Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1100

"Damn! That guy Alan teleported me without saying hello again."

Looking at the familiar rooms and furnishings around him, Tony Stark couldn't help complaining a sentence.

It felt as bad as if he was an unwelcome guest who was forcibly evicted by his host.

Especially as a billionaire, superhero and genius scientist, he used to be greeted warmly wherever he went, with countless reporters lining up to interview him.

It's a pity that these halos are not as good as a butt wipe in front of Alan.

"Okay, don't complain. Compared to the other dimensional Demon Gods who want to destroy Earth all day long, he's already quite friendly. At least, he's willing to talk to him in a relatively equal way. Let's talk." Banner Academician took the initiative to defend Alan.

In his opinion, it is a miracle that the two sides can communicate normally with such a huge gap in strength.

You must know that in the 18th and 19th centuries, when Europeans were leading the world in technology and military, they set off a crazy wave of colonization, brutally killing and genocide the indigenous peoples of Africa, Southeast Asia and America.

Similarly, when the Vikings in Extreme-Cold Land in the north mastered the most advanced navigation technology and martial power at that time, they also launched a frantic raid on the whole of Europe, and some even succeeded established its own colonial state.

About this, you can get a glimpse of it from the fact that many ancient European noble royal families have Viking blood.

So according to the inherent way of thinking of Westerners, when a foreign force is strong enough, it does not come to invade, enslave and plunder itself, it is just as illogical as a dog actively choosing not to eat shit.

"Agreed!" Steve Rogers followed nodded. "He has already given us a lot of help, we can't ask for more. Even more how, he is now a dimensional Demon God, and we have to give him enough respect."

"Compared to this, I'm more concerned about the mysterious energy that Natasha just got."

Speaking, Hawkeye turned his attention to Black Widow, who is the best relationship with him among the Avengers.

"Romanov, how do you feel?" American Captain asked with concern.

Natasha responded indifferently: "I'm fine. Don't worry, although shadow energy has a certain degree of influence on the mind, as long as it is not used excessively for a long time, it shouldn't be What's the big deal. The most important thing is that I'm going to be mother soon, and I won't use it easily unless it's a last resort."

"Mother soon?" Stark's mouth widened in surprise.

He absolutely didn't expect that the Black Widow would move so fast, as if he couldn't wait.

Actually, this time Iron Man got it right.

Not being a complete woman has always been Natasha Romanoff's heart disease.

Since I learned that I can get a son or a daughter with a certain Rare Item called "pregnancy stone", I have been insomnia and anxiety for more than half a month.

To her, it was as if Steve Rogers failed to fulfill his promise with Peggy Carter, Banner wanted to kill the Hulk in his body madly, Thor Thor's mixed feelings for his half biological brother Loki.

All belong to the same thing as obsession.

Whenever she closed her eyes and fell asleep, the Black Widow would dream of her son or daughter, and watch them grow up little by little.

The picture is so real that standing for a long time made her feel like she was crazy and couldn't perform those dangerous tasks at all.


All of this is disappeared after getting the pregnancy stone.

At the moment, there is only one thing left in Natasha's heart, and that is the "chic" stone that she wears all day long and stays with her 24 hours a day.

Thinking that she is about to give birth to a lovely and beautiful daughter, her mind is full of excitement and excitement, lifts the head said with a smile: "That's right! If this stone is so magical, then There will be a baby in my belly in twelve days."

"Wow! Congratulations. But it's not a matter of being able to conceive and confirm the sex of a baby with just one stone. It's incredible." Tony Stark sighed slightly.

"Are we still encountering incredible things? Sometimes I even have the illusion that I have been eliminated from the times." Hawkeye couldn't help but whispered.

As the one with the lowest strength among the Avengers, he can clearly feel that he is getting more and more powerless.

Especially the recent actions in Eastern Europe made Quicksilver play around in circles and almost lost his life.

"Don't be discouraged, my old ice lolly, who has been frozen in the Arctic for more than 70 years, hasn't given up easily." Steve Rogers patted the other's shoulder and laughed at himself.

This sentence instantly made Hawkeye laugh: "hahahaha! Captain, you are getting more and more humorous now."

The American Captain's helpless shrugged shoulders: "No, it's not me. It's become humorous, but I was defeated by the cruel reality, and at the same time I saw the essence of many things. But no matter what, I still love this world and want to defend the ideas and values I believe in."

"This is where I respect and admire you the most. Captain, you will always be my idol." Coulson complimented from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you."

Steve Rogers was nodded with relief

But Iron Man obviously didn't like this kind of atmosphere, and immediately interjected: " Hey! Guys! We've been so busy lately that I think we should throw a party to relax a bit."

"Party? Are you sure?"

Thor touched The chin has a bushy beard and a look of anticipation on his face.

You must know that he is nicknamed "The Asgardian Party Maniac", and he often spends several days, or even a month or two, at Immortal Palace.

And he has a straightforward personality, the most lively scene.

Everyone sat together to enjoy the wine and food, and boasted about each other's heroism on the battlefield.

Don't look at the Asgardians who have created a very modern technology and magical civilization, but their entertainment and way of thinking are obviously still stuck in the ancient Middle Ages.

"Very sure! Trust me, dear brother, it will be 100 percent an impressive party," Tony Stark solemnly vowed assured.

Just kidding?

Before "Cong Liang", he had never played any tricks, and even held absurd celestial parties to relax his inner desires.

So satisfying the "country bumpkin" in front of you is a piece of cake.

Of course, as the crown prince of Asgard, Brother Hammer will definitely be a little picky, but it's hard for him to have the "money ability".

"Fantastic! If you can make me have a good time at the party, I'll bring you two extra pieces of Ulu when I come to Earth next time." Thor excited of giving a promise.

As the saying goes, it doesn't feel bad to sell a cub.

With his mind full of muscles, he doesn't understand the value of Ulu Kobelco in the universe at all. He just feels that he has a lot in his father Odin's treasury, so he took out a piece or two as a gift. Friends don't matter.

Iron Man heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, he put his arms around Brother Hammer's neck, laughed and said with a smile: "I promise you will be happy and forget who you are. ."

tone barely fell!

He immediately pulled out his phone and started calling contractors who had previously provided him with "special services."

In just a few minutes, the names of countless young and beautiful female actors, models, singers and celebrities quickly appeared on the party list.

After finishing all this, Tony lifts the head and stops the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director who is about to turn and leave: "Hello! Coulson! Aren't you staying for our party?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have this blessing. If nothing else, the mission report alone will take at least dozens of pages. And after this incident, the International Security Council will definitely take action against Europe. , dig out those hidden Nine Headed Snake one by one. Apart from this, the relationship with Alan also needs to be readjusted. In short, the next work will be very busy. Before they find a suitable person to replace me, I must Make sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. continues to perform its duties and obligations."

After saying this, Coulson's signature smile appeared again on his face, and then he turned and walked into the elevator.

Seeing this scene, Maria Hill couldn't help but praised slightly: "Seriously, persistently, and responsible... It seems that the decision to let him take over the position of director was really a correct decision. ."

"Yeah! If it were you, I think the International Security Council would definitely turn its face right away. They would never allow another director like Nick Fury." Tony Shi Tucker sneered sarcastically.

But after the sarcasm, he took Banner Academician and walked towards his laboratory next door.

On the way, the two kept their heads down and whispered, as if they were discussing something intensely.

Obviously, like the original plot, they finally came together to study the Spirit Treasure stone and create a super artificial intelligence to defend Earth in accordance with the supreme wisdom.


At the same time, the universe of Azeroth, which was just born, has spent a full billion years under Alan's Time Acceleration.

Finally, the first star soul finally woke up from the long dream.

He first sensed the situation around him and had a question in his heart.

Who am I?


To figure this out, the nascent titan immediately tried to make contact with the intelligent life that lived on his body.

It didn't take long for him to realize that he was fundamentally different from the other party, or the difference in Life Level.

Because he is too powerful, so powerful that all these fragile beings can perish with just a breath.

But out of a pity, the Titans did not do this, but helped the beings living on them to transform the environment, and drove the tyrannical elements that only knew destruction to the created subterranean. Space seal, and grant knowledge to those who are keen to create.

Just like that, 10,000 years soon passed.

With his help, more than a dozen interesting races and very advanced civilizations have been bred on this planet.

Through this kind of help, the Titans gradually understood the meaning of their existence, which is the power to bring order to the entire universe.

After figuring this out, he quickly created a white golden body for himself, named it Amansur, and began to wander aimlessly in the huge universe.

While enjoying bringing order to those planets that are still in a state of chaos, they are looking for a life like themselves.

In just a few hundred thousand years, Aman'Thul found the Life-Binder - Eonar, Lord of the Heavens and Raging Waves - Gorgonath, World Shaper and Builder Creator - Khaz'Gross, Heavenly God Guardian of Magic and Knowledge - Norgannon, Avenger - Aggramar, Guardian - Sargeras and many other Titans.

Not only that, he also formed an organization called the Pantheon, dedicated to finding and awakening more star souls, bringing the entire universe under the jurisdiction of order.

It has to be said that although these Titans are full of indescribable arrogance, they are even like a group of willful children, destroying, creating and modifying at will according to their own will.

The vast Arcane energy in their bodies from the Star Core gives them unimaginable powers.

But these self-proclaimed gods don't realize that they are actually created by Alan, and their every move is under the attention of the "Creator".

"How do you think they're doing?"

Alan stood in the endless deep space, watching the Titans transforming a planet, with a hint of tone in his tone. Playful.

"Well - I don't know why, I always feel that they are more like a group of spoiled children." Arturia touched the chin and gave her own evaluation.

"hahahaha! You're right, they're a bunch of spoiled brats." Alan couldn't help laughing happily.

Because he never had a good impression of these believe oneself infallible titans.

But the problem is that without these titans, especially Sargeras, who would become the future commander of the Burning Legion and discover the Fel, the universe wouldn't go the way it was supposed to.

And Alan didn't even want to be a nanny, staring at the development and changes of Azeroth all day.

So it's up to the Titans to do it for them.

In the end, in the end, except for the Star Soul of Azeroth, all the other Titans will be defeated and can only exist in the pantheon as souls.

"I don't understand, why did you introduce powers like death, fel and shadow when you created this universe? Wouldn't it be better to keep holy light, nature and Arcane?" Al Toria frowned asked.

Alan shrugged replied: "According to the philosophical point of view, all good and evil in the world must have a clear reference. Just as there is light, there must be darkness, and where there is order, there must be chaos, and there must be life. There must be death. The unity of opposites and harmony is a complete universe, otherwise it will slowly collapse due to its own shortcomings and eventually die. So in this matter, personal preferences must be discarded... "

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