Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1101

As a special being born from the Arcane energy of the Astral Soul, Titans are clearly different from most other beings.

They are neither tired nor bored, and have been tirelessly transforming the universe for hundreds of thousands of years.

Because of their intervention, countless planets got rid of the chaos ravaged by the initial elements, and gradually developed various forms of life and civilization.

And take care of those planets with astral souls to ensure that the titans who are still in their birth can have a wonderful dream.

Of course, once it is discovered that life on a planet has tendencies and behaviors that are not in line with Titan's values, then these Titans will transform from creators and transformers to terrifying destroyers.

There is little power against their metallic bodies condensed by Arcane energy.

You can even split a planet in half with the Divine Item in hand whenever the Titan wants to.

But just as the titans were busy bringing order to the universe, a lifeform opposite to that was born in the Twisted Void, a void creature dominated by shadow energy.

Unlike the titans, who have near-invincible power, Void creatures have no fixed form, nor are they too powerful.

On the contrary, like parasites, they are better at spreading corrupt targets from within and transforming them into their own powerful minions.

Especially the bred ancient gods, although their power was very weak at the beginning, but as they were deeply bound with the planet, they eventually became stronger than any titan creation.

gradually, these Void creatures found a way to corrupt the Astral Soul, and went about as frantically as the Pantheon to search the universe for unawakened titans.

In the end, they managed to find some planets that nurtured the star soul, and sent countless Soul of Ancient Times to constantly parasitize the star soul, weaving terrifying and twisted nightmares for it.

In this way, the Arcane energy, the source of life for the Titans, will be slowly transformed into void energy, and finally become a powerful weapon for the Void forces to confront the Titans head-on.

Unfortunately, just when several of the star souls were about to be corrupted successfully, the guardian - Sargeras found one of them, and without the slightest hesitation swung the giant sword and chopped it into pieces. two halves.

All the titans, including Aman'Thul, were shocked when the news that Star Soul could be corrupted by the power of the Void came back to the Pantheon.

Some titans firmly believed that the corrupted star soul could be saved, and that Sargeras should not destroy a compatriot on his own accord.

Other titans became wary of life from the Twisting Nether, believing that these creatures would become Order's greatest enemy.

But no matter which side it was, they ignored the tension, anxiety and fear in Sargeras, who had witnessed the corruption and distortion of his star soul with his own eyes.


The guardian of the Pantheon's most powerful warrior is terrified!

Because he realized that the self-proclaimed creator of omnipotent, the Titan, was actually fatally flawed.

It turns out that they too will fall and be affected by the creatures of the Twisting Nether like those demons.

Driven by this fear, Sargeras' thinking quickly moved from one extreme to the other.

He began to wonder if the Pantheon really made sense to bring order to the universe.

In this way, the entire universe will eventually be swallowed by the void creatures.

After thinking about it, the mighty Titan warrior finally came up with a single thought, that is, using violence to control violence and purifying the entire universe with the purest fire of destruction.

In order to achieve this goal, he carried the other Titans in the Pantheon, secretly came to the dimensional prison where the demon was held - Marton, and tore it to pieces on the spot.

The ensuing violent explosion of magic even tore apart Sargeras' body, contaminated his bloodline, and burned his soul.

When the shadow energy and the Arcane energy violently clashed and merged, the emerald green fire symbolizing the fel ignited in his eyes.

Similarly, the metal body also began to change into another shape under the burning of the fel flame.

"Acknowledge allegiance or destruction! Choose! Demons!" Sargeras roared wildly unquestionably at the demons.

In order to fight the Twisting Nether, he needs a Legion, burns the Legion invincible, and starts a war that sweeps the entire universe.

It is clear that the demons have little choice.

Although many of them were affected by the shadow energy, at this moment they were already shocked by the invincible power of the Dark Titan, and they all knelt down and swore allegiance to it.

And Sargeras did not treat the demons badly, and gave the power of fel energy as a reward to every demon.

Some of them grew taller and stronger under the influence of fel energy, while others grew wiser and more cunning.

The former slowly evolved into the Pit Lord, while the latter evolved into the Dread Demon King.

One of the two is responsible for directing the army to charge into battle, and the other is responsible for hiding behind and planning a conspiracy to disintegrate the enemy from within.

Under their close cooperation, one planet after another was captured, countless lives were slaughtered, or they were forcibly pulled into Legion to be transformed by fel energy, and eventually became a demon that burned Legion. .

With the continuous battle, Sargeras began to become extraordinarily powerful, and his control of fel energy became easier.

He found that the Arcane energy, which the Titans were proud of, had no resistance at all in the face of his own fel energy.

To be precise, these fel energies that merged Shadow and Arcane energies and were born under the influence of his anger are actually like the nemesis of the Titans, which can destroy their metals with no difficulty body.

Soon, another Titan Avenger, Aggramar, discovered the existence of the Burning Legion, as well as Sargeras, who had changed a lot.

A fierce war broke out between the two on a planet. In the end, Aggramar was severely injured and Alone fled back to the Pantheon.

Once the other titans heard the news, they immediately decided to stop Sargeras' madness and his Legion's challenge to order.

Finally, all the awakened titans of this universe come together and attack the Burning Legion.

In a short time, a terrifying war spread throughout the universe, countless planets were destroyed in this civil war between the Titans, and countless lives disappeared completely.

Demons and titan-creators fight each other, and no one knows when the end will be.

Looking at the mountains of corpses piled up on the battlefield, Arturia finally couldn't help but question: "Are you just watching them go down like this?"

"No way. What?" Alan asked in disbelief. "Tell them that I actually created this universe, and that I am the creator of all planets, celestial bodies, and titans? They are just a bunch of tool people to push the "plot"? I can guarantee that when they learn the truth, the first One reaction would never be obediently and honestly obedience, but to kill or seal me with the Arcane power I gave them. No one who considers himself a god would allow himself to have another god on his head God."

"Since you're not going to interfere, what's the point of creating this universe?" Artoria subconsciously frowned.

To be honest, she has always felt that Alan's way of thinking is different from herself, and even most people.

"Meaning? The most important meaning of its existence is to make me unable to be truly killed. Even more how, the universe itself is my body, do you think a person will care about what is in his body How many cells, how many bacteria and viruses?"

In Alan's eyes, whether it is burning Legion, or the Pantheon founded by Titans, or the life born in the twisted void, in essence Neither makes any difference.

For him, only the planet named Azeroth in this universe is special, carrying the memories and feelings of his past.

"What about me? You gave me the control of holy light energy, what do you want me to do?" Artoria continued to ask.

Alan smiled and spread his hands: "Just do what you want to do. You know, I hardly ever force others to do anything, but give everyone the opportunity to choose. Since the holy light energy is handed over to you, I believe that you can make correct judgments at critical moments. Remember, although this universe has a thing called a script, it is not impossible to change.”

Artoria's eyes lighted slightly: "You mean... I can change those established historical processes at some point according to my own thoughts?"

"That's right! Not only you, but I will also join the game. Believe me, Azeroth's magnificent history, as well as the endless heroes of various races, will never let you down. For us to come Said, this will be the best life experience field, you can join it in any capacity and play your own role. But there is one rule that must be kept in mind, that is, limit your power within a certain range.”

Alan speaks eloquently about the rules he has set across the planet of Azeroth.

Obviously, he has regarded this place as the world of a role-playing game, and intends to personally participate in those familiar and unfamiliar plots, trying to be a "player", whether he can change its original historical trend.

"I see, you want us to experience a different life experience again." A look of thoughtful expression appeared on Arturia's face.

She obviously does not reject this kind of thing.

Because she prefers to regain her knight status and lead the human army to face the invasion of foreign enemies rather than doing nothing but watching.

Wake up the sleeping blood in your body through hard and fierce battles one after another.

Alan nodded slightly: "Yes. I will set up some invisible rules on this planet, all residents of the entire Sky City can create their own game characters, and then use various A variety of identities join in. They can choose to be friends and fight side by side, or they can choose to be enemies and fight each other. Sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

"I feel like you're trying to create a The real game world."

Artoria was obviously not a fool, and finally saw through the most real thoughts in Alan's mind.

“Hahahaha! That’s right! You guessed it right! Did you know? Humans on Earth discovered some interesting laws by observing their own history. It is determined by a series of objective factors including relations, and in summary, the majority decides the direction of history. But idealists believe that history is determined by a very small number of heroes and monarchs, and a few people are the key to determining the direction of history. Now, Let's test this for ourselves, whether history is determined by a few heroes, or by the majority, or both."

Alan said without any disguise, generously said. out of their own ideas.

There is no doubt that in his view this is a real game and a very meaningful social experiment.

Just as the two were talking, the war that burned Legion and the Titan Pantheon finally ended with the acceleration of time.

Without any accident, Sargeras, who was the first to discover fel energy, defeated all other Titans with no difficulty and completely destroyed their bodies, establishing himself as the strongest in the universe .

At least on the surface.

And he learned from his elder brother, the original Titan, Amanthul, that there is a planet called Azeroth in the universe, and the star soul it bred is used by all the Titans now. The powers together are stronger.

In order to ensure that this mighty astral soul does not fall into the hands of the void creatures, Sargeras began to order his demonic armies to siege the city and seek news about Azeroth.

Meanwhile, the world of Azeroth is revitalized by the transformation of the titans.

The former element lords have all been exiled to another dimension, and the ancient gods who corrupted the star soul have also been destroyed, destroyed, and sealed, and the Titans are responsible for guarding and monitoring.

But Aman'Thul may not have dreamed that the Pantheon's front foot had just been defeated by Sargeras, and the back foot of the ancient gods had cast the curse of flesh and blood.

gradually, the metal or stone bodies of some Titan creations, transformed into skin, skeleton, and blood.

It's a disease-like thing that weakens the power and will of titan creations, making them more susceptible to corruption and corruption, eventually becoming ordinary mortals.

On the other side, under the influence of the Well of Eternity, a tribe of trolls began to evolve in the direction of night elves.

They grew taller and taller, their skin glowing purple under the influence of Arcane energy.

As the first intelligent beings to be influenced by Arcane, the night elves were destined to be the darlings of magic from the moment they were born.

Even warriors and hunters can use the power of Arcane to enhance their weapons and arrows.

And they also created a religion of Elune Goddess.

Not only that, but there are countless primordial Demi-Gods born from natural energies on the surface of the Azeroth planet.

It is clear that this world will soon usher in the beginning of Azeroth's history, the first War of the Ancients against the Burning Legion...

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