the help of magic item, she flew to an altitude of thousands of meters, overlooking the entire disaster area, and then opened her hands to release the golden holy light of dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of dead were resurrected, and tens of thousands of wounded were given proper Zenji treatment.

Just when people stared at the miracle in disbelief, the Supreme Master Gu Yi also activated his powerful spellcasting ability to pull the entire disaster area into the mirror space, and then repair and repair it. reconstruction.

When it is pulled out again, whether it is the collapsed house, or the smashed car and household appliances, all of them have been restored to their original state.

For a while, many Viennese people began to pinching their thighs, trying to figure out whether they were in a dream or hallucination through the pain.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they don't know, anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have noticed the high-energy reaction and are rushing here as quickly as possible.

About an hour later, the two Kun-style fighter jets landed steadily from overhead.

Looking at the peaceful scene around, Thor, the not-so-intelligent Thor, immediately couldn't help but ask: "Is there really a serious energy reaction here? Why do I feel like nothing happened? It's the same."

"Idiot! That was dealt with before I got here."

Tony Stark rolled the eyes angrily and ordered his own Steward Jarvis, an artificial intelligence, starts scanning the surrounding air, dirt, moisture and buildings.

As he expected, the various instruments soon issued a piercing alarm sound, which startled the American Captain.

The latter asked with lingering fears: "What does this sound mean?"

"It means that the situation is very serious! Very, very serious! The time and space of the entire region are in one A state of chaos, all kinds of energies are scattered everywhere as if they have been stirred. If someone hadn't cast a powerful magic to solidify it, we are now facing a mess that can't be dealt with at all. Think about it, If you take a breath of air and you suddenly grow old or ten years younger, what kind of scene would it be? Also, if you take a step forward, you suddenly find yourself in several hundred meters or even a few kilometers away How would you react?"

In order to make the "illiterate" present understand what he wanted to express, Iron Man deliberately used some more appropriate descriptions.

In fact, not to mention these "little whites" who don't even understand magic at all, even he, a high-level mage who has obtained a lot of knowledge of magic theory through cheating, is now completely dealt with this matter. People felt admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

As for who this person is, he has narrowed the guesswork to two people.

One of them is naturally Alan who has the most contact among them.

Although Alan doesn't show his magical abilities most of the time, Tony Stark doesn't think that anyone who can answer any magic-related questions he asks will certainly not be ignorant of magic. known.

Just the opposite!

In his eyes, Alan has made magic a part of himself. It's just that because there are so many abilities, it is not necessary to use complex and changeable magic most of the time.

And the second one, you don't need to ask to know that it's naturally the Guardian of Earth, the Supreme Master of Kama Taj Supreme, the ancient one.

Although Tony has never seen the Supreme Master, he can judge from Alan's respectful attitude towards the ancient one, that this powerful sorcerer who has lived for thousands of years definitely has knowledge and power that an ordinary person can't imagine. , otherwise it is impossible to block the invasion of Demon God in countless dimensions.

"Damn! The various rays here are active enough, in theory, to kill a whale in a matter of seconds. But inconceivably, there is some unknown force that counteracts the damage to the cells by the rays ." Banner Academician also said happily, holding the instrument.

As the only scientific researcher in the Avengers, his current spirit can be said to be extremely excited.

Because if this power can suppress or even invalidate the gamma rays, then it should be able to help himself clean up the Hulk in his body, and eventually return to normal and return to a peaceful life.

Instead of transforming, using brute force to kill and destroy, Banner undoubtedly prefers to use his wits and bachelors to deal with problems.

"Calm down, Academician, it's not a good sign for you to be emotional." Hawkeye couldn't help but reminded.

Banner hurriedly nodded: "Of course! I know! But it's an exciting discovery."

"Tony, you're the only one here who knows magic. , can you find a way to restore what happened?" Coulson walked over from a distance, touching his nearly bald head.

It can be seen that he is very worried now.

Because the International Security Council has given a death order to find out what happened anyway.

Iron Man was instantly delighted by this unreasonable request, pointed to his nose and asked: "Me? Are you kidding me? Take a good look around! Some people put this place as the center, with a radius of hundreds of miles. Everything within a kilometer was destroyed and then restored again. Not just buildings, vehicles, roads, and countless household appliances, but thousands of dead and injured. Finally, all involved were washed away Memory, disguising everything as if nothing happened. Dear Colson, this is so far beyond magic in the ordinary sense that you could even call him a god."

"Then how many "gods" do you think there are? Who are they?" Coulson expressed his attitude neatly.

In fact, the director has almost guessed half of the truth.

After all, in the entire Earth, there are not many people who can use energy and magic to such an extent that they can count on one hand.

If the previous damage may have been done by an unknown powerful existence, such as the dimension Demon God, but the subsequent restoration work is 80% either Supreme Master or Alan himself.

Especially the ability to revive and heal on a large scale, only Artoria has shown it in public.

"Since you've guessed it, why are you asking me? In fact, I may not know as much as you. And I checked the castle just now and found that before the high-energy reaction appeared, there seemed to be a large What a bunch of heavyweights are discussing. Among which is included the president of a financial investment bank, the boss of two media groups, and a bunch of politicians with significant influence in Europe. What's more interesting is that they are without exception Not only that, but their family members and relatives are also missing at the same time. Don't you think there is a big problem here?"

Speaking, Tony Stark used The projection machine on the helmet projects all Nine Headed Snake high-level materials including Gideon Malik.

"I already knew about this. Otherwise, why do you think the International Security Council issued a death order? Must investigate thoroughly. Because of this matter, those high-ranking officials and politicians have Fear and fear, for fear that a similar situation will happen to me one day." Coulson explained helplessly.

As brutal as it may sound, this is the reality.

The same tragedy happened to the ordinary person. Most of the time, the government only expresses its condolences and regrets symbolically.

But if it happens to those dignitaries, the government will immediately take the strongest measures.

The reason is simple!

The former is the ruled class, while the latter is the ruling class.

For the ruling class, it doesn't matter how many people die. Anyway, as long as the society as a whole remains stable and the government is still firmly in control of the army, no matter how many protests and demonstrations take place, It doesn't matter.

But if someone threatens their life and property, threatens their dominance, these guys will react like blown-up cats.

"My suggestion is that instead of staying here to investigate, it's better to go directly to the city of the sky and ask that King Arthur Your Majesty about the situation. Of course, the premise is that she is willing to tell us the truth." Tony touched the chin expressed his judgment.

"City in the sky?" Banner showed a curious expression on his face.

Tony nodded with a smile: "Yes! Sky City! Trust me, when you see it with your own eyes, you will definitely be shocked to speechless by the spectacular scenery."

"Stark is right, it's like a fairy tale world, everything you can imagine, and everything you can't imagine. By the way, the best thing is the food and Drinks." Captain America also echoed with a smile.

It can be said that this is one of the few things that he and Iron Man can agree on.

Just as the Avengers were talking, Coulson had obtained permission from the International Security Council and was using a magic item to send access to the sky city of Azeroth. Apply.

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