Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1114

Fixed the vision, Alan stopped paying attention to the grievances between the Avengers and Ultron, and returned to his own universe alone.

When he appeared in the Sky City, he found that Artoria had been standing there waiting for a long time.

"Anything?" Alan asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, nothing important. I just want to ask, is that artificial life called Vision, really like a kingfisher, with only two years of lifespan?"

The Dumb Hair King never knew what it meant to be sidelined, so he just said whatever he had in his heart.

Alan nodded thoughtlessly: "That's right. In this timeline protected by Supreme Mage the Ancient One, he will be killed by Thanos himself, and then he will take away the diamond inlaid on his forehead. Heart Spirit Treasure Stone. What, are you pitying him?"

"Isn't he worthy of pity? After all, his thinking is so simple and pure." Artoria frowned and asked.

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not, it's the result of delusional self-choice. Just as Thanos chose a path destined to not be understood by anyone. True, we have great power , you can even manipulate and interfere with the fate of others to a certain extent, but if you can interfere once, can you interfere permanently? The answer is obviously no. We are travelers and will not stay in a world for too long. So when we leave, some things will return to their original trajectory. After all, the sentence that character determines destiny is not a casual saying..."

Alan stared at the pair of Duo Mao Wang Green eyes, said meaningfully.

There is no doubt that, in his opinion, the Vision is simply not worth the time it takes to save.

Because of Vision's character, this guy will make self-sacrifice decisions without the slightest hesitation whenever he encounters Earth's crisis.

This is the inevitable result of the combination of Jarvis' underlying protocol and Ultron's philosophy of defending Earth.

It also means that even if Vision escapes Thanos, he will die at the hands of other supervillains.

If I had to use one word to describe Vision, it would be the quintessential "Holy Mother".

Of course, his "Holy Mother" is fundamentally different from those brainless "white leftists" in Europe and America.

It is not the kind of actions that make others feel disgusted and disgusted for the sake of "self-impression", but out of a strong sense of responsibility and mission, choose to sacrifice life at a critical moment, To ensure that more lives on Earth can survive.

"'re not going to save him, are you?" Arturia frowned subconsciously.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows." Alan shrugged indifferently. "You should know that I have always only cared about people and things that I am interested in. I have never paid attention to those who are not interested. In addition, I think you should change that savior complex and think that you have responsibilities and obligations To help everyone. I don't exclude helping the civilians who have little resistance, but for the powerful, usually only let them decide their own future."

"Understood. That is Say, you won't intervene in Infinity War, and you will watch Thanos snap his fingers and wipe out more than half of the lives in the Exterminating Universe. Then, according to the timeline protected by Supreme Master Gu Yi, the Avengers will take care of the aftermath?"

When she said this remark, Artoria's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Because she feels that with the power Alan has now, she can ignore these rules and regulations and directly kill all known threats in the cradle.

"Almost. After all, this is the meaning of the ancient one, and I respect her decision. Well, let's discuss this topic first. You have to understand that this world is not like any one that has experienced it before. The world is different, we don't have overwhelming absolute power, so we must not be reckless."

Speaking, Alan extend the hand lightly tugged at the dull hair on the other's head.

This move immediately made Artoria very unhappy. She slapped the perverted hand and said angrily: "Be serious! I'm not joking with you."


Alan withdrew his arms and responded with a smile, "I'm not kidding you either. Believe me, there are many things hidden in this universe that you can't even imagine and understand. They can change and reverse the entire diversity in an instant. The rules of the universe can also destroy or regenerate the entire multiverse. In the face of such an enemy, power in the ordinary sense has no effect at all. Therefore, it is necessary to act cautiously. Just like the Supreme Master the ancient one As emphasized, true powerhouse will never rely on power to act recklessly."

"Really?" Artoria was obviously not convinced.

"Of course it's true. When did I lie to you? Instead of caring about this, you should take the time to practice your sword technique. In another two years or so, you will have to face it. Odin's eldest daughter, God of Death of Asgard's Divine Domain - Hela fought head-on." Alan reminded with a faint smile.

"Don't worry! My sword technique never fails. And she better be as strong as you say or I'll be disappointed."

says After all, Artoria directly pulled several Guardians and headed to the independent training ground for practical training.

And those Guardians who were selected were all frowning.

Without him, the sword technique level and strength of Duo Mao Wang have far surpassed them.

So the so-called "training" is actually closer to being a punching bag.

At the end of each training session, these poor "sparring trainers" have to go to receive treatment to relieve their serious injuries.

But not long after Artoria left the front foot, Edna Bevin, the back foot Guardian manager, came over and said in a low voice: "Lord Alan, in the grocery store in New York, there is a A woman calling herself Daisy Johnson said she wanted to meet you."

"Daisy? Shockwave! Did she say she was looking for me?" Alan's eyes flashed with surprise.

Since it was confirmed that the Inhumans genes obtained superpowers through unstable mutation, he gave up further research and handed it over to the scientific researchers in Sky City.

At present, many residents have voluntarily accepted these genes and awakened the power of all kinds of strange things.

The most amazing thing is that none of the alien's abilities are repeated from beginning to end.

Some are very powerful and can greatly improve battle strength, but more are like chicken ribs, which are tasteless and a pity to abandon.

In other words, after those genes enter the bodies of different people, mutations will be produced without exception, and there is no stability at all.

Fortunately, Verna Lazas, the red dragon queen who controls life, is there, otherwise those unlucky bastards who awakened their garbage abilities and also affected their appearance would probably cry and faint in the toilet.

All in all, implanting the hetero-Human Race gene is a bit like opening a blind box and drawing a card.

The "Luck Emperors" who got the powerful ability were naturally happy.

But those "non-chiefs" who did not get good abilities and caused their appearance to change, inevitably needed to use the power of the Red Dragon Queen to rebuild.

At least extract the human race genes that cause the changes from the body...

"Sorry, I didn't ask. But judging from the reaction, it should be more anxious." Reporting by Edna Bevin without omission and in detail.

"Got it, I'll go right now. Remember to help me keep an eye on the Burning Legion. If they launch a full-scale invasion of Azeroth, I must notify me immediately."

After all, Alan used his teleportation ability again and left the Sky City directly.

The next second...

He appeared in the grocery store in Queens, New York.

The shock girl who had been waiting for a long time undoubtedly saw this scene, and immediately stood up from the chair and stammered: "I...I need your help."

" What kind of help? Could it be about your biological parents?" Alan asked with interest.

"How do you know?" Daisy stared wide-eyed in surprise.

Alan replies with a smile: "It's simple. I can't really think of a probability other than two biological parents in question that can make you so tangled, hesitant, and confused. "

Hearing this sentence, Daisy's sad face suddenly showed a bitter smile: "Okay, you guessed it right. I recently met my mother, and she is now on Earth." The elder of the human village. But unlike the mother image I expected, she is full of distrust and hostility to S.H.I.E.L.D. and government agencies. Moreover, my father's mental state also has some problems, often rage for no reason, even madness .And I found that when the father was in front of the mother, he looked very humble and pitiful."

"Your mother was once ripped open, and all the internal organs were dug out alive.

So her hostility towards S.H.I.E.L.D. and government agencies is totally understandable.

Trust me, if it were you, you might just turn into an inhuman, anti-social terrorist, Use all means to take revenge on those who have hurt you.

This is such is human nature, I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Your father's mental state is unstable, maybe He took a lot of homemade hormone medicine, which caused brain damage.

As for his humbleness in front of your mother, it should be out of guilt.

After all, in traditional In family values, a husband has an obligation to protect his wife and children from threats.

Perhaps judging by the values instilled in you by S.H.I.E.L.D., your biological parents have all kinds of problems.


But you just have to remember that they gave you life and would do anything for you, even at the cost of being an enemy of massive organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nine Headed Snake.”

When he said this remark, Alan's tone became more solemn than ever.

Because in the original plot, the hard-working couple finally had to turn against each other, and the husband had to kill his beloved wife in order to protect his daughter from harm.

And such a tragedy is entirely because the shock girl Daisy was brainwashed by S.H.I.E.L.D. and those ridiculous American values.

Just like Uchiha Itachi, who was brainwashed by the so-called "will of fire" and slaughtered his biological parents and the whole family in Naruto.

Alan hates this guy the most.

If it were him, he wouldn't care about any bullshit "big picture", "village" and other reasons that sound lofty.

Whoever dares to threaten the lives of themselves and their loved ones will either the fish dies or the net splits at worst.

Anyway, you and your most cherished people are going to die. Does it matter whether the village will be destroyed or the world will perish?

Alan wouldn't mind turning into a Destroyer if his strength allowed it.

" don't think there's anything wrong with my mother and father?" Daisy scratched her scalp in confusion.

Especially mother's hostile attitude towards S.H.I.E.L.D. made her in the middle start to lose her hair.

"Of course there is no problem. The real problem has always been SHIELD itself. Use your brain to think about it, whether it is being infiltrated and controlled by Nine Headed Snake in all directions, or not Soapy arrested and imprisoned superpowers they thought were a threat, which one wasn't a mess created by S.H.I.E.L.D.? Even more how, Coulson will soon be removed from the position of director, you think Is there any reason to stay?"

Alan blunt throws a bombshell.

"What? Coulson is about to be removed from the position of director?" Daisy stood up from her chair in shock.

She, who doesn't understand politics at all, can't imagine what reason the International Security Council has to replace Coulson, who has made outstanding achievements.

"What, are you feeling weird?" Alan said with a hint of sarcasm. "Anyone who can see the form clearly understands that Coulson is only a temporary puppet to take over Nick Fury's stature. The important thing is, do you think the superheroes who save the world are so good? To tell you the truth, dirty political deals are everywhere on Earth, even the Avengers are not exempt."

Daisy Obviously a little panicked, and hurriedly continued to ask: "Then what do you think I should do?"

"First of all, you have to quit S.H.I.E.L.D. After you leave S.H.I.E.L.D., find an opportunity to talk to your mother privately, find out what she wants to do, and finally decide whether to help her or stop her. As for your father with mental problems, the most important thing is The best way is to let him forget the past and integrate into the ordinary life with a new identity. Because the past is full of pain and weight for him." Alan gave advice without hesitation.

"Mut quit S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Daisy obviously likes her current job and her colleagues who are dying, so she doesn't want to give up easily.

Alan nodded thoughtlessly: "Yes! Must quit. Because only when you quit will your mother choose to trust you and tell you what's really hidden in his heart."


"Okay, I think I need to go back and think about it." Daisy rubbed her swollen forehead.

"I advise you to make a quick decision. If your mother is as hostile to S.H.I.E.L.D. At that time, it's too late no matter what you do..."

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