Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1135

"When I hear you say this, I can wait for death with confidence."

Odin stroked his gray hair, with a touch of sadness and emotion in his tone.

For the Asgardians who have lived for thousands of years, he is not as fearful and afraid of death as most mortals.

On the contrary, Odin was able to realize the arrival of death a long time ago, so he made a lot of preparations for it.

Whether it's training Thor as his successor, or training Loki, his adopted son, is part of his larger plan.

And Alan is the last insurance.

When everything is in order, the father of the gods can finally relax, enjoy the last peace in his life, reminisce about his long life, and then unconsciously close his eyes and enter eternal sleep .

The Supreme Master Gu Yi, who was also ready to die, understood Odin's mood very well and asked with a smile, "Do you need my help to send you back to the seaside in Norway? If I don't remember If you're wrong, that was your favorite place back then."

"hahahaha! Yeah! I still remember those brave Vikings who came up to me with axes and broadswords to kill me. It's a pity that the descendants of these brave warriors have lost the fearless spirit of their ancestors." Odin laughed and looked at the head, making no secret of his disappointment.

In fact, when "Bluetooth King" Harald abandoned the traditional beliefs of the Vikings and introduced Christianity, he was quite unhappy in his heart.

It's a pity that at that time he had already decided to change Asgard's national policy and no longer blindly pursue Infinity Stones and unify the Nine Realms.

Otherwise, Odin will let those Christian preachers who are full of greed in their minds understand what God's punishment is.

"Okay, you've complained about this matter more than once. Now, let me take you there."

Speaking, Supreme Master Gu opened the Transmission Gate, sent the king of Asgard back to his favorite beach, who had sneaked up to Earth to wait for his death.

And after Odin returned to the sea, each minding their own business walked to the edge of the cliff, looking down at the turbulent waters, as if returning to the scene when the Vikings dominated the whole of Europe.

For him, that was Earth's best time.

Especially the Viking warrior with a straightforward personality, every day in addition to drinking is fighting, his body is full of male hormones.

Don't look at Odin in his later years, giving people a very rational and wise feeling, but his personality when he was young is actually almost exactly the same as Thor.

Of course, now he's just an old fogey about to die.

As long as the surrounding environment is quiet, the memories in the brain will rise in the mind uncontrollably, and it is impossible to distinguish whether you are in an illusion or reality.

Seeing Odin senile's appearance, Gu Yi couldn't help but sigh softly: "Time is really a terrifying thing. You never know, when I first met him, this How powerful and arrogant is the king of Asgard who calls himself the father of the gods. But now, he has become a completely different person."

"Are you too?" Alan touched the chin Interesting probed.

As an extraordinary being that will never age and die, his age is relatively short, not even a fraction of the powerhouses whose lifespans are measured in thousands of years such as Odin and Gu Yi.

For the time being, it is impossible to understand when a person loses the freshness of everything around him and begins to yearn for the end of his life.

"No, I'm different. I'm just tired of doing this heavy duty endlessly and want a freer way to explore the unknown. If I'm not wrong, you should I have realized this and started to develop my own interests and hobby, right?" Gu Yi asked with a faint smile.

Alan nodded thoughtlessly: "Yes. Be prepared, I don't want to be like you one day."

"You don't need to worry too much about that. . At least in the next thousand years, you should not have similar thoughts and thoughts. After all, you are a dimensional traveler. Once you get tired of one world, you can go to other worlds. In this regard, you and us There is an essential difference. Well, with all that said, it's time to take Stephen Strange to Karma Taj for training. Otherwise, he'll literally starve to death on the street."

When saying this remark. Gu glanced at the mirror used to monitor the strange Academician, with a look of anticipation on his face.

In fact, if it weren't for Alan's emotions, she would have taken action days earlier.

"Please. I'm just a guest, and I'm not qualified to dictate the decisions made by the host." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Soon, under the instruction of Supreme Master, Mordo Baron was almost as easy as blowing off dust in an unremarkable alley and found a pungent sour smell all over his body, like a beggar of Stephen Strange.

Of course, in a way, he is indeed a beggar and has been begging in the streets for a whole month.

Hunger and fatigue almost tortured this social elite who once stood at the top of the pyramid to a disgrace. The originally thin body became extremely thin, and there were large bruises on his face and arms.

You don't need to ask to know that these scars are the result of being beaten by other beggars.

After all, Stephen Strange is a typical white European and American. He is not familiar with this place in Nepal. It would be strange if he did not get beaten.


Those who beat people also understand that killing this white man will definitely attract the attention of the embassy, the government and the police, so they generally don't hit too hard, just suffer a little bit of flesh and blood. .

And the experience of this period also made him, who was arrogant and arrogant, clearly realize how hard life is for people at the bottom of society.

The cost of going to a high-level restaurant for a meal is worth the other person's living expenses for a few months or even half a year.

Some people, because of hunger and thirst, have to go to the rubbish heap to pick up things that have rotted and eaten, even knowing that doing so will cause all kinds of terrifying diseases.

When Stephen Strange stood in front of Gu Yi again, he was no longer proud and conceited, and bowed respectfully and bowed deeply: "Hello, Supreme Master Your Excellency. I came to you according to the original agreement."

"You seem to have changed a lot?" Gu Yi asked, staring at the other party's eyes full of vicissitudes.

"Yes. I used to be fearless because of ignorance, and now I have learned to be in awe because I have seen many things I have never seen before." Stephen Strange replied with a wry smile.

"Ah! Setbacks and experiences, these are indeed things that can grow and mature. I'm glad to see you mature. If I remember correctly, for To restore those proud hands, seven difficult operations have been performed. Tell me, are you still eager to restore them?" Gu Yi had a meaningful smile on his face.

"Of course! That's one of my reasons for coming here, and it was my only purpose." Stephen Strange answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

Gu Yi gently nodded: "Very good! Then first, let's confirm whether your cognition can meet my requirements."

"Cognition?" Stephen Strange subconsciously frowned.

Because he is not sure whether the cognition of the magical world is the same as his medical cognition.

"That's right! You don't think anyone can become one of us, right?"

Speaking, Gu Yi picked up a book, Shows a Far Ancient Era, a structural diagram of human cognition of the body.

"What do you think of it?"

"Uh...great picture, I've seen it in some gift shops." Stephen Strangejohn Resisting the desire to complain, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

After all, before the rise of modern anatomy, human beings actually did not have a very clear concept of their own body structure, let alone what role each organ plays.

Almost all ancient medical books are essentially abstract understandings and summaries of experience.

So for a surgeon like him, not laughing right away was considered restraint.

Gu Yi obviously observed the other party's reaction, turned the page again, showed a picture of acupuncture and continued to ask: "What about this one?"

"Acupuncture? Not bad! Although there is still a lot of controversy in the medical community, it is much stronger than the previous one."

The second picture obviously makes Stephen Strange's face look better. Few, even a little heartfelt compliment.

But the next second, he froze in place.

Because the third picture shows, no longer those ancient medical theories and techniques, but a standard MRI picture.

"Are you showing me the MRI picture?" Stephen asked with raised eyebrows.

It could be seen that he was a little angry, or that he felt offended and insulted.

After all, as a Peak surgeon, he has seen too many MRIs in his life, and it is easier to find the problem than to eat and drink.

Admiring the annoyed appearance of the strange Academician, Gu Yi explained with a smile: "Every picture you just saw represents the progress of human medicine. Simply put, the person who drew these pictures Man, you only see part of the world, not the whole picture. Like them, you are a person who is peering into the world through a keyhole, and you have been trying to expand that keyhole throughout your life. You are eager to see more, to know More, learn more..."

"Damn! What are you trying to say?" Stephen Strange scratched his head frantically.

"I'd say if you want to learn magic, be prepared to face the fact that this keyhole can expand infinitely, in a way that is unimaginable to you. In a way It can even be said to be subversive. For example, abandon the materialism you believe in and learn how to use the power of the spirit to control everything. Are you ready?" Gu Yi asked directly and directly.

"no! impossible! This world and you and I are made of matter! There is a so-called spirit strength that is impossible, and those magics should be just some kind of energy, energy that can be manipulated by humans." Stephen · Strange retorted excitedly.

Energy is both matter and matter is energy.

The two are interchangeable.

In his eyes, no matter whether it is magic or the super power of aliens, they should follow the above two basic principles.

"Oh? Really..."

Gu Yi suddenly showed a chilling smile, followed by raising his hand and pushing hard.


Steven Strange only felt that his body flew backwards completely uncontrollably, passing through the walls and roofs, as if unconstrained by neutrality, and in just a few seconds Arrived in space beyond the atmosphere.

But the next second...

He was pushed through a Space-Time Tunnel by some force, reaching some unknown territory.

At a glance, there are brilliant colors everywhere, and things that I have never seen or know are energy or matter.

The boundaries between reality and fantasy become extremely blurred here, and the so-called common sense is even more ravaged.

But for some reason, Stephen Strange could always hear Gu Yi's voice in his ears.

"You think you understand how the world works, do you think the physical universe is all?

What is real?

When your senses can't reach Where do we go, what other mysteries are there?

At the root of all existence, thinking and matter meet, and finally thinking shapes reality.

The universe we live in is nothing but a One of countless universes.

Endless worlds!

Some are as full of civilization and order as you think they are, while others are full of chaos and war.


In the darkest places there are even forces older than time.

The multiverse is so vast, Mr. Strange, do you really know who you are ?"

With the last word blurted out, another powerful force forcibly dragged Stephen from the strange and magnificent multiverse, directly back to the small room of Kama Taj, and fell with a thud On the ground, a chair was smashed.

At this moment, his heartbeat was even faster than the jump he had just finished running a marathon, and his whole body was shaking violently uncontrollably.

Because what he saw just now really surpassed the limit of his cognition.

There are some things that I can't help but feel terrified of, even in retrospect.



Still unknown!

Exactly, there was nothing he could comprehend during this brief journey.

Similarly, Stephen Strange realized how powerful and terrifying the Supreme Master standing in front of him was.

Just as he was struggling to get up from the ground, Gu Yi suddenly asked in a slightly mocking tone, "Are you sure you've seen these in the gift shop?"

tone barely fell!

Another person came in from outside, clapping his hands and complimenting: "Great live teaching! It seems that no one on Earth can surpass you when it comes to teaching Disciple."


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