Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1124

There is no doubt that the outbreak of the different Human Race has brought a new crisis to Earth, which had finally calmed down.

Especially after Alan appeared, the International Security Council, which had already been sitting in wax, immediately sent someone to come to the door, looking for a solution.

After all, the alien human race is different from the alien invaders and the lunatic who committed serious inhuman crimes like Nine Headed Snake. Most of them were ordinary persons who obeyed the law before.

It's just that after acquiring powerful superpowers, he couldn't control himself all of a sudden, and finally embarked on a road of rebelling against society, against the country and the government.

In addition, the trend of liberalism in European and American countries is prevalent among youngsters. Compared with society and collectives, they place more emphasis on the individual.

To put it bluntly, it means putting on a beautiful coat for selfishness.

So few people would be willing to accept the recruiting from governments and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Some awakened young Inhumans even formed several secret organizations, united to use each other's abilities, invaded bank vaults, jewelry stores, museums and luxury stores recklessly, and stole what they wanted. .

The International Security Council hopes that Alan can come forward and show these youngsters who do not know the immensity of heaven and earth what invincible power is, and then persuade them to surrender and accept the reorganization to form a team to defend Earth. superpower army.

In this way, they can not only solve the crisis facing human society, but also gain an army of aliens with super powers.

You must know that even the Kree have high hopes, and they created a group specially for cosmic warfare.

As long as they make good use of it, Earth human beings are fully qualified to gain a self-preservation force in the vast universe.

"So... you mean to get me out?"

Alan stared at the envoy of the International Security Council with a naked and unabashed playfulness on his face .

He could see that the other party was absolutely forced to do nothing.

After all, the number of awakened aliens is increasing every day, and some small European countries with no armed forces have even been captured and occupied by awakened aliens.

Some even give themselves titles such as dukes and princes, forcing the ordinary person to submit to their own dictatorship, and to reverse history in modern society.

In short, all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods are really your singing and I will come on stage, it's a lively mess.

"That's right!" the middle-aged man, who looked around fifty years old, hurriedly nodded. "Your Excellency Alan. To tell you the truth, we can't handle such a crisis with our strength. Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or those space battleships prepared to fight alien invaders, it is not suitable for this situation. After discussion, we agreed that we should give you authorization and hope that you can fulfill your original promise."

"Sorry, you found the wrong person. As I said, I will not interfere in the internal struggle of human beings. Humans are also a branch of human beings, so strictly speaking this is still a battle between human beings. It doesn't make much difference to me whether the final victory is an inhuman or an ordinary person." Alan without The slightest hesitation's refusal.

What a joke!

He's not a fool!

The reason why the International Security Council has not been able to make a decision is not because they are afraid of accidentally turning these tens of thousands of Inhumans with superpowers into enemies.

even more how, it's still not clear how many potential Inhumans there are among humans.

If those Terrigen crystal fragments that fell into the sea continue to spread, it is difficult to guarantee that oneself or his family will not awaken to the ability to become a member of the Inhumans.

Now a strict management plan is promulgated, what if the time comes to shoot yourself in the foot.

Who has high-level leaders who can guarantee that several big countries will suddenly appear a few aliens?

Because of this forward-looking thinking, they don't know what to do at all, so they can only hold on to the media and keep them from reporting too much.

The middle-aged man obviously anticipated this situation, and immediately put forward a second request: "Since you are not willing to come forward to solve it, can you give us the contact information of Supreme Master Gu Yi?"

"Want Supreme Master Gu Yi to clean up the mess for you? Stop dreaming!" Alan couldn't help laughing. "What do you think the Supreme Master exists for? She doesn't care about such trivial matters. Unless there is a danger of human extinction, she will not care about such trivial matters as the collapse of the government, the collapse of order, and the death of a billion people around the world. I won't pay attention to it."

"Then what do you say? Those youngsters who acquired superpowers overnight simply refused to listen to the advice of the police, government and S.H.I.E.L.D., and recklessly used their own The ability to disturb social stability. And most of these people are just because of fun, fun and rebellion. Are we going to kill them with formidable power powerful energy weapons? Some of them are teenage children. If it causes people If there are casualties, the angry people will directly oust the politicians who supported the operation." The middle-aged man complained helplessly.

"This is your problem, not mine. The so-called one-person-one-vote electoral system is essentially a feast between capital and power. I believe you know this better than I do. If Those politicians are hesitant, so let them talk to the capital group behind them. Ask whether the resources, wealth and power at hand are more important, or whether their own life and wealth are more important. After thinking about it, they will naturally do Make the right choice."

After saying this, Alan didn't care whether the other party understood or not, turned around and opened the Transmission Gate to leave, leaving only the special envoy standing in the wind.

Colson saw this scene, and a mocking expression appeared on his face: "As I said, ordinary little tricks don't work for him."

"Cole Director Mori, what do you mean?"

The special envoy quickly came back to his senses and stared at the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with very bad eyes.

"No, it's nothing. I just wanted to remind you that Lord Alan understands the essence of "freedom", "democracy" better than you think. He is in a way equivalent to God, It's funny how some smart guys think they can fool God." Coulson said with a pun.

"Pay attention to your identity and tone! Mr. Director! Don't forget, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a subordinate department of the International Security Council. And I also have your budget for next year in my hands." The special envoy obviously Enraged, his tone suddenly became extremely stern.

As an old-school bureaucrat, what he hates most is subordinates talking back to him.

But unfortunately, Coulson has already found a home for himself, completely ignoring the threats of the other party, and responded with a smile: "I will formally submit my resignation to the International Security Council soon. Report. As for next year's budget, that's something the next director needs to consider."

The moment he heard this, the special envoy was stunned.

From the stupefied and astonished expression on his face, it is not difficult to see that he could not believe in his dreams that it was said from Coulson's mouth.

Because a consensus has been reached within the International Security Council, that is, although Coulson is a capable man under Nick Fury, his personality is diametrically opposite to that insidious and cunning Braised Egg. Honest and honest person.

That's why these people dare to bully and oppress him desperately.

But who would have thought that such an honest person who was bullied by others would have an outbreak one day.

And once it breaks out, it's easy to be wrong.

After all, the International Security Council has not figured out who will take over the mess of S.H.I.E.L.D., and as a result, the current director gave up.

In addition, there are still a total of tens of thousands of aliens to deal with, and I am afraid that no one is willing to sit in the position of the director. It makes no difference if you put yourself on the rack and bake.

The special envoy can assure you that if those high-level executives knew that they had angered Coulson and caused him to resign at this critical moment, then he would be extremely unlucky.

It would be a shame to ask him to apologize on the spot.

Just like that, the whole person stood on the spot with a blue face and a red face for a while.

Admiring how embarrassed this guy who often used funds and budgets to blackmail him, Coulson was filled with the thrill of revenge, and immediately walked into the room not far ahead with his head held high, After handing in the resignation report that had been prepared, he turned and left without looking back.

He is fed up with these bureaucrats who always try to shirk their responsibilities when encountering problems, and is also fed up with the life of being drunk by others, and wants to change to a relatively free environment.

And the Avengers fit the bill perfectly.

Unfortunately, Coulson did not know that the International Security Council had already planned to attack the Avengers.

Agreement to Nick Fury's Avengers plan was based entirely on fear of alien invaders.

But after discovering that Earth is standing behind superpowers like Supreme Mage, Asgard Divine Domain, Alan and the Sky City behind him, the sense of crisis is suddenly reduced a lot.

And when human beings lose the threat of the external environment, the first thing that will break out is the internal power struggle.

Especially the interest groups entrenched in various countries simply do not want human beings to slowly merge together to form a unified federal government.

They prefer the world to be divided, only in this way can they and their descendants continue to tyrannically abuse power somewhere.

But these people clearly underestimated Alan's means.

Especially those guys in America who made money by fanning populism and racism were quickly assassinated by Nine Headed Snake.

Not only that, Grant Ward, the "rising star" even framed the dead as a member of the Nine Headed Snake.

In just over a month, there were six senators, two congressmen, six cult leaders, ten militia leaders, seventeen gang leaders, more than a dozen Billionaires, more than fifty journalists, commentators and freelance writers all died in their own homes for no apparent reason.

And they all had their tongues cut off before they died, and wrote two striking characters "Traitor" on the wall with blood.

This series of cases instantly shocked the United States.

After all, the death of a few homeless and poor people is completely different from the death of a public figure with extensive influence or a capitalist with immense wealth.

The former will die if they die, and there is no media concern at all.

But the latter is the privileged and ruling class of this country, let alone an assassination or a traffic accident, will make the front page headlines of the second day newspaper.

And those cops and the FBI are crazy, trying to catch this murderer.

Unfortunately, their investigation is like looking for a needle in a haystack compared to the Nine Headed Snake of come and go without a shadow or trace.

But soon, criminal investigation experts discovered what all cases have in common, that is, these dead people are directly or indirectly related to fan populism and racism.

And in the remains of the deceased, they also found some traces of suspected links with the Nine Headed Snake organization.

This conclusion can be described as a stone that has stirred up a thousand waves.

For a while, the populist forces that had just risen in the United States suddenly slumped.

Almost all capital, media and politicians seem to have collective amnesia, and no one dares to mention the McCarthyism that appeared repeatedly on TV and newspapers not long ago.

Because no one in this world is really a fool.

Especially those rich and powerful guys chose to keep their mouths shut after realizing that this was a containment operation against far-right populism.

As for the loudest red necks who shouted slogans, after the leader one after another disappear from the face of the earth, they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to put a fart, and they returned sullenly. Hide at home.

Facts once again prove that the dog with the most aggressive barking is often the one with the least guts and the most cowardly when it comes to things.

The Red Skull enabled only one Grant Ward, returning America to its fear of being dominated by the Nine Headed Snake.

What's more terrifying is that he also used Nine Headed Snake's reputation in this world notorious to frame the victim and drag the entire family into the water.

In this way, even if they are not afraid of assassination, they are afraid of being mistaken for a member of the Nine Headed Snake.

You must know that since the insight plan, the major countries have launched a full-scale strangulation of Nine Headed Snake, and the posture is simply that they would rather kill by mistake and never let it go.

Associating with Nine Headed Snake means social death.

Not only will they lose government orders, but they will also be ostracized by the entire upper class.

In a human society like Europe and the United States, losing the circle means being isolated and helpless, and the family will slowly decline in a short time.

At the behest of Alan, the Red Skull used his own means of making the enemy become terror-stricken at the news, and quickly attracted a group of people in the Underground World, began to secretly cultivate power again, and once again took Nine Headed Snake. The tentacles extend to various fields.

With the help of Reina, the inhuman prophet, he not only gained a firm foothold, but also led the entire organization out of the predicament.

And through the chaos of the awakening of the different Human Race on Earth, Nine Headed Snake also took the opportunity to absorb a lot of superpowers.

Some of these superpowers are so powerful that even the Red Skull himself was shocked...

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