Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1125

Paris, France, was once the fashion and romance capital of the whole of Europe, and a place where countless writers, artists and thinkers flocked.

But at this moment, it has completely entered a state of martial law with the presence of the police and the army.

As for the reason, of course, a group of aliens who had just awakened and acquired superpowers suddenly launched a terrorist attack on the Elysee Palace, the official residence of the country's top leader, without warning.

In just a few minutes, more than 20 guards and agents were taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

And the president himself was lost in the chaos.

According to the judgment of the on-site personnel, it is very likely that they were kidnapped by the other party.

An important participant of the dignified International Security Council, the French President, one of the five permanent members of the world, was attacked and kidnapped under broad daylight. It is estimated that even the most skilled and fond of "violating the law" British people can't think of it.

In order to find out the situation and to ensure the safety of their own president, the army, the police and the Intelligence Section finally united, intending to teach these guys who do not know the immensity of heaven and earth a lesson, let They understand that not everyone can "humiliate" dignified France.

But unfortunately, the ideal is very full and the reality is very backbone.

Before the police and military began house-to-house searches, a video was uploaded to the Internet.

And the protagonist is Mr. President, who has been missing for more than an hour.

This poor man, with only a pair of white shorts all over his body, was hung in the air more than a hundred meters above the ground, and there was a sign around his neck that read "If you don't want me to die , immediately pays two tons of gold."

As for the comments below the video, it was refreshed to tens of thousands in a few minutes.

"My God! Kidnapping the president of a great power for ransom? I've never seen such a crazy crime in my life."

"Is France a great power? I I always thought that France was the shame of the five permanent members."

"Shut up! France is much better than you brits anyway!"

"haha! At least ours The Prime Minister and Queen were not kidnapped!"

"Cool! Who are these guys? I'm going to join them!"

"Long live freedom!"


Looking at these messy comments, the initiator suddenly showed a smug smile.

She looks about sixteen or seventeen years old, with short brown rebellious hair, two silver rings on her ears and nose, and wears only a black low-cut vest and hot pants . The exposed arms and thighs have large tattoos like oil paintings.

Right now, the girl is holding a cigarette in her mouth, constantly fiddling with the screen of her mobile phone, and after a minute, she asks without looking back: "Zach! Did you get the job done?"

"Rest assured, Clara, it's all done. I promise, no matter what the bullshit government does, it's going to come back in the end." Another A young man in his twenties with exploding muscles all over his body was replied with excitement.

"Fantastic! Then let's see if the government idiots will pay the ransom obediently and honestly, or will they just send special forces to grab it."

The tone of the girl called Clara was full of contempt and disdain for the French government and military.

Just as she took a deep breath on the cigarette in her mouth, she suddenly heard a stranger's voice behind her.

"If I were a high-level French government, I would not negotiate with you, much less pay the ransom. Instead, I would immediately launch a small nuclear bomb and send you and the president to the sky. Afterwards Put all the blame on you, and even slander that you used nuclear warheads that you stole from somewhere to create a horrific terrorist attack. Of course, it would be even better if you added a little sensational public opinion. , For example, the president resisted desperately, until the last of his life did not yield to the terrorists."

With the last word blurted out, Alan appeared out of thin air in front of this group of young men and women.

To be honest, he really didn't expect this group of aliens, who had not awakened their abilities for a long time, to dare to play such a big game as soon as they made a move.

The supreme leader of France, one of the five permanent members, was kidnapped for ransom!

This is what carbon-based organisms can come up with?

Sometimes Alan just can't understand what's going on in the brains of these Europeans and Americans.

Although it is common for youngsters to be stupid, it is unprecedented to be so stupid.

Any country with brains will not easily surrender to terrorist organizations, even if it has to suffer a certain degree of loss.

Because once this kind of thing succeeds for the first time, more people will soon follow.

When the time comes, today you tie up a freighter, tomorrow I hijack a plane, and no country can stand such a toss.

This is also why countries are often surprisingly consistent in their response to terrorist kidnapping and extortion.

That is to never negotiate, let alone agree to all unreasonable demands made by the other party, even if it causes all the hostages to die.

“who you are?”

Clara raised upwards from the ground alertly, and slammed her fist into Alan's chin fiercely.

Judging from the response and strength of her punches, as well as the calluses growing around her knuckles, she definitely has practiced boxing or fighting for a while.

If the ordinary person is hit by this fist, I am afraid that they will lose the ability to resist in an instant.

But unfortunately, this very rebellious girl obviously chose the wrong opponent.

When she confidently watched the fist and the opponent's chin get closer and closer, and finally touched each other, she suddenly felt that she was not hitting a fragile chin at all, but a piece. Extremely hard steel.

Because the force area of the mandible is very small, Clara's punch is extraordinarily powerful.

The result was no accident. The finger bone of the hand was broken several times on the spot, making a very crisp sound.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!!! My hand!"

I saw the three bones of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger close to the palm, twisted into a very weird on the spot shape.

The severe pain made her scream like a pig.

In contrast, Alan stood on the spot like a normal person, his whole body didn't even shake, but he asked with great interest: "If you don't mind, can you tell me about yourselves? Ability? I'm curious, what gave you the courage to dare to provoke a nuclear power."

"Be careful! This guy is a person of ability! Let's go together!"

Aware of Alan's danger, Clara immediately pulled back with her broken fingers, and shouted to the others.

In the blink of an eye, these teenagers, who are not more than twenty-two years old, and the youngest may be only fourteen years old, rushed up.

During the sprinting process, the young man named Zack, the muscles of his body soared, forming a layer of incomparably strong muscle armor around his body, and at the same time, his body size also increased from a normal two meters to almost Three meters in height.

With the impact of running, the whole person is like a human tank.

Every time I take a step, I step on the asphalt road on the ground one after another.

"Oh? Is your ability physical enhancement? Interesting..."

Alan's eyes flashed with playful rays of light, and he raised his left arm without hesitation .

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

Zach slammed into it like a speeding locomotive.

The terrifying impact even instantly formed shock waves and gas explosions.

The dust on the surrounding ground was raised several meters high, obscuring everyone's sight.

After all this gradually subsided, everyone present was surprised to find that Alan stood in place completely motionless, blocking Zach, the most powerful and destructive power among them, with only one hand. .

" is this possible!"

The young man stared at the enemy who was close at hand, his face full of unbelievable expressions.

Be aware that he collided head-on with the locomotive and knocked the latter straight off the rails.

"Nothing is impossible. Do you think you are invincible in the whole world with a little superpower? Don't be naive! This world is much bigger than you think, and there are countless people who can easily kill you. ." Saying that, Alan flicked the opponent's forehead at a speed that was almost indistinguishable with naked eyes.


Accompanied by an even more harsh air explosion, Zach flew backwards like a cannonball, fiercely hitting a wall no ten meters away.

The concrete wall that was more than forty centimeters thick collapsed in an instant, and rolled out more than ten meters away before finally stopping.

Aggressive collisions are casually snaps.

However, the former should be stronger and more destructive power.

The scene that happened just now directly overturned the cognition of these three views and became mature teenagers.

So that other people around who still want to perform super power attacks are involuntarily hesitant, and they are no longer as confident in the ability that they have just acquired as before.

Similarly, fear and despair hang over everyone's heart.

No one even knows whether Zach who is in the ruins is alive or dead.

Seeing this group of "little fellows" who turned into frightened birds after a little setback, Alan couldn't help laughing and shook the head, sighing slightly: "Well, your performance really disappointed me. You know what I'm looking forward to, what will be amazing about the organization that dares to kidnap the French president, but now it looks like you're just a bunch of little bastards who don't know the immensity of heaven and earth, and even what do you have to do to do such a thing yourself The consequences of this are not clear."

"wū wū wū wū..."

Hearing someone mentioning himself, Mr. President, who was only wearing a pair of underwear and hung over his head, immediately began to fight violently. Struggling, trying to get Alan's attention.

After all, as the supreme leader of France, he knows the existence of Alan and the Sky City.

I understand what terrifying power this young man who suddenly appeared has in his hands.

Since the other party has appeared, it means that you are out of danger.

It's a pity that Alan has never had any good feelings for these politicians and bureaucrats. He just pretended not to see or hear anything, and came to the rebellious girl each minding their own business. Staring into her frightened eyes, blunt demanded, "Tell me about your abilities."

" ability is to control airflow. Don't kill me! Please! We just If I want to make a big move, I can earn some pocket money for yourself by the way."

Like all "brats" who have made mistakes and are punished by adults, Clara did not dare to do it again this time. Out of any rebellious act, obediently and honestly take his own savage account thoroughly.

Because she was horrified by Alan's unintentional aura.

Although Alan did not reveal the murderous aura accumulated by killing hundreds of millions of lives, he only released a little oppression, which was not something these brats could bear.

Some of the timid ones were already sitting on the ground, shaking slightly uncontrollably.

In their eyes, Alan, who always has a smile on his face, can definitely be called a monster.

"Controlling the airflow? No wonder when you swing your fist, it is heavier and faster than the ordinary person. It turned out to be with the help of the airflow." Alan touched his chin with interest.

Following, he asked the other members of the small gang about their abilities, and found that a boy of about fifteen years old with glasses could actually create a connection between two points out of thin air. space tunnel.

It was with this ability that he successfully kidnapped the French president from his office.

In fact, the original purpose of kidnapping was not for money, but for being famous, showing up in the news and newspapers, and doing things that made friends around him "cool".

And the ransom demanded later was because they happened to watch a movie related to gangsters and suddenly had this idea. ,

As for why gold is needed, of course, it is because there is someone in the team who has the ability to melt all metals.

As long as you get the gold, it will take less than a minute to completely melt into a small portion that the other party does not recognize at all, and then sell it directly to the gold store for money.

Simply put, this shocking case that caused a sensation in the world and even rose to the level of "infringing the law" had neither a well-planned plan nor a conspiracy to subvert the world, just a few brats temporarily. Just make up your mind.

What's even more outrageous is that the supreme leader of France, one of the dignified five permanent councils, was so absurdly tied out, and in a very insulting posture, the melon was in the air, with only one strip on his body. Shorts are a shame.

Looking at the ashen-faced reaction of this Mr. President at this moment, you can see how desperate he is in his heart.

It is foreseeable that in the next election, no one will vote for him in the whole of France.

Because he has become the most humiliating president in French history, no one.

Even the President of Vichy France, who threw himself into the ** during World War II, may be a little more respectable than him.

As for these brats who want to be famous, this time they really got their wish.

After all, in such a big case, the government has to report to the public and the media no matter what...

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