Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1115

With the birth of Vision, Ultron lost the ability to travel freely within the Internet.

Because part of the vision was provided and created by him, he knew very well what his core was and was able to limit it greatly.

As soon as the Avengers confirmed this, they raided the secret base in Sokovia that originally belonged to Strucker Baron.

A war that was concerned by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council was finally staged again in this small landlocked country in Eastern Europe.

Thousands of Ultron-controlled robots battle the most powerful superheroes on Earth as never before.

It's more tragic than even Nine Headed Snake's Enhanced Insights program.

Because the Insight project is in the outer orbit of Earth, there is space, and there is no need to worry about affecting civilians.

But Sokovia is different.

Although this is the base of Straker Baron, there is a nearby city with a large number of involved civilians.

Not only that!

Most civilians have become extremely xenophobic under Nine Headed Snake's years of secret propaganda.

Especially towards S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, their attitude is naked and undisguised hatred, and they even regard them as the lackeys of the US government, who come to disrupt and subvert their own country's regime .

And this hostile mood made evacuation extremely difficult.

When Ultron launched his final plan to pull the entire city into the air, whether it was S.H.I.E.L.D. or the International Security Council, his madness was stunned.

Because if a giant rock with such a large volume and weight in a city is dropped from a height of tens of thousands of meters, the result will inevitably cause unimaginable damage to the Eurasian continental plate.

If accidentally another super-active volcano is smashed, a large amount of volcanic ash is ejected into the atmosphere, and the global agriculture, livestock and animals and plants will all suffer.

"Damn! I knew these Avengers weren't trustworthy at all. Look what they've done? I propose to activate the backup plan immediately, use both nuclear and energy weapons, and fly over this place. We must not let it fall like this.”

A representative of the largest country in the world stood up and expressed his attitude at the International Security Council.

After all, the country where he is located, the most essential parts are concentrated in Eastern Europe.

I really want to come up with this, it is estimated that the domestic economy and production are not very good, and they will suddenly fall to the bottom like a landslide.

"I agree! And all this was done by Tony Stark, and he must take the corresponding responsibility afterwards." The Gallic Rooster also echoed.

"I object! It is true that Ultron was created by Tony Stark, but his starting point is also to better protect Earth and protect humanity. Don't forget, the threat we are facing now It is becoming more and more, and his intelligence is exactly what we need most."

Faced with the pressure from the two countries, the representative of the United States immediately stood up and refuted it loudly.

Because the entire North American capital interest group is now standing behind the Stark Industries Group.

And Iron Man is the most valuable asset of Stark Industries, and there must be no accidents.

That's right!

In the eyes of capital, Tony Stark, a genius scientist, billionaire and superhero, is just a tool for making money that can help him make huge profits.

Short-sighted they don't care what Earth and the future of all mankind, even more how, are the eastern European civilians with little influence.

Anyway, with the extensive use of controllable nuclear fusion technology, human beings have obtained almost unlimited energy.

Even if the entire city falls down and causes a volcanic eruption, causing a large amount of volcanic ash to fill the atmosphere, and then the global temperature plummets, indoor agriculture and animal husbandry can completely meet people's survival needs.

Not only that, these capital groups can also use their technological advantages to harvest those developing countries that do not have similar technology, and even take the opportunity to coerce the other party to give up part of their sovereignty, and then bribe politicians, guide public opinion, and incorporate it into their own. under control.

As early as the 19th and 20th centuries, this trick was well understood by American capitalists in Central and South American countries.

The catastrophe for the ordinary person is very likely to be a very good opportunity to make a fortune for the capital.

It's just that these wealth are often stained with the blood and souls of innocent people.

After all, the so-called capitalists are a group of people who want to occupy all resources and benefits, but do not want to assume any responsibilities and obligations.

When their greed drives most people to nowhere, they will usher in their true destination, which is to be hung on the street lamps on both sides of the road.

"Objection? This matter is related to the life and death of our country. It is useless for anyone to object."

"Bastard! Those are nuclear weapons and high-power energy cannons! And such a huge Once the city disintegrates, tens of thousands of meteorites will be formed, causing terrifying casualties to the civilians within hundreds of kilometers around. Who will bear this responsibility?"

"Of course, the Avengers , especially Tony Stark. Isn't he the one who made it all?"

"Why not ask our allies for help? With the power of that man, destroy such a "small" Small "meteorites shouldn't be a problem."

"Don't be naive! According to the information I got, our ally warned Tony Stark when he tried to create Ultron, And made it clear that he would never clean up the mess for him."

"After this crisis is over, the Avengers must be restricted no matter what. Otherwise, let them continue like this, and sooner or later a major event will occur. "

"Agree! The Avengers are so swelled that they can't figure out their rank and status. They must be taught a lesson."


"There has to be an agreement to put each of them under supervision."


With fierce squabbles, the five most powerful nations on Earth ended up It was finally agreed that the Avengers should never continue to remain in this independent state, but to accept the leadership of the International Security Council.

As for how to deal with huge cities flying high in the sky, there is no need for further discussion.

Because several intercontinental missiles with super-nuclear warheads have been launched from the cold Siberian permafrost.

It will fall from the sky in at most ten minutes, blowing the city to pieces.

Mao Xiong has never been polite to anyone when it comes to defending the core interests of his country.

Looking at the modernized super-giant missiles on the electronic screen, the corners of the mouths of the representatives of various countries twitched involuntarily.

Be aware that since New York's fighting intent recognized the alien threat, all nations have been secretly developing their own weapons.

But it's the first time I see something as simple and rude today.

Especially the kind of warhead with an explosive yield of over 100 million tons, it is estimated that even the advanced Energy Shield system on the alien spaceship can't stop it.

After all, nuclear fusion is the power of stars.

As long as the explosion yield is high enough, there's really not much in this universe that can stop it.

At the same time, the moment the ICBM was launched, Iron Man, who was far above Sokovia, received a warning from Maria Hill.

"Tony! Attention! Several intercontinental missiles with super nuclear warheads have just been launched from the permafrost of Siberia and will arrive at your location in about fifteen minutes."

"What? Super nuclear warhead?"

Tony Stark, who was fighting the Ultron robot Legion, was stunned for a moment.

"That's right! According to the information I got here, each of these warheads has an explosive yield of more than 100 million tons. You'd better be mentally prepared. If it doesn't work, bring civilians as much as possible. Run away. Otherwise, once it explodes in the air, the damage radius may reach hundreds of kilometers." Maria Hill's tone was full of tension and seriousness.

She couldn't believe in her dreams that when the Avengers were still struggling to save innocent people, the International Security Council dared to take the risk of the world and directly launch nuclear weapons to destroy this Ultron. A city rising to the sky.

Not even caring about the lives of the Avengers.

Especially Thor, the crown prince of the Divine Domain of Asgard.

If they accidentally die on Earth, humans will face judgment from Odin, the father of the gods.

"Fark! Vision! I have a task for you now!"

Tony Stark uttered a foul language, and immediately rushed to his side. The vision at the place yelled.

He obviously doesn't have a good way to deal with this super nuclear weapon.

But the vision with the Spirit Treasure Stone is different.

If the Infinity Stones are as powerful as Alan describes them, then dealing with a few nuclear warheads falling from the sky shouldn't be a problem.

"What mission?"

Vision used the power of the Spirit Treasure Stone to shoot a high-energy laser, smashing several rushing robots into pieces, and then flew straight over.

"It's a nuclear warhead! Those damn bureaucrats fired ICBMs to prevent the city from falling from the sky and causing more disaster. I want you to blast straight out of the atmosphere and give it to me in outer space orbit Block them all. Tell me, can you do it?" Tony Stark gnashing teeth asked.

"I don't know. But I'm willing to try."

Vision hesitated for a moment, and quickly replied in the affirmative.

"No! It's not a try! It's a must! All of us, including the tens of thousands of civilians in the city who didn't have time to evacuate, are counting on you."

While talking about this remark, Iron Man disregarded that he was in an extremely cold high altitude, and directly opened his visor, letting the biting wind blow on his face to produce bursts of tingling pain.

Vision undoubtedly felt the fear and anxiety of the other party, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "If I intercept those missiles, what will happen to the city? If it falls from a high altitude, it will cause Deaths could be in the billions."

"Don't worry about that, I'll fix it. I swear on my life and my soul," Tony solemnly vowed assured.

"Okay, I believe in you."

Poor Vision obviously hasn't suffered a loss yet. Outer space.

Because his body is made of vibranium, he doesn't need to breathe at all, let alone the surrounding temperature.

It didn't take long to capture several nuclear missiles fired from the ground.

Just as he was about to use the power of the Spirit Treasure Stone to destroy these missiles during the climb, a violent burst of energy instantly caught everyone's attention.

On the rising city streets, the scarlet witch Wanda spurted out dazzling red rays of light all over her body, and everything around her was torn apart alive by this violent magic energy.

And the root cause of all this is Quicksilver who fell to the ground and swallowed his last breath.

This youngster with super speed, due to excessive consumption of his physical strength, was accidentally hit by an energy weapon shot by Ultron, and his entire heart was instantly burned into coke.

"Pietro! Wake up! You can't die! What should I do if you die?"

Wanda immediately rushed forward and hugged her twin brother, tears streaming down Uncontrollably dripping from his cheeks.

"I have a potion here! Give him a drink!"

Natasha also ran over and quickly took out a bottle of treatment from her "treasure bag" potion.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

When the healing potion was poured down, there was no reaction at all.

Quicksilver's eyes are still so empty and indifferent, and the pupils are not focused at all.

Tony Stark saw this scene, and his heart suddenly seemed to be stabbed by something sharp, and he began to feel strong guilt and self-blame.

Because of this tragedy for the twins, it was originally caused by the private sale of weapons by Stark Industries to those warlords and terrorists.

And Ultron was also created by him ignoring the warning.

When all these intense emotions poured into the brain, Iron Man finally couldn't help but explode.

He first unleashed the Arcane shock, shredding all the robots around him, then raised his head and shouted in a loud voice: "Alan! Come out! I know you're here! Resurrect that youngster, I'm willing to pay for it. Any price, even your own soul."

tone barely fell!

A Transmission Gate opened out of thin air, followed by Alan in casual clothes and slowly walked out from the other side.

Before other people around him could react to what happened, he raised his hand and released the dazzling golden holy light energy.

Under the action of Pang Great Saint's light energy, Quicksilver, who had just died, came back to life in the blink of an eye, laying on the ground while clutching his healed chest, vomiting.

Wanda, who was in a state of extreme sadness, immediately hugged his twin brother's neck tightly, and kept repeating some local languages like thanks.

"Thank you!"

Quicksilver broke free from the elder sister's embrace, lifts the head and cast a grateful look at Alan.

But the latter just laughed and shook the head: "No thanks. Remember what I promised you before? This is just fulfilling the original promise. In addition, I wish you all the best. Da's magic is very interested, and when this matter is over, I officially invite you to come to my world to do some small tests."

"No problem, we are very happy." Wanda quickly touched Touching the tears on his face, he agreed.

It can be seen that through this act of resurrecting from the dead, Alan has established a pretty good image in her mind, and it can even be said that she has a good impression.

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