Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1136

"Hehe, that's too much. Compared to your technique of directly instilling knowledge into other people's brains, what I just did was just a little trick." Gu Yi had a faint smile on his face, very modest. said.

Alan gently shook the head and explained, "No, I think you misunderstood. I'm not referring to astral projection magic, but you subvert what others have built over several decades in a split second. worldview, values and perception of the world and the universe. It's not easy to know, especially for a die-hard like Stephen Strange."

"It' How are you? It will be here!"

After the strange Academician saw Alan, the whole person suddenly became extremely nervous, and the damaged hands were shaking slightly uncontrollably.

He will never forget that the young man in front of him had rejected his request for help, and had deeply injected the emotion of despair into his soul.

If it wasn't for his unwillingness to admit defeat, he might have committed suicide.

"Why can't I be here? Where do you think Kama Taj is? This is Earth's magic Holy Land, where all mages can come to learn and communicate. I am also a magist, of course there are The qualifications are here." Alan responded casually.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the other party, the original unhappiness and disgust in his heart subsided a lot.

After all, Stephen Strange is just a high-level wage earner who is controlled and brainwashed by capital, and he is not a capitalist.

This guy has grown up in such an environment since he was a child, and will inevitably be affected by those distorted values.

This is very similar to Tony Stark's upbringing.

Both are equally brimming over with talent, equally arrogant and supercilious, and both stand at the top of their respective fields.

It's just that after Tony Stark came to his senses, he resolutely gave up his identity as a capitalist and stood up and chose to take responsibility.

Almost every time innocent people are threatened, he has a strong tendency to self-sacrifice.

It was like carrying a nuclear missile through a wormhole in the Battle of New York in the original plot, and it was like snapping your fingers to kill Thanos at the end.

Whenever someone needs to make a sacrifice, he is always the first to stand up.

Stephen Strange is just the opposite.

He is a calm and rational person who is almost ruthless.

Always stand in the most rational angle to analyze the situation and make the most favorable decision, without considering other people's feelings at all.

And the Supreme Master just needs this kind of absolutely rational trait.

"Okay, don't scare him anymore." Gu Yi reminded helplessly.


Stephen Strange grasped a key word keenly.

"Yes." Gu Yi smiled nodded. "Don't worry, Kama Taj is my site, he's just a guest and can't decide whether you go or stay."

"so that's how it is..."

Hearing this sentence, Stephen Strange sighed in relief instantly.

No way!

He was really scared by Alan's method of giving hope first, and then killing it with his own hands.

In other words, any normal person who is played like this once will inevitably have a lifetime of psychological shadows.

If you replace it with someone with a slightly poorer psychological quality, you might just commit suicide.

"Don't say I'm like a devil." Alan said jokingly with a smile.

To tell the truth, he really liked the reaction of the strange Academician's expression frozen on his face the moment he saw him.

"No! You're a devil!"

Stephen Strange growled inwardly.

He didn't realize that in front of a powerhouse like Gu Yi and Alan who were good at reading thoughts, even a fleeting thought would shine like a bright light in the dark night.

"Interesting! Do you really think I'm a devil?"

Alan suddenly appeared behind the other party at some point, with undisguised playfulness in his tone.

His move instantly made Stephen Strange jump up from the ground in fright, and quickly denied it: "I'm not! I don't! Don't guess."

"Guess? It seems that the trip just now has not made you realize how far magic can be done, has it?"

When talking about this remark, Alan's eyes lit up. Flashing dangerous rays of light.

Apparently, he also wanted to give the Strange Academician a little surprise.

Unfortunately, before he could take any practical action, Gu Yi immediately interrupted: "Enough is enough, don't make fun of him, there is not much time left for us."

"Okay, it's on your face." Alan shrugged his shoulders with regret. "Sorry, it looks like our little game is coming to an end. Maybe the next time we meet, you and I will both have to put up with each other to deal with the impending crisis."

"What What do you mean?"

Stephen Strange narrowed his eyes cautiously.

He didn't think this sentence was just casual, but had a deeper meaning.

"It's useless to say more, you'll know when the time comes."

Alan left a meaningful expression and immediately opened the Transmission Gate disappeared without a trace.

"Who is he? Why does he seem so reckless, as if he has no scruples." Stephen Strange tried to find the answer from the Supreme Master.

Gu Yiwei sighed replied: "His name is Alan, he is a dimension traveler. Of course, now he is a dimension Demon God, even stronger and more powerful than any dimension Demon God I know. He has potential. A life like him no longer needs to be afraid of anything, but someone else should be afraid of him. I suggest you, it is best to forget your previous unhappiness. Because for Kama Taj, he is a An inescapable character is also an indispensable ally."

"Dimension Demon God?" Stephen Strange flashed a strange color in his eyes.

"That's right! Remember I mentioned earlier about a force older than time? The Dimensional Demon God is one of them. They are free from the constraints of Time and Space, even at infinite distances It is also the only existence in the universe. You can understand that each of them dominates a dimension, and even if our universe goes extinct, it will not have any effect on them. The most terrifying thing about Alan is that he did not discover and dominate A certain dimension, but created your own dimension with the help of some special power. Of course, it is too early for you to touch these things, and then you have to start from scratch.”

Said After all, Gu Yi gave Moru standing beside him a wink.

The latter understood and immediately took Stephen Strange to an empty room to settle down.

There is no doubt that Kama Taj's humble wood house is absolutely incomparable to a mansion worth several millions of dollars in New York.

And the bed is also a hard wooden bed. People who are used to sleeping on a soft bed will definitely have a backache when they lie down and sleep for one night.

In the past, Stephen Strange would probably ask the other party to change him to a better room.

But now, after being a beggar for more than a month, he is no longer so picky, and is even very satisfied that it is not the kind of dormitory where several people live together.

"This is your room. You can rest and meditate here, if you can meditate. When it's time for class, the Ancient One will send someone to find you." A note with letters written on it was handed over.

Stephen Strange glanced at it in his hand and asked with a puzzled face, "What is this? My incantation?"

"no! That's the password of the unlimited network. After all, we mages are not primordial people." Mordo made a joke with a sense of humor, and then closed the door and turned away.

But he didn't know that his joke wasn't funny at all.

Because Stephen Strange sold all his electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and tablets, for food and water during his month as a beggar.

I don't even have a charger all over my body right now.

That is to say, he has the network password, but he has no terminal to connect to.

What's more tragic than having a computer and cell phone and no internet?

The answer is that there is a network, but no mobile phone and computer.

It's a sad story.

But Stephen Strange doesn't care about that.

Because he's not a fat man who stays at home all day, he can't live after he leaves to play.

On the contrary, he is now in an inexplicable ecstasy.

After so much ordeal, I was finally allowed to learn the most esoteric magic.

With excitement and anticipation, Stephen Strange took a quick shower, threw away all the odorous clothes, and then lay on the hardwood bed and fell asleep.

At the same time, on the other side, Mordo has caught up with Alan who is eating food on the streets of Kathmandu through teleportation magic.

The man didn't hide anything, he put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply: "Good evening, Your Excellency Alan. If you don't mind, can I take your time?"

"Yes! Just tell me if you have anything."

Alan raised his head and drank the lamb soup in the bowl, handed a banknote of the largest denomination to the paving boss, and signaled Keep the change, please.

"I want that Book of Uninscribed Spells!" Mordo lifted the head sharply, with a strong desire in his eyes.

Because in this book, he saw more, stronger and newer magic systems.

If you can learn and learn from it, you will definitely be able to greatly improve your strength.

"Do you know about Supreme Master Gu's attitude towards the "Book of No Inscriptions"?" Alan asked meaningfully.

Mordu hesitated for a moment, then quickly nodded: "Of course! Master Supreme thinks this book is too dangerous, especially the part involving the soul and Death Power. But she also said that the power this thing , it's never good or bad. I believe I can handle it."

"Hehe, I appreciate your courage. Well, then I'll lend you some time. Remember, you're only here for a week. Learning and reading are not allowed to be copied or copied in any form. How much you can learn depends on your ability."

Speaking, Alan directly inserted his hand into the alien connected to the treasure house of the sky city. In the space, he took out the "Book without Inscriptions" from inside.

Looking at this magic book of his yearn for something even in dreams, Mordo suddenly became very excited, hugged him tightly, his face full of joy and gratitude: "Thank you! I swear I will never forget this kindness."

"I hope you can make good use of the power inside. You must know the magic of rank, but it has never been associated with kindness, and some things even violate the taboos of life. . Once you choose to use it, it will inevitably start to fall." Alan shares a new reminder.

"Understood! I will be extra cautious."

Mordo didn't know if he really listened, and after bowing again, he returned to his residence.

At this moment, his brain was so excited that he didn't even feel sleepy, so he opened the "No Inscription Book" and started eagerly learning the magic that he was interested in.

Mordu didn't know, he left with the book on his front foot, Gu Yi found Alan on the back foot, and frowned and asked, "Why did you lend him that book?"

"Relax, there's no need to be so nervous. I lent Mordo the Book of No Inscriptions, and of course I lent it to Stephen Strange, creating a balance. Ultimately, the timeline doesn't happen Any changes," Alan explained with a smile.

"Damn! Are you using balance to strengthen Earth's magical power?"

Gu Yi is indeed the holder of the Time Stone, and he "sees" the future. .

There is no doubt that Mordo will be the enemy of the Strange Academician in the future, but he is still a member of Earth.

If a foreign enemy invades, then he is very likely to join forces with Stephen Strange on the side of mankind.

"Yes! Don't you think it's too lonely to have only one Karma Taj on Earth. I hope there will be at least two or three magical organizations in the future. Among them Tony Stark and The apprentices he taught are one faction, Kama Taj is one faction, and Mordo can use the step magic he learned from the "Uninscribed Book" to form his own faction. There is cooperation and competition between them, and they can maximize the Limit the speed of development of magic."

Alan didn't hide anything, and spoke out his thoughts generously.

Gu Yi obviously didn't like this situation beyond his control, so he immediately used the power of the time gem to peek into the future, and finally let out a helpless sigh.

"Alas - well, for the sake of the results, I'm not going to bother you. Remember, I hope this is the last time you're going to disrupt the timeline significantly. At least I'll stay where I am until I die."

"What about after you die?" Alan asked with a sneer.

"After I die, the next Supreme Master will naturally be the one to worry about."

When he said this remark, Gu Yi's eyes flashed with relief.

She wanted to know exactly how Stephen Strange would approach Alan.

You must know that Alan is no longer a rookie who has just arrived in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will be imprisoned in the time loop by the Time Stone...

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